adjust (oneself) to so or sth
adjust (oneself) to someone or something
to make changes in one's opinion or attitude toward someone or something, such as a change in one's life or environment.
Can't you adjust yourself to your new office?
- accuse
- add sth together
- (a little) new to (all) this
- (all) at sea (about sth)
- all in one piece
- all sweetness and light
- All the best to so.
- all the livelong day
- all things to all men
- a matter of opinion
- a millstone about one's neck
- Am I my brother's keeper?
- another pair of eyes
- A picture is worth a thousand words.
- appear
- appear in sth
- appoint so to sth
- arbitrate between so and so else
- a put-up job
- a (real) go-getter
- (Are you) going my way?