a household name
*a household name and *a household word
Fig. well known by everyone; commonly and widely known. (*Typically: be ~; become ~; make something ~.)
I want my invention to become a household word.
Some kid named Perry Hodder has become a household name!
- adjourn for a time
- a feeling about sth
- a fix on sth
- a freeze on doing sth
- a free ride
- agree
- a heartbeat away from being sth
- air one's belly
- a lick and a promise
- alight
- all dressed up and nowhere to go
- (all) in one breath
- all right
- all the marbles
- (almost) jump out of one's skin
- a matter of opinion
- American as apple pie
- Am I right?
- A miss is as good as a mile.
- among
- an elegant sufficiency