appeal (to a court) (for sth)
appeal (to a court) (for something)
to plead to a court of appeals for a favorable ruling.
She appealed to the court for a retrial.
She appealed for an injunction to the circuit court.
She appealed for a retrial.
- abound with so or sth
- abstain
- acquit
- adhere to sth
- after
- after the fashion of so or sth
- again
- a goner
- A hedge between keeps friendship green.
- aid
- a king's ransom
- a leg up on so
- (all) kidding aside
- all the more reason for doing sth
- all things to all men
- all wool and no shoddy
- a lucky break
- an act of faith
- anchor
- an end in itself
- another pair of eyes