As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined.
As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined.
Prov. A grown person will act the way he or she was taught to act as a child.
Alice's parents thought it was cute when she threw tantrums, and you'll notice that she still throws tantrums now that she's grown up. As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined.
Don't encourage your son to be so greedy. As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined.
- accommodate
- Adam
- a dressing-down
- affix one's signature to sth
- agree to disagree
- a kick in the ass
- a line on so or sth
- A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
- a (little) short on one end
- all night long
- allow so up (from sth)
- all talk (and no action)
- all the way
- almighty
- a mouth full of South
- annex sth to sth
- an old warhorse
- (another) nail in so's or sth's coffin
- answer the call (of nature)
- a number of things or people
- a photo op(portunity)