and all that jazz
and all that jazz
and all that stuff; and all that nonsense.
I need some glue, paper, string, and all that jazz to make a kite.
She told me I was selfish, hateful, rude, ugly, and all that jazz.
- according to so or sth
- Achilles
- a (damn) sight better
- a Dear John letter
- a doggy bag
- a feel for sth
- afoul
- agitate for sth
- a heap sight
- A liar is not believed (even) when he tells the truth.
- alienate
- a line on so or sth
- (all) dressed up
- (all) for so or sth
- All good things must (come to an) end.
- allow so or sth into a place
- all right with so
- all shook up
- All systems (are) go.
- All that glitters is not gold.
- almighty