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寻梦旅人 2025-02-11 18:28:51

您想在分开列表之后附加单词 -

imie = []
dlugosc = []
third_list = []
for line in plik:
    for word1, word2, *_ in line.split():

You want to append the words after splitting into separate lists -

imie = []
dlugosc = []
third_list = []
for line in plik:
    for word1, word2, *_ in line.split():


寻梦旅人 2025-02-11 17:39:44



The name of artifacts in a repository is generated out of artifactId and no there is no possibility to change that. If you like or need to change thatyou have to change the artifactId.

For running that on a particular platform I would create a kind of installation package which contains the correctly named artifacts.

为什么Maven修剪“ lib” Java期望此约定链接时,安装本机库时的前缀?

寻梦旅人 2025-02-11 12:52:06
'${fetched_string}'.replaceAll(".", ".\n");


'${fetched_string}'.replaceAll(".", ".\n");

This should replace all fullstops with a full stop and a new line. Please note that it will replace all fullstops. So make sure you don't get fullstops in between sentenses


寻梦旅人 2025-02-11 09:57:08

< v-expansion-panels>始终 < v-expansion-panel>。如果没有< v-expansion-panel>没有< v-expansion-panels> parent( demo 1 )。

如果要嵌套多个< v-expansion-panel> s,则必须在自己的自己的 < v-expansion-panels> gt; parent:


      <!-- NESTED PANELS -->
          <v-expansion-panel-content>I'm a nested panel</v-expansion-panel-content>


<v-expansion-panels> is always the parent component to <v-expansion-panel>. The <v-expansion-panel> cannot be properly rendered without the <v-expansion-panels> parent (demo 1).

If you want to nest multiple <v-expansion-panel>s, they'd have to be in their own <v-expansion-panels> parent:


      <!-- NESTED PANELS -->
          <v-expansion-panel-content>I'm a nested panel</v-expansion-panel-content>


demo 2


寻梦旅人 2025-02-11 04:13:34


findstr REGEX非常有限(残废)。您必须围绕这些限制进行工作,例如搜索三个,四位和五位数字(因为没有{3,5})。



d:\temp>type t.txt
*P1 this line should NOT match - less than three numbers
*C12 this line should NOT match - less than three numbers
*T123456 this line should NOT match - more than five numbers
This line should not match - no asterisk
 * This line should not match because the first character is not an asterisk
*P123 This line should match because it starts with P123 (followed by a space)
*P123This line should not match because there is no space after the P123
*C1234 This line should match ... just like P123 above
*C1234This line should not match ... just like P123This above
*T12345 This line should match ... just like P123 above
*T12345This line should not match ... just like P123This above
*This line should not match because the string *T12345 is not at the beginning of the line
*TX This line should not match because the T is not followed by a number
*CX This line should not match because the C is not followed by a number
*PX This line should not match because the P is not followed by a number
* This line should NOT match because the Asterisk is followed by only one Space
*  This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space
*   This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space
*    This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space
*     This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space Space
*      This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space Space Space
*C456... This line should not match because of the three dots (ie there is no space after the C456)
*T999 Bottom line ... 9 of the lines in this file should match (including this line)


d:\temp>type t.txt |  findstr /rc:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9] " /c:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] " /c:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] "  /c:"^\*  "
*P123 This line should match because it starts with P123 (followed by a space)
*C1234 This line should match ... just like P123 above
*T12345 This line should match ... just like P123 above
*  This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space
*   This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space
*    This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space
*     This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space Space
*      This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space Space Space
*T999 Bottom line ... 9 of the lines in this file should match (including this line)


d:\temp>type t.txt |  findstr /rvc:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9] " /c:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] " /c:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] "  /c:"^\*  "
*P1 this line should NOT match - less than three numbers
*C12 this line should NOT match - less than three numbers
*T123456 this line should NOT match - more than five numbers
This line should not match - no asterisk
 * This line should not match because the first character is not an asterisk
*P123This line should not match because there is no space after the P123
*C1234This line should not match ... just like P123This above
*T12345This line should not match ... just like P123This above
*This line should not match because the string *T12345 is not at the beginning of the line
*TX This line should not match because the T is not followed by a number
*CX This line should not match because the C is not followed by a number
*PX This line should not match because the P is not followed by a number
* This line should NOT match because the Asterisk is followed by only one Space
*C456... This line should not match because of the three dots (ie there is no space after the C456)

(注意:i使用的懒惰[0-9]可以给出错误的阳性(2 /代码>而是)

I added some lines to the test file for completeness.

findstr REGEX is very limited (crippled). You have to work around those restrictions e.g. search for three, four and five digits explicitly (as there is no {3,5}).

