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寻梦旅人 2025-02-15 04:39:24



you can try with the spread operator


如何使用JavaScript将Array Indaints对象推到与键对象?

寻梦旅人 2025-02-15 03:36:50

让我们尝试 wide_to_long

out = pd.wide_to_long(df, 
                      i = ['date'], 
                      j = 'stock', 
                      suffix = '\w+', 
    date  stock   volume  price
0  01-01  AAPLE   324234    187
1  01-02  AAPLE   234234    124
2  01-01   TSLA     5346    517
3  01-02   TSLA  5436345    512
4  01-01   MSFT    45143    128
5  01-02   MSFT    42345    130

Let us try wide_to_long

out = pd.wide_to_long(df, 
                      i = ['date'], 
                      j = 'stock', 
                      suffix = '\w+', 
    date  stock   volume  price
0  01-01  AAPLE   324234    187
1  01-02  AAPLE   234234    124
2  01-01   TSLA     5346    517
3  01-02   TSLA  5436345    512
4  01-01   MSFT    45143    128
5  01-02   MSFT    42345    130


寻梦旅人 2025-02-15 03:18:36
  1. 您可以使用 rbind 中的行使用命名的参数来命名行。
  2. 如果您希望该范围是由结肠隔开的两个数字,则可以使用粘贴,但是整个表将成为字符矩阵。这可能不是您想要的。但是,您仍然可以使用 noquote
result <- rbind(Mean = round(Mean), SD = round(SD), Min, Max,
                Range = paste(Min, Max, sep = ":"))

#>       b        d        g        k      p     t     
#> Mean  -117     -130     -117     84     55    66    
#> SD    37       33       28       18     12    18    
#> Min   -220     -219     -200     50     39    40    
#> Max   -60      -70      -42      118    84    111   
#> Range -220:-60 -219:-70 -200:-42 50:118 39:84 40:111

在2022-06-16创建的 reprex软件包(v2.0.1)


Mean <- c(b = -117, d = -130, g = -117, k = 84, p = 55, t = 66)
SD <- c(b = 37, d = 33, g = 28, k = 18, p = 12, t = 18)
Min <- c(b = -220, d = -219, g = -200, k = 50, p = 39, t = 40)
Max <- c(b = -60, d = -70, g = -42, k = 118, p = 84, t = 111)
  1. You can use named arguments for rows in rbind to name the rows.
  2. If you want the Range to be two numbers separated by a colon, then you can use paste, but the entire table will become a character matrix. This may not be what you want. However, you can still print it nicely using noquote
result <- rbind(Mean = round(Mean), SD = round(SD), Min, Max,
                Range = paste(Min, Max, sep = ":"))

#>       b        d        g        k      p     t     
#> Mean  -117     -130     -117     84     55    66    
#> SD    37       33       28       18     12    18    
#> Min   -220     -219     -200     50     39    40    
#> Max   -60      -70      -42      118    84    111   
#> Range -220:-60 -219:-70 -200:-42 50:118 39:84 40:111

Created on 2022-06-16 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Data used (taken from question)

Mean <- c(b = -117, d = -130, g = -117, k = 84, p = 55, t = 66)
SD <- c(b = 37, d = 33, g = 28, k = 18, p = 12, t = 18)
Min <- c(b = -220, d = -219, g = -200, k = 50, p = 39, t = 40)
Max <- c(b = -60, d = -70, g = -42, k = 118, p = 84, t = 111)


寻梦旅人 2025-02-15 03:03:26



Something like this should do it:


最后两个字符中的 *或两个 *都不是数字?

寻梦旅人 2025-02-14 19:20:36


As the Comments have said:

???? Your formatting pattern does not match the user’s input text.

You would have known that but for swallowing the thrown exception.

catch(Exception e) {

Never write a catch that does nothing. (Unless in an unusual situation you really expect an exception. And even then, write a code comment saying so.)

Another problem: You are using terrible date-time classes that are now legacy. They were supplanted years ago by the modern java.time classes defined in JSR 310.

Define your formatting pattern with DateTimeFormatter. For a date only, use LocalDate. For a date with time of day but lacking the context of a time zone or offset from UTC, use LocalDateTime.

Search Stack Overflow to learn more. These classes have been covered many many times already.


寻梦旅人 2025-02-14 16:07:43


在“ TD”标签中使用NowRap属性:

<th nowrap="nowrap">Really long column heading</th>


<th>Really long column heading</th>

There are at least two ways to do it:

Use nowrap attribute inside the "td" tag:

<th nowrap="nowrap">Really long column heading</th>

Use non-breakable spaces between your words:

<th>Really long column heading</th>


寻梦旅人 2025-02-14 15:26:45


不同的项目或组织可能遵循不同的惯例。 t 对于具有单一类型的仿制药来说最常见,而单字母的mnemonics对于具有多种类型的仿制药很常见,但是您有时还会看到 t 后跟名称。 ,例如 titem

Yes, they are the same. When writing generics, you get to name the type placeholders anything you want, just like a variable or class name.

