a ripple of excitement
a ripple of excitement
a series of quiet but excited murmurs.
A ripple of excitement spread through the crowd.
As the president came near, a ripple of excitement indicated that people could really see him.
- adapt sth from sth
- a feeling about sth
- a free ride
- ahead of sth
- a hotbed of sth
- a hue and cry
- a little bit (of sth)
- a (little) short on one end
- a little steep
- a little white lie
- (all) over again
- allow so or sth in
- all right
- (all) set (to do sth)
- ally (oneself) (with so) (against so or sth)
- almost
- along similar lines
- alpha
- alternate
- a match made in heaven
- Am I glad to see you!