^ is for "beginning of line", the * has to be escaped (with a \) because it has a special meaning (zero or more of the previous char) and you have to use /c to take care of the space(s)

extended test file:

d:\temp>type t.txt
*P1 this line should NOT match - less than three numbers
*C12 this line should NOT match - less than three numbers
*T123456 this line should NOT match - more than five numbers
This line should not match - no asterisk
 * This line should not match because the first character is not an asterisk
*P123 This line should match because it starts with P123 (followed by a space)
*P123This line should not match because there is no space after the P123
*C1234 This line should match ... just like P123 above
*C1234This line should not match ... just like P123This above
*T12345 This line should match ... just like P123 above
*T12345This line should not match ... just like P123This above
*This line should not match because the string *T12345 is not at the beginning of the line
*TX This line should not match because the T is not followed by a number
*CX This line should not match because the C is not followed by a number
*PX This line should not match because the P is not followed by a number
* This line should NOT match because the Asterisk is followed by only one Space
*  This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space
*   This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space
*    This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space
*     This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space Space
*      This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space Space Space
*C456... This line should not match because of the three dots (ie there is no space after the C456)
*T999 Bottom line ... 9 of the lines in this file should match (including this line)

Matching lines:

d:\temp>type t.txt |  findstr /rc:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9] " /c:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] " /c:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] "  /c:"^\*  "
*P123 This line should match because it starts with P123 (followed by a space)
*C1234 This line should match ... just like P123 above
*T12345 This line should match ... just like P123 above
*  This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space
*   This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space
*    This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space
*     This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space Space
*      This line should match because it starts with Asterisk Space Space Space Space Space Space
*T999 Bottom line ... 9 of the lines in this file should match (including this line)

non-matching lines (for sake of completeness)

d:\temp>type t.txt |  findstr /rvc:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9] " /c:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] " /c:"^\*[PCT][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] "  /c:"^\*  "
*P1 this line should NOT match - less than three numbers
*C12 this line should NOT match - less than three numbers
*T123456 this line should NOT match - more than five numbers
This line should not match - no asterisk
 * This line should not match because the first character is not an asterisk
*P123This line should not match because there is no space after the P123
*C1234This line should not match ... just like P123This above
*T12345This line should not match ... just like P123This above
*This line should not match because the string *T12345 is not at the beginning of the line
*TX This line should not match because the T is not followed by a number
*CX This line should not match because the C is not followed by a number
*PX This line should not match because the P is not followed by a number
* This line should NOT match because the Asterisk is followed by only one Space
*C456... This line should not match because of the three dots (ie there is no space after the C456)

(Note: I used lazy [0-9], which can give wrong positives (², ³). Best practice is [0123456789] instead)


寻梦旅人 2025-02-11 02:15:53


private static List<Employee> employee = new ArrayList<>();

public Employee findEmployee(String Name) throws emplyeeNotFoundException {
  for(Employee value : employee) {
    if (value.getName().equals(Name)) {
      return value;
  throw new emplyeeNotFoundException(Name);

You can throw an exception after looping over the whole array (meaning you didn't find any employees), and if you do find one, the function will return.

private static List<Employee> employee = new ArrayList<>();

public Employee findEmployee(String Name) throws emplyeeNotFoundException {
  for(Employee value : employee) {
    if (value.getName().equals(Name)) {
      return value;
  throw new emplyeeNotFoundException(Name);


寻梦旅人 2025-02-10 17:25:50

You can try it :

$tmpIds = [];
foreach($name as $n){
    foreach($response as $r){
        if ($n->id != $r->cid) {
            if(!in_array($n->id, $tmpIds)){
                $tmpIds[] = $n->id;
                echo $n->id;


You can try it :

$tmpIds = [];
foreach($name as $n){
    foreach($response as $r){
        if ($n->id != $r->cid) {
            if(!in_array($n->id, $tmpIds)){
                $tmpIds[] = $n->id;
                echo $n->id;



寻梦旅人 2025-02-10 16:39:42

https://stackoverflow.com/a/72472483/9842697 的答案。


我已经通过Pyenv安装了Python 3.10.6,Pyenv通过Homebrew安装了Pyenv。

  • 与Pyenv一起安装TCL-TK并用Pyenv重新安装Python 3.10.6,使Python安装使用TCL-TK的自制版本,此后闲置效果很好。
% brew install tcl-tk
% pyenv install 3.10.6
% python
>>> import idlelib.idle

Answer from Freddy below https://stackoverflow.com/a/72472483/9842697 worked.