Different projects or organizations may follow different conventions. T is the most common for generics with a single type, and single-letter mnemonics are common for generics with multiple types, but you also sometimes see a T followed by the name, such as TItem.


寻梦旅人 2025-02-14 13:04:25

据我所知, Flights Legs 应该作为列表发送,但您将它们发送为对象。

As far as I can see flights and legs are supposed to be sent as list, but you are sending them as objects.

RESTTEMPLATE 422无法实现的实体期望项目列表,但获得了“ dict \”类型。

寻梦旅人 2025-02-14 05:49:58

看起来 Kubernetesautoconfiguration 将在多个依赖项中定义。根据您的需要,尝试识别所需的依赖项。在您的POM文件中,您有 Spring-Cloud-starter-kubernetes-client-all 以及单个依赖性。

Looks like KubernetesAutoConfiguration is going to be defined in multiple dependencies. Based on your need, try to identify the dependencies which are required. In your pom file you have spring-cloud-starter-kubernetes-client-all alongwith individual dependecies too.


当添加Kubernetes依赖项时,Spring Boot无法启动。

寻梦旅人 2025-02-14 03:39:20

符号是在C程序中定义的,并在C ++代码中使用。

void foo()在C程序中定义了

void foo();
int main()

函数(或变量) AS:

extern "C" void foo();
int main()

等效地,而不是在C程序中定义,而是在C ++中定义了函数(或变量) void foo(),但使用C链接:

extern "C" void foo();

您尝试使用它在C ++程序中使用它C ++链接。


extern "C" {
    #include "cheader.h"

Symbols were defined in a C program and used in C++ code.

The function (or variable) void foo() was defined in a C program and you attempt to use it in a C++ program:

void foo();
int main()

The C++ linker expects names to be mangled, so you have to declare the function as:

extern "C" void foo();
int main()

Equivalently, instead of being defined in a C program, the function (or variable) void foo() was defined in C++ but with C linkage:

extern "C" void foo();

and you attempt to use it in a C++ program with C++ linkage.

If an entire library is included in a header file (and was compiled as C code); the include will need to be as follows;

extern "C" {
    #include "cheader.h"


寻梦旅人 2025-02-13 11:10:46

如果您制作 width 高度属性属性与可以制作大小的平方图像相同的值。 fit 属性属性会考虑一下调整大小的图像适合该广场中的,如果您的原始 width 高度不同而且大小不相同。

If you make the width and height properties the same value you can make a resized square image. The fit property takes care of how the resized image fits in that square if your original width and height are different and not of the same size.


寻梦旅人 2025-02-13 07:15:49

您使用 /代码> 这样做:

const inputArray = ['One', 'Two', 'Three'];
const result = inputArray.map(x => [x]);

You an use array.map to do that:

const inputArray = ['One', 'Two', 'Three'];
const result = inputArray.map(x => [x]);


寻梦旅人 2025-02-12 18:33:56

您必须等待 arsession.currentframe 才能报告 .localized 的geotrackingstatus。然后GetGeotocation将起作用。

You have to wait for the ARSession.currentFrame to report a geoTrackingStatus of .localized. Then getGeoLocation will work.


寻梦旅人 2025-02-12 13:28:08


for i in range(1,100):
    print "\r",i,



prev_digits = -1
for i in range(0,1000):
    print("%s%d" % ("\b"*(prev_digits + 1), i)),
    prev_digits = len(str(i))

我应该注意,该代码经过测试,并且在Windows控制台的Windows上的Python 2.5中正常工作。根据其他一些人的说法,可能需要进行Stdout的冲洗才能查看结果。 YMMV。

To make the numbers overwrite each other, you can do something like this:

for i in range(1,100):
    print "\r",i,

That should work as long as the number is printed in the first column.

Here's a version that will work even if it isn't printed in the first column.

prev_digits = -1
for i in range(0,1000):
    print("%s%d" % ("\b"*(prev_digits + 1), i)),
    prev_digits = len(str(i))

I should note that this code was tested and works just fine in Python 2.5 on Windows, in the WIndows console. According to some others, flushing of stdout may be required to see the results. YMMV.


寻梦旅人 2025-02-12 09:02:15

我第一次运行代码时打开了Excel文件,@Gregor Thomas(我不知道该标签是否有效)指出,即使在办公室关闭时,它们也不会关闭。

The excel file was open the first time I ran the code and as @Gregor Thomas (i don't know if that tag works) pointed out they somtimes don't close even when office is closed.
PC restart and making sure to run the code before opening any of the xlsx files did the trick

r List.Files函数添加了一个额外的列表,复制第一个列表并添加〜




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