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绮筵 2025-02-06 07:58:02


    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
            "type": "dart"

Try this:

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
            "type": "dart"

crbug/1173575,已弃用的非JS模块文件。 Chromewebdata/(index)꞉ 5305:9:5551

绮筵 2025-02-06 07:06:56




  1. 继承范围
  • sashit 仅继承给定配方
  • sashit sasenit 在全球范围内继承该类食谱,因此所有配方都可以访问类功能或任务,这意味着如果您在该类中具有主要任务( do_install do_compile ,...),它将影响所有食谱。
  1. 执行
  • sashit 将在解析期间执行类中的任何匿名函数
  • sashit 将忽略类解析过程中的任何匿名函数(检查 link

=“ https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/ref-manual/ref-manual/ref-manual.html#var-inherit >


The difference between inherit and INHERIT is simple and is well explained in the Yocto documentation here:

... using INHERIT to inherit a class effectively inherits the class

So, there are two differences between them:

  1. Inheritance scope:
  • inherit only inherits a class for a given recipe
  • INHERIT inherits the class globally for all recipes, so all recipes have access to the classes functions or tasks, meaning if you have main tasks in that class (do_install, do_compile, ...) it will affect all recipes.
  1. Execution:
  • inherit will execute any anonymous function in the class during parsing
  • INHERIT will ignore any anonymous function in the class during parsing (check link)


You can develop your own class for example having your utility functions and use it globally by multiple recipes rather than inheriting the class for each class.


绮筵 2025-02-06 05:13:53
const object = {
  john: {instrument: 'violin', age: 26},
  bob: {instrument: 'guitar', age: 32},
  numberIDontWant: 2,
  flynn: {instrument: 'piano', age: 3},
  numberIDontWant2: 9

const result = Object.entries(object).reduce((arr, [k, v]) => 
  (typeof v === "object" && arr.push({...v, name:k}), arr)
, []);


const object = {
  john: {instrument: 'violin', age: 26},
  bob: {instrument: 'guitar', age: 32},
  numberIDontWant: 2,
  flynn: {instrument: 'piano', age: 3},
  numberIDontWant2: 9

const result = Object.entries(object).reduce((arr, [k, v]) => 
  (typeof v === "object" && arr.push({...v, name:k}), arr)
, []);



绮筵 2025-02-05 15:46:43


< link href =“ // db.onlinewebfonts.com/c/c/00561b492d88a5287a5287a5287a5def1e83a34882?family = gumela“

just add this in head before your style tag.

<link href="//db.onlinewebfonts.com/c/00561b492d88a5287a5def1e83a34882?family=Gumela" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>


绮筵 2025-02-05 08:40:23

所有LiveWire组件都必须从&lt; div&gt; 开始,并以&lt;/div&gt; 结尾。
实际上,您必须将整个&lt; div&gt; &lt;/div&gt; s纳入单个&lt; div&gt;&gt;/div&lt;/div&gt;

https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/2。 X/故障排除#根元素要发出的

all livewire components must be start with a <div> and end with a </div>.
actually you must wrap the whole <div> and </div> s into a single <div></div>


Laravel Livewire:检测到的LiveWire多个根部元素

绮筵 2025-02-05 05:38:58


result:  1 day, 0:00:00
number of days:  1
TODAY:  2022-05-16T07:15:14.513011-05:00
YESTERDAY:  2022-05-15T07:15:14.513011-05:00


YESTERDAY = arrow.now().shift(days=-1)

YESTERDAY = TODAY.shift(days=-1)

I ran it several times on my system and it always came up with

result:  1 day, 0:00:00
number of days:  1
TODAY:  2022-05-16T07:15:14.513011-05:00
YESTERDAY:  2022-05-15T07:15:14.513011-05:00

Does it get better on your machine if you change

YESTERDAY = arrow.now().shift(days=-1)

to this?

YESTERDAY = TODAY.shift(days=-1)


绮筵 2025-02-05 02:53:18

基于@ferregina Pelona共享的文档。

您可以在Virtual Machine实例(VM)上配置IPv6地址,如果将VM连接到的子网已配置为IPv6范围。首先要做的事情,请确保有一个 ipv6 已配置为网络中。

但是,Google Cloud平台允许用户使用IPv6连接到全局负载平衡器(具有外部IP),但 VPC网络不支持IPv6。

查看此 documentation 在GCP的全球负载均衡器上。

Based on the documemtation shared by @Ferregina Pelona.

You can configure IPv6 addresses on a virtual machine instance (VM) if the subnet that the VM is connected to has an IPv6 range configured. First thing to do, make sure that there is a IPv6 configured into your network.

Though, Google Cloud Platform allows users to connect to Global Load Balancer (this has external IP) using IPv6 but VPC Network DO NOT support IPv6.

Check out this documentation on GCP's Global Load Balancer.

