a look-see
*a look-see
Rur. a look at someone or something; a peek. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~; take ~.)
A: Do you think they have finished painting your office yet? B: Let's go down there and take a look-see.
- abut
- accrue to so or sth
- a chunk of change
- acquit so of sth
- acquire
- advise so against doing sth
- after a fashion
- agreement
- agree with so
- a head
- a horse of another color
- a house of ill repute
- aid and abet so
- aim sth at so or sth
- a lead-pipe cinch
- A leopard cannot change his spots.
- align sth with sth
- alive and kicking
- (all) over again
- all spruced up
- ally (oneself) (with so) (against so or sth)