a broken reed
a broken reed
an unreliable or undependable person. (On the image of a useless, broken reed in a reed instrument.)
You can't rely on Jim's support. He's a broken reed.
Mr. Smith is a broken reed. His deputy has to make all the decisions.
- add sth into sth
- adjourn
- a dead giveaway
- a dust bunny
- A fool and his money are soon parted.
- after the style of so or sth
- against so or sth
- agog
- aim for sth
- aim
- air one's belly
- air one's paunch
- a ladies' man
- a late bloomer
- all
- (all) joking aside
- (all) over again
- all things being equal
- all told
- all wool and a yard wide
- almost lost it