a free ride
a free ride
1. Lit. a ride to somewhere for which no payment is demanded.
I got a free ride from a truck driver who was headed for town.
I won't call a taxi when I can get a free ride.
2. Fig. an easy time; participation without contributing anything.
You've had a free ride long enough. You have to do your share of the work now.
No more free rides around here. Get off your duff and get a job!
- account
- accustomed to so or sth
- act like oneself again
- advance (up)on so or sth
- a feather in one's cap
- a fresh start
- agenda
- a grain of truth
- a kick in the guts
- alight (up)on so or sth
- all at once
- all the way live
- a lost cause
- alternate
- always chasing rainbows
- a man after my own heart
- a mouth full of South
- and them
- An eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth).
- an inside job
- answer so's purpose