any fool thing
Any friend of so('s) (is a friend of mine).
any number of so or sth
any old thing
any port in a storm
any Tom, Dick, and Harry
at any cost
at any rate
by any means
by any stretch of the imagination
cannot see (any) further than the end of one's nose
Don't give me any of your lip!
Don't let it go any further.
Don't take any wooden nickels.
Eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves.
go to any length
A golden key can open any door.
in any case
in any event
in any way, shape, or form
Is there any truth to sth?
(It) doesn't bother me any.
It's an ill wind that blows nobody (any) good.
(It) won't bother me any.
Listeners never hear any good of themselves.
not any hard feelings
not going to win any beauty contests
not on any account
not see any objection (to sth)
not under any circumstances
on any account
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
A thing you don't want is dear at any price.
without any strings attached
- a case of sth
- acid
- acquiesce
- adjourn to some place
- admire to do sth
- adjust sth to sth
- advise so on so or sth
- After a storm comes a calm.
- age out (of sth)
- a hop, skip, and a jump
- a household name
- aisle
- alcohol
- all
- (all) het up
- all things being equal
- amalgamate
- ambulance
- an old warhorse
- a package deal
- appear to be rooted to the spot