A picture is worth a thousand words.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Prov. Pictures convey information more efficiently and effectively than words do.
It's much easier to learn how machines work by looking at pictures, rather than by hearing someone describe them. A picture is worth a thousand words.
The newspaper editor decided to devote more space to photographs of the disaster than to text, since a picture is worth a thousand words.
- a crying need (for so or sth)
- a few bricks short of a load
- affix one's signature to sth
- a go at sth
- a hell of a mess
- ain't got the sense God gave geese
- air one's paunch
- a ladies' man
- (a little) new to (all) this
- all better (now)
- all over hell and half of Georgia
- all the same
- all walks of life
- aloof from so or sth
- a lump in one's throat
- an act of war
- an itching palm
- an open-and-shut case
- an open mind
- another country heard from
- appeal (to a court) (for sth)