setf function的问题,谢谢
还是practical common lisp中遇到的 在第十七章的accessor function那一节中 书上说,A SETF function is a way to extend SETF, defining a new kin…
例如 ghc foo.hs 編譯的其間會調用gcc 如果我想向gcc傳遞 "-s" 參數 應該怎樣? 現在只能在編譯出來後再用 strip -s foo.exe…
Haskell Communities and Activities Report (17th ed., November 2009)
[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: Haskell Communities and Activities Report (17th ed., November 2009) ... ovember/021744.…
今天,家里和单位的电脑上都没法使用drscheme了,重装、换4.2版本,杀毒等都没有解决。 显示如下信息死掉: “draw-bitmap in dc:excepted argumet of…
[三道贩子] Haskell Weekly News: June 29, 2009
Haskell Weekly News: June 29, 2009 Announcements ---- jhc 0.6.1. John Meacham announced the releas…
Haskell Communities and Activities Report -- The sixteenth edition (May 2009)
Haskell Communities and Activities Report The sixteenth edition (May 2009)…
Haskell 中的 guards 也可以这样用
通常我们用 guards 来定义函数 例:mySigNum n | n > 0 = 1 | n < 0 = -1 | otherwise = 0复制代码 这样我们调用这…
下载了一个 MIT-Scheme for Win32,完全不会用
开始菜单就一个程序,点开进去以后完全不懂得怎样用。 看起来类似于 Emacs 的界面风格,但是快捷键又不一样。 不知道怎样执行语句,郁闷。…
[Haskell] Darcs 2.4 release announcement
Darcs 2.4 release announcement February 27, 2010 - The darcs team is proud to announce the immediate availability of darcs 2.4. darcs 2.4 co…
[三道贩子] Haskell Weekly News: February 21, 2009
Haskell Weekly News: February 21, 2009 Announcements ---- Cabal- and cabal-install-0.6.2. D…