a photo op(portunity)
a photo op(portunity)
a time or event designed for taking pictures of a celebrity.
All the photographers raced toward a photo op with the president.
- acquainted with so
- A golden key can open any door.
- a good sport
- a grandfather clause
- agree (up)on so or sth
- A heavy purse makes a light heart.
- aim sth at so or sth
- ain't fittin' to roll with a pig
- all and sundry
- allow some elbow room
- (all) set (to do sth)
- all the more reason for doing sth
- ally oneself to so or sth
- along
- alphabet
- a marriage made in heaven
- a matter of opinion
- a middle ground
- and that's a fact
- animal
- announce sth to so