all the marbles
*all the marbles
Fig. all the winnings, spoils, or rewards. (*Typically: end up with ~; get ~; win ~; give someone ~.)
Somehow Fred always seems to end up with all the marbles. I don't think he plays fair.
- a day person
- affix sth to so or sth
- a force to be reckoned with
- a game that two can play
- agenda
- a grip on oneself
- a heap sight
- a heartbeat away from being sth
- a hole in the wall
- a jack of all trades is a master of none.
- alarm
- align
- aloft
- along in years
- along with so or sth
- a loose cannon
- a love-hate relationship
- amount
- a multitude of sins
- an act of war
- and so on