accompany so on a journey
accompany someone on a journey
1. [for someone] to go with someone on a trip, journey, adventure, etc.
Would you please accompany me on my next trip?
2. [for something] to be brought with someone on a trip, journey, etc.
My cameras always accompany me on my travels.
- accommodate so with sth
- a fine kettle of fish
- ahead (of so or sth)
- ahead of sth
- aid and abet so
- aim sth at so or sth
- air sth out
- allot
- and change
- annex sth to sth
- Any friend of so('s) (is a friend of mine).
- any old thing
- Anything new down your way?
- a pain in the ass
- a perspective on sth
- a poster child (for sth)
- appear to the naked eye
- append
- appertain to sth
- apron
- arbitrate in a dispute