ain't particular
ain't particular
1. Rur. doesn't or don't care.
Tom: Would you rather have ice cream or cheese on your apple pie? Mary: Whatever you're having. I ain't particular.
2. Rur. doesn't or don't have a preference.
Jane ain't particular. She'll use any old brand of soap.
- accident
- act young at heart
- adapt sth from sth
- admire so for sth
- affair
- a foot in both camps
- a hand in sth
- ahead of time
- air one's grievances
- a kind of sth
- a ladies' man
- alight from sth
- allot
- all over creation
- all the rage
- all told
- a look-see
- alternate with sth
- always chasing rainbows
- A man's home is his castle.
- a mental block (against sth)