haskell是静态类型,所以会有这样一个问题 class A t where funA :: t -> IO () instance A W where funA w = do bluh w return () ... w…
Haskell 局部函数的类型申明问题
出自 RealWorldHaskell 一练习题: Chapter 4, 97页, 第7题 原题是用 foldr 写 takeWhile。 假如我这样写(初写haskell, 代码不如C写来漂亮,请匆追…
Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP) 2009视频
http://cufp.galois.com/2009/report/report.html 《Real World Haskell》的作者之一Bryan O'Sullivan做的 Keynote…
pattern matching 代码顺序影响运行的效率吗?
代码如下?factorial1 0 = 1factorial1 (n+1) = (n+1) * factorial1 n复制代码factorial2 (n+1) = (n+1) * factorial2 nfactorial2 0 = 1复制代码 以…
求助:谁用过 guile 的线程
SICP 的 3.4 讲并发。虽然习题可以摸黑做,但我还是想用真实的代码来测试一下。 guile 的线程库,其实是 ice-9 的线程库在我这里运行不了,出错信息为…
[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: GHC version 6.12.1
============================================================== The (Interactive) Glasgow Haskell Compiler -- version 6.12.1 ===========…
[三道贩子] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 96
Haskell Weekly News: Issue 96 - December 6, 2008 http://sequence.complete.org/hwn/20081206 这周有意思的东西不少 Haskell haikus. Gwern Branwe…
请教 haskell 中的一个问题
1. 统计一个文件的行数 2. 代码如下: import IO main = do l <- countLineFile "d:/downloads/putstr.hs" putStrLn (show l) …
[三道贩子] Haskell Communities and Activities Report (15th ed., November 2008)
Haskell Communities and Activities Report (15th ed., November 2008) 报告主页:http://www.haskell.org/communities/ 报告本身:http://www.haske…
newtype 问题?
type Parser a = GenParser Char () a newtype GenParser tok st a = Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim.Parser (State tok st …