(this note was to be a response to the answer)

I have python 3.10.6 installed via pyenv, pyenv installed via homebrew.
(Uninstall with --devel does not work)

  • installing tcl-tk with homebrew and reinstalling python 3.10.6 with pyenv, makes the python installation use the homebrew version of tcl-tk and after this IDLE works fine.
% brew install tcl-tk
% pyenv install 3.10.6
% python
>>> import idlelib.idle

弃用警告:TK的系统版本已弃用,M1 Mac在VS代码中 - 全局Python

寻梦旅人 2025-02-10 16:22:56

您的问题似乎归结为:如何将两个张量交织在一起。给定Xy两个张量。您可以组合 a>和 reshape

>>> torch.stack((x,y),1).transpose(1,2).reshape(2,-1)
tensor([[ 1.1547e+01,  0.0000e+00,  1.3786e+00, -8.1970e-01, -3.2118e-02,
         -2.3900e-02, -3.2898e-01, -3.4610e-01, -1.7916e-01,  1.2308e+00,
         -5.4203e-01,  1.2580e-01,  8.5273e-01,  8.9980e-01, -2.7096e+00,
         -3.8060e-01,  3.0016e-01, -4.5240e-01, -7.7809e-02,  4.5630e-01,
         -4.5805e-03,  0.0000e+00],
        [ 1.1106e+01,  0.0000e+00,  1.3362e-01,  1.3830e-01, -7.4233e-01,
          7.7570e-01, -9.9461e-01,  1.0834e+00,  1.6952e+00,  5.2920e-01,
         -1.1884e+00, -2.5970e-01, -8.7958e-01,  4.3180e-01, -9.3039e-01,
          8.8130e-01, -1.0048e+00,  1.2823e+00,  2.0595e-01, -6.5170e-01,
          1.7209e+00,  0.0000e+00]])

Your question seems to come down to: how to interleave two tensors together. Given x and y the two tensors. You can do so with a combination of transpose and reshape.

>>> torch.stack((x,y),1).transpose(1,2).reshape(2,-1)
tensor([[ 1.1547e+01,  0.0000e+00,  1.3786e+00, -8.1970e-01, -3.2118e-02,
         -2.3900e-02, -3.2898e-01, -3.4610e-01, -1.7916e-01,  1.2308e+00,
         -5.4203e-01,  1.2580e-01,  8.5273e-01,  8.9980e-01, -2.7096e+00,
         -3.8060e-01,  3.0016e-01, -4.5240e-01, -7.7809e-02,  4.5630e-01,
         -4.5805e-03,  0.0000e+00],
        [ 1.1106e+01,  0.0000e+00,  1.3362e-01,  1.3830e-01, -7.4233e-01,
          7.7570e-01, -9.9461e-01,  1.0834e+00,  1.6952e+00,  5.2920e-01,
         -1.1884e+00, -2.5970e-01, -8.7958e-01,  4.3180e-01, -9.3039e-01,
          8.8130e-01, -1.0048e+00,  1.2823e+00,  2.0595e-01, -6.5170e-01,
          1.7209e+00,  0.0000e+00]])

交织FFT REAL&amp; pytorch张量中的复杂零件

寻梦旅人 2025-02-10 10:52:14


var people = new DataTable();
people.Columns.Add("Age", typeof(int));
people.Columns.Add("HireDate", typeof(DateTime));
people.Columns.Add("IsManager", typeof(bool));

foreach(var line in File.ReadLines("people.csv")){
  var bits = line.Split(',');
  dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{ 
    bits[0], //Name
    int.Parse(bits[1]), //Age
    DateTime.Parse(bits[2]), //HireDate
    bool.Parse(bits[3]) //IsManager

当然,如果您是从CSV读取的话,最好使用CSVhelper(例如CSVHelper) - 它可以直接读取到DataTables中,并且比这更复杂得多。例子。这只是为了显示“制作数据台,添加列,通过提供列的值添加行”的过程,


  • 将新的数据集类型添加到您的项目中并进行goive IT 好名称
  • 表面
  • 打开它,右键单击“
  • 一个 使用此列在代码中完成的列


var dt = new YourDataSetNameHere.YourDataTableNameHere_DataTable();

//the columns are already added, you don't need to add them

foreach(var line in ...){

    bits[0], //Name
    int.Parse(bits[1]), //Age
    DateTime.Parse(bits[2]), //HireDate
    bool.Parse(bits[3]) //IsManager


Here's how you might fill a datatable from a file of people:

var people = new DataTable();
people.Columns.Add("Age", typeof(int));
people.Columns.Add("HireDate", typeof(DateTime));
people.Columns.Add("IsManager", typeof(bool));

foreach(var line in File.ReadLines("people.csv")){
  var bits = line.Split(',');
  dt.Rows.Add(new object[]{ 
    bits[0], //Name
    int.Parse(bits[1]), //Age
    DateTime.Parse(bits[2]), //HireDate
    bool.Parse(bits[3]) //IsManager

