arrive (some place) in sth
arrive (some place) in something
to reach or come to a place in a particular kind of vehicle.
They arrived here in their car.
We arrived at the museum in a bus.
- above and beyond (sth)
- act sth out
- adhere to sth
- admit so (in)to some place
- adorn so or sth with sth
- a far cry from sth
- afflict so with sth
- a fresh pair of eyes
- after so or sth
- a hell of a mess
- (a)hold of so or sth
- alley
- all over creation
- all over town
- all sweetness and light
- all the same
- a Mecca for so
- Am I my brother's keeper?
- an act of God
- An army marches on its stomach.
- Anything new down your way?