after a fashion
After a storm comes a calm.
after all
after hours
after so or sth
after the fact
after the fashion of so or sth
after the style of so or sth
After while(, crocodile).
After you.
ask after so
chase after so or sth
chase around after so or sth
come after so or sth
day after day
The devil looks after his own.
flock after so or sth
follow after the style of so or sth
follow on (after so or sth)
get after so
go after so
go after so or sth or an animal
grope after so or sth
hanker after so or sth
head out after so or sth or an animal
hunger after sth
hunt after so or sth
If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
inquire after so
It is easy to be wise after the event.
keep after so (about sth)
linger on (after so or sth)
live happily ever after
live on (after so)
Lock the stable door after the horse is stolen.
look after number one
look after so or sth
lust after so
make (out) after so or sth
a man after my own heart
mop up (after so or sth)
the morning after (the night before)
much sought after
name so after so else
one thing or person after another
pattern sth after sth
pick up after so or sth
pine after so or sth
pine away (after so or sth)
race around (after so or sth)
reach out (after so or sth)
run after so
run around after so or sth
search after so or sth
see after so or sth
seek after so or sth
send after so or sth
send so after so or sth
Shut the stable door after the horse has bolted.
snap back (after sth)
stay after so (about sth)
stay after (so or sth)
stay on (after so or sth)
strain after sth
strive after sth
sweep up after so
tag along (after so)
tail after so
take after so
take off (after so or sth)
take out (after so or sth)
throw good money after bad
time after time
trail (along) (after so or sth)
trot after so
year after year
- abstract sth from so or sth
- a change of pace
- admit
- advise so against doing sth
- a growth experience
- a head
- a late bloomer
- alert so to sth
- all right with so
- a love-hate relationship
- a man of the cloth
- a millstone about one's neck
- any fool thing
- a photo op(portunity)
- a pipe dream
- apprentice
- approach
- a pretty pickle
- a quick temper
- (Are you) sorry you asked?
- argue