a package deal
a package deal
Fig. a collection or group of related goods or services sold as a unit.
I got all these tools in a package deal for only $39.95.
What about giving me all three shirts as a package deal?
- add up (to sth)
- a dose of one's own medicine
- advertise for so or sth
- a far cry from sth
- affiliate (so or sth) to so or sth
- a final fling
- a good sport
- a hard time
- a head
- (a little) new to (all) this
- a little steep
- all in good time
- all walks of life
- alongside
- alternate with sth
- Am I glad to see you!
- amount
- amount to much
- amount to sth
- amount to the same thing
- An army marches on its stomach.