ahead (of so or sth)
*ahead (of someone or something)
farther forward than someone or something. (*Typically: be ~; get ~; keep ~; remain ~; stay ~.)
I managed to get ahead of everyone else in line and get tickets for everyone.
Try to stay ahead of that big truck we just passed.
- a crash course in sth
- act up
- A fool and his money are soon parted.
- a fire under so
- A good time was had by all.
- ain't fittin' to roll with a pig
- alike as (two) peas in a pod
- (all) for the best
- allow so or sth into a place
- all tore up (about sth)
- alphabet soup
- always
- amble
- amuse so with sth
- ant
- a parting of the ways
- a pat answer
- A place for everything, and everything in its place.
- apply within
- argue so into doing sth
- around so or sth