如何在Google Cloud VM实例上分配IPv6

绮筵 2025-02-04 09:59:55

问题可能会导致,因为您想在容器中构建一次parwindcss,但未在此处配置 /安装。在当地,它似乎已经对您有用。因此,您应该遵循以下步骤。

确保您已经通过: SAIL NPM安装已经安装了tailwind和其他依赖关系。

请随时检查是否已通过帆安装了PostCSS ANBD AUTOPREFIXER: SAIL NPM安装-D tailwindcss@最新Postcss@最新AutopRefixer@最新


mix.js("resources/js/app.js", "public/js")
    .postCss("resources/css/app.css", "public/css", [


@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;


The problem probably results because you want to build tailwindcss once in the container but it is not configured / installed there. Locally it seems to work for you already. Therefore, you should go through the following steps.

Make sure that you are already install tailwind and other dependency via: sail npm install.

Check always if you have postcss anbd autoprefixer installed via sail: sail npm install -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest.

Then check your webpack.mix.js file. It have to look like:

mix.js("resources/js/app.js", "public/js")
    .postCss("resources/css/app.css", "public/css", [

Add to your css file this three lines:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Then run sail npm run dev.

Laravel Mix不编译尾风CSS

绮筵 2025-02-04 05:33:02


不幸的是,这是一个令人难以置信的误解。这不是编译器API的工作方式,因此不是Typedoc的工作方式。如果您使用 NPX TSC -P TSCONFIG.JSON 编译项目,则将收到相同的错误。

runtime.ts:93:21-错误ts2322:type'(url:string,init:requestInit)=&gt;承诺'不能分配给类型'{(输入:requestInfo,init?:requestInit | undefined):Promise; (输入:requestInfo,init?:requestInit | undefinited):Promise&lt; ...&gt;; }'。参数的类型“ URL”和“输入”是不兼容的。键入“ requestInfo”不可分配给类型“字符串”。类型“请求”不能分配给'字符串'。 93提取:this.fetchapi,

这表明您有两个定义 fetch 。一种可能是在使用“ dom” lib文件中定义的global fetch ,另一个是在某些软件包中使用一个(node-fetch?)中的一个。您可以尝试配置 lib 编译器选项手动排除DOM DOM类型,可能会解决这一冲突。

I would have expected my import statements to only include the literal type I am importing, and the enums required for the properties.

This is an unfortunately incredibly common misunderstanding. This isn't how the compiler API works, and therefore isn't how TypeDoc works. If you compile your project with npx tsc -p tsconfig.json, you will receive the same errors.

runtime.ts:93:21 - error TS2322: Type '(url: string, init: RequestInit) => Promise' is not assignable to type '{ (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined): Promise; (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined): Promise<...>; }'. Types of parameters 'url' and 'input' are incompatible. Type 'RequestInfo' is not assignable to type 'string'. Type 'Request' is not assignable to type 'string'. 93 fetch: this.fetchApi,

This is an indication that you have two definitions for fetch. One is probably using the global fetch defined in the "dom" lib file, and the other is using one from some package (node-fetch?). You could try configuring the lib compiler option manually to exclude the dom types, which might resolve this conflict.

Typedoc / Typescript编译器在导入类型上丢弃错误

绮筵 2025-02-04 05:07:26

作为一个新手,我现在意识到我没有正确设置标题。由于示例在个人访问令牌之前显示了令牌字符串,因此我将其用作标题键,然后将PAT放入值字段中。 这篇文章帮助我意识到明显的观点,即标头被称为<代码>授权,所以我需要包括在内。因此,我将授权:令牌放在关键字段中,在值字段中的PAT。

但这也不起作用,因为内容正确地不允许键字符串中的结肠。您必须实际上将令牌(带有一个空间)放在值字段中,作为PAT的前缀,该前缀以 GHP _ 开始。值字段的文本被隐藏,因此您可能需要输入令牌GHP _... 在其他地方的字符串,然后将/粘贴复制到内容中。对话框的丑陋ASCII版本如下所示。

tl; dr

Key (required):
[Authorization                ]    

Value (required): 
[token ghp_a1b2c3456...       ]  (<-- this will show as just ****)

Being an auth newbie, I now realize I wasn't setting up the header correctly. Since the examples showed a token string before the personal access token, I used that as the header key, and put the PAT in the value field. This post helped me realize the obvious point that the header is called Authorization, so I needed to include that. So I put Authorization: token in the Key field and the PAT in the Value field.

But that doesn't work either, because Contentful correctly doesn't allow colons in the key string. You have to actually put token (with a space) in the Value field, as a prefix to the PAT, which starts with ghp_. The Value field's text is hidden, so you'll probably want to type out the token ghp_... string somewhere else and copy/paste into Contentful. An ugly ASCII version of the dialog is shown below.