It would, of course, be preferable to use some library like Csvhelper if you're reading from a CSV - it can read into DataTables directly and is a lot more sophisticated than this example. This is just to show the process of "make a datatable, add columns, add rows by providing values for columns"

It would be better to create a strongly typed datatable for this:

  • Add a new DataSet type of file to your project and goive it a good name
  • Open it, right click the surface, choose Add DataTable, give it a sensible name
  • Right click the table, choose Add Column .. add a column and set its name, data type, default value etc...
  • Repeat until all columns are done

Using this in your code is mostly the same as above, except you make an instance of the table. It is an inner class so you create it using the name of the dataset too:

var dt = new YourDataSetNameHere.YourDataTableNameHere_DataTable();

//the columns are already added, you don't need to add them

foreach(var line in ...){

    bits[0], //Name
    int.Parse(bits[1]), //Age
    DateTime.Parse(bits[2]), //HireDate
    bool.Parse(bits[3]) //IsManager

They're a lot nicer to use than regular weakly typed datatables


寻梦旅人 2025-02-10 01:29:38

您需要节点V16+和任何Linux OS

  1. git clone jitsi-meet
  2. npm install
  3. 学习react,因为您需要知识来更改功能,但是您可以从简单的内容开始,例如更改文本因此转到jitsi-meet/lang/main.json更改您要更改的文本。
  4. 然后在终端中键入make命令
  5. ,然后使用服务器上的原始代码更改整个源代码,您将看到结果

You need node v16+ and any Linux OS

  1. git clone jitsi-meet
  2. npm install
  3. Learn react because you need knowledge of it to change the functionality but you can start with simple things e.g changing the text so go to jitsi-meet/lang/main.json change some text that you want to change.
  4. Type the make command in terminal
  5. Then, change your whole source code with the original one on the server and you will see the result


寻梦旅人 2025-02-09 20:41:51



def func(x):
    return lambda y: (x + y + 1)


3 + 1 + 1 = 5


def func(x):
    return lambda y: (x + y + 2)

def func1(x):
    return lambda y : (func(x)(x)+y+1)


4 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 10,


4 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 12 = 12



i will try my best.

im experimenting with the code and do something with the first function
it will look like this :

def func(x):
    return lambda y: (x + y + 1)

the interesting part is you actually can put the lambda value beside the the function value so lambda value will be 1 and function value will be 3 then the result would be:

3 + 1 + 1 = 5

now the hard part that take me long to quite understand it
because its tricky.

def func(x):
    return lambda y: (x + y + 2)

def func1(x):
    return lambda y : (func(x)(x)+y+1)

i see something tricky in this code, like:

4 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 10

like where is the other value to get the number to be 12
and that is where it get the value from the above function that is 2 to be putted in the function and the result would be:

4 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 12

that's what i know.

now my brain is hot.


寻梦旅人 2025-02-08 12:08:16



Most forums I looked at seem to indicate that the certificate has to be re-order

they are correct. The certificate is digitally signed by CA and any attempts to edit the certificate will invalidate the signature. You have to re-order the certificate from CA (third party, in your case).


寻梦旅人 2025-02-08 00:04:07

使用@luis MiguelMejíaSuárez解决方案:

import org.joda.time.LocalDate

val numberOfMonthsBack = 5
val date = new LocalDate("2022-05-24")
val dateSeq = Seq(date)
val allDates = dateSeq.toStream ++ Stream.continually(dateSeq)
  .flatMap(ticks => 
    ticks._1.map(x => x.minusMonths(ticks._2))

Using @Luis Miguel Mejía Suárez solution:

import org.joda.time.LocalDate

val numberOfMonthsBack = 5
val date = new LocalDate("2022-05-24")
val dateSeq = Seq(date)
val allDates = dateSeq.toStream ++ Stream.continually(dateSeq)
  .flatMap(ticks => 
    ticks._1.map(x => x.minusMonths(ticks._2))


寻梦旅人 2025-02-07 12:43:23


.logon my_server/user,password

如果您仍然只想使用.logon中的服务器详细信息。与.set logonprompt Off一起,将环境变量设置为guilogonno

在CMD中:setx guilogon no

smippet来自 td文档

请注意,设置logonprompt to Off有时不会


You can pass the fully qualified logon string to get rid of the prompt.

.LOGON my_server/user,password

If you still want to go with only the server details in .LOGON. Along with .SET LOGONPROMPT OFF, set the environment variable GUILOGON as NO.


Snippet from TD Documentation:

Note that setting LOGONPROMPT to OFF is sometimes not going to be
sufficient for suppressing all unnecessary prompts when using Windows
BTEQ. You may also need to instruct CLI to suppress its generation of
what is known as its GUILOGON dialog box.

This can be accomplished by setting the environment variable GUILOGON
to NO.

Teradata BTEQ:禁用登录提示




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