a pain in the ass
a pain in the ass and a pain in the butt; a pain in the rear
Fig. a very annoying thing or person. (Crude. Potentially offensive. Use only with discretion. An elaboration of pain. Use caution with ass. Butt is less offensive. Rear is euphemistic.)
That guy is a real pain in the ass.
Things like that give me a pain in the butt.
- a crying need (for so or sth)
- a double whammy
- affirmative
- a fool's paradise
- a game that two can play
- agitate for sth
- ah
- ahead of schedule
- aim for sth
- all kinds of so or sth
- all to the good
- a lot of
- a lot of nerve
- a lump in one's throat
- a meeting of the minds
- a mell of a hess
- an act of God
- An empty sack cannot stand upright.
- animal
- (another) nail in so's or sth's coffin
- An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit.