a leg up on so
*a leg up on someone
Fig. an advantage that someone else does not have. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.)
I have a leg up on Walter when it comes to getting around town, since I have a car.
I want to practice indoors all winter and get a leg up on Ken, since he thinks he can beat me at tennis.
- acclimate so or an animal to sth
- act in earnest
- affiliate (so or sth) to so or sth
- a fix on sth
- a go at sth
- agog
- a good bet
- a hold on so
- a horse of a different color
- aim for the sky
- A liar is not believed (even) when he tells the truth.
- align sth with sth
- (a little) new to (all) this
- all by one's lonesome
- all kinds of so or sth
- all the marbles
- all the rage
- all thumbs
- all tore up (about sth)
- alpha and omega
- a lucky streak