a ladies' man
a ladies' man
Fig. a man who likes the company of women and whose company is liked by women, the suggestion being that he likes to flirt with them.
John is a real ladies' man. He hates all-male parties.
The new boss is always f lirting with the women in the office. He's a bit of a ladies' man.
- about one's business
- act in earnest
- adore so for doing sth
- a fool's paradise
- a free translation
- a frog in one's throat
- ahead of time
- A hedge between keeps friendship green.
- a helping hand
- a hold on so
- a landslide victory
- a legend in one's own (life)time
- a leg up
- all ears
- a loose cannon
- amble
- a mean streak
- an act of God
- and so on
- a notch above (so or sth)
- appear as sth