Key (required):
[Authorization                ]    

Value (required): 
[token ghp_a1b2c3456...       ]  (<-- this will show as just ****)


绮筵 2025-02-04 03:46:36


from transformers import TRANSFORMERS_CACHE

import shutil

You can run this code to delete all models

from transformers import TRANSFORMERS_CACHE

import shutil


绮筵 2025-02-04 03:15:29

我用来返回地图&lt; string,object&gt;在控制器中,使用org.json.jsonobject的tomap()方法如下。

public Map<String, Object> getJsonOutput() {       
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
    //construct jsonObject here
    return jsonObject.toMap();

I use to return Map<String,Object> in the Controller by using the toMap() method of org.json.JSONObject as follows.

public Map<String, Object> getJsonOutput() {       
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
    //construct jsonObject here
    return jsonObject.toMap();


绮筵 2025-02-03 13:56:47

@reboot 在启动过程IMHO中还为时过早。您应该创建一个SystemD脚本来等待网络。


sleep 30

until ping -c1 domain.com &>/dev/null; do
    sleep 5


@reboot is too early in boot process IMHO. You should create a systemd script to wait network.

As a workaround, you can add a

sleep 30

or better:

until ping -c1 domain.com &>/dev/null; do
    sleep 5

before your wget


绮筵 2025-02-03 00:04:22





它看起来您正在设置 __ init __ init __()方法中的实例属性,但是将字段声明为类属性。

此示例显示了一种将计算出的字段 Records_by_id 添加到 ExtendedTable 并使用 ExtendedTable in extendedGlobals

# File: extensions.py
import json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from pydantic import Field, validator

from datamodel import Globals, Record, Table

class ExtendedTable(Table):
    # New fields are declared as class attributes not as instance attributes inside the __init__()
    # Calculated fields usually have a default value or default factory so that you don't have to provide a value
    # I prefer a default_factory for mutable values
    records_by_id: Dict[int, Record] = Field(default_factory=dict)

    # A validator can populate a calculated field
    # Use always=True to run the validator even if a value is not supplied and the default value is used
    @validator("records_by_id", always=True)
    def _calculate_records_by_id(
        cls, value: Dict[int, Record], values: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Dict[int, Record]:
        records: Optional[List[Record]] = values.get("records")
        if records is None:
            # The records field was not valid
            # Return value or raise a ValueError instead if you want
            return value
        return {record.id: record for record in records}

class ExtendedGlobals(Globals):
    # You can change the type of a field in a subclass if you declare the field again
    table: ExtendedTable

if __name__ == "__main__":
    records = """
        "table": {
            "records": [{"id": 0, "name": "A"}, {"id": 1, "name": "B"}]

    content = json.loads(records)
    extended_globals = ExtendedGlobals.parse_obj(content)


ExtendedGlobals(table=ExtendedTable(records=[Record(id=0, name='A'), Record(id=1, name='B')], records_by_id={0: Record(id=0, name='A'), 1: Record(id=1, name='B')}))

I haven't found a way to make the Globals class use the extended definition of the table

You can change the type of a field in a subclass if you declare the field again using the desired type.

Also, simply adding new fields to the subclass does not seem to work

It looks like you are setting instance attributes in the __init__() method, but fields are declared as class attributes.

This example shows a way to add a calculated field records_by_id to ExtendedTable and use ExtendedTable in ExtendedGlobals:

# File: extensions.py
import json
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from pydantic import Field, validator

from datamodel import Globals, Record, Table

class ExtendedTable(Table):
    # New fields are declared as class attributes not as instance attributes inside the __init__()
    # Calculated fields usually have a default value or default factory so that you don't have to provide a value
    # I prefer a default_factory for mutable values
    records_by_id: Dict[int, Record] = Field(default_factory=dict)

    # A validator can populate a calculated field
    # Use always=True to run the validator even if a value is not supplied and the default value is used
    @validator("records_by_id", always=True)
    def _calculate_records_by_id(
        cls, value: Dict[int, Record], values: Dict[str, Any]
    ) -> Dict[int, Record]:
        records: Optional[List[Record]] = values.get("records")
        if records is None:
            # The records field was not valid
            # Return value or raise a ValueError instead if you want
            return value
        return {record.id: record for record in records}

class ExtendedGlobals(Globals):
    # You can change the type of a field in a subclass if you declare the field again
    table: ExtendedTable

if __name__ == "__main__":
    records = """
        "table": {
            "records": [{"id": 0, "name": "A"}, {"id": 1, "name": "B"}]

    content = json.loads(records)
    extended_globals = ExtendedGlobals.parse_obj(content)


ExtendedGlobals(table=ExtendedTable(records=[Record(id=0, name='A'), Record(id=1, name='B')], records_by_id={0: Record(id=0, name='A'), 1: Record(id=1, name='B')}))


绮筵 2025-02-02 23:19:57


results <- list()
for (V in 1:nrow(df)){
 results[[df$a[V]]] <- myfunction(arg1 = df$b[V], arg2 = df$c[V],
                      arg3 = df$d[V], arg4 = df$e[V])

Something like this perhaps assuming your columns are a, b, c, d, e and dataset is df. Would be better if you provided some data. Gives you a named list of results using V1, V2, etc as the name.

results <- list()
for (V in 1:nrow(df)){
 results[[df$a[V]]] <- myfunction(arg1 = df$b[V], arg2 = df$c[V],
                      arg3 = df$d[V], arg4 = df$e[V])





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