
文章 评论 浏览 31

可遇━不可求 2025-02-20 20:41:30


data[, `:=`(quant=sort(quant, TRUE), val=sort(val, TRUE))]

   quant      val
1:  1.00 181.2349
2:  0.98 161.2233
3:  0.96 156.2067
4:  0.94 155.6911
5:  0.92 154.7337
6:  0.90 147.7275

# or 
cols = c("quant", "val")
data[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, sort, TRUE), .SDcols=cols]

you can solve the problem as follows:

data[, `:=`(quant=sort(quant, TRUE), val=sort(val, TRUE))]

   quant      val
1:  1.00 181.2349
2:  0.98 161.2233
3:  0.96 156.2067
4:  0.94 155.6911
5:  0.92 154.7337
6:  0.90 147.7275

# or 
cols = c("quant", "val")
data[, (cols) := lapply(.SD, sort, TRUE), .SDcols=cols]


可遇━不可求 2025-02-20 18:29:56


given = [[{a: 7}, "1", {x: 0.25}, "2"], [{y: 0.25, x: 1.5}, "4"], [{y: -0.75}, "3"]]
new_data = [[e for e in inner if isinstance(e, str)] for inner in given]



given = [[{a: 7}, "1", {x: 0.25}, "2"], [{y: 0.25, x: 1.5}, "4"], [{y: -0.75}, "3"]]
for i, inner in enumerate(given):
    given[i] = [e for e in inner if isinstance(e, str)]

在此上下文中使用pop del 不建议使用,因为a)它在迭代期间更改列表长度(和容易发生),b)效率较低。

To create new list with required values, you can use list comprehension:

given = [[{a: 7}, "1", {x: 0.25}, "2"], [{y: 0.25, x: 1.5}, "4"], [{y: -0.75}, "3"]]
new_data = [[e for e in inner if isinstance(e, str)] for inner in given]

This means: "create new list of lists, where inner items are only string values".

If you need to modify given list inplace, the following should do:

given = [[{a: 7}, "1", {x: 0.25}, "2"], [{y: 0.25, x: 1.5}, "4"], [{y: -0.75}, "3"]]
for i, inner in enumerate(given):
    given[i] = [e for e in inner if isinstance(e, str)]

Using pop or del in such context is not advisable, because a) it changes list length during iteration (and is bug prone), and b) it is less efficient.


可遇━不可求 2025-02-20 12:53:56


data.frame(x = df[c(F,T),], y = trimws(df[c(T,F),]))


                                x                           y
1           2. Nepsalus jezoensis      species, hymenopterans
2      3. Prochas sp. 2 YYH-2022a            species, insects
3      4. Prochas sp. 1 YYH-2022a species, wasps, ants & bees
4  5. Eccoptopterus sp. 1 CP-2022 species, wasps, ants & bees
5     6. Andricus sp. 1 CYS-2022a            species, beetles
6     7. Paralabellula curvicauda species, wasps, ants & bees
7                8. Paralabellula            species, earwigs
8              9. Pristiphora sp.              genus, earwigs
9        10. Phyllotreta flexuosa      species, hymenopterans
10              11. Nematinae sp.            species, beetles
11                  12. Euura sp.      species, hymenopterans
12                13. Dolerus sp.      species, hymenopterans
13     14. Ivieolus inflaticollis      species, hymenopterans
14            15. Germarostes sp.            species, beetles
15       16. Germarostes globosus            species, beetles

You can use the fact that row indices are recycled so c(T,F) will get every other row starting with the first row and c(F,T) will get every other row starting with the second row:

data.frame(x = df[c(F,T),], y = trimws(df[c(T,F),]))


                                x                           y
1           2. Nepsalus jezoensis      species, hymenopterans
2      3. Prochas sp. 2 YYH-2022a            species, insects
3      4. Prochas sp. 1 YYH-2022a species, wasps, ants & bees
4  5. Eccoptopterus sp. 1 CP-2022 species, wasps, ants & bees
5     6. Andricus sp. 1 CYS-2022a            species, beetles
6     7. Paralabellula curvicauda species, wasps, ants & bees
7                8. Paralabellula            species, earwigs
8              9. Pristiphora sp.              genus, earwigs
9        10. Phyllotreta flexuosa      species, hymenopterans
10              11. Nematinae sp.            species, beetles
11                  12. Euura sp.      species, hymenopterans
12                13. Dolerus sp.      species, hymenopterans
13     14. Ivieolus inflaticollis      species, hymenopterans
14            15. Germarostes sp.            species, beetles
15       16. Germarostes globosus            species, beetles


可遇━不可求 2025-02-20 09:29:54


sudo apt-get install php7.x-mysqli

sudo service apache2 restart


注意:这可能是7.0及以上,但是例如,Drupal建议在安全方面推荐Php  7.2。


php -v


apt-get install php7.x-mbstring

service apache2 restart


On Ubuntu, when mysqli is missing, execute the following,

sudo apt-get install php7.x-mysqli

sudo service apache2 restart

Replace 7.x with your PHP version.

Note: This could be 7.0 and up, but for example Drupal recommends PHP 7.2 on grounds of security among others.

To check your PHP version, on the command-line type:

php -v

You do exactly the same if you are missing mbstring:

apt-get install php7.x-mbstring

service apache2 restart

I recently had to do this for phpMyAdmin when upgrading PHP from 7.0 to 7.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus).

如何在PHP 7中启用MySQLI扩展名?

可遇━不可求 2025-02-20 02:39:39


Apparently when I add the auth condition to this trait, I cannot add the trait to user model.
If I do, when the user model is booting, It must check the Auth, wich requires booting the user model. And this cause the infinite loop.

获取无限循环 - 在用户模型上添加特征的范围

可遇━不可求 2025-02-20 02:19:11

如果您使用的是Mamp Pro,那么简单的修复程序,我真的希望我在开始搜索互联网几天之前已经意识到这一点。它确实很简单...

您只需单击“ MAMP MySQL”选项卡中的“允许网络访问MySQL”即可。



If you are using MAMP PRO, the easy fix, which I really wish I had realized before I started searching the internet for days trying to figure this out. Its really this simple...

You just have to click "Allow Network Access to MySQL" from the MAMP MySQL tab.

Really, thats it.

Oh, and you MIGHT have to still change your bind address to either or like outlined in the posts above, but clicking that box alone will probably solve your problems if you are a MAMP user.


可遇━不可求 2025-02-19 18:13:04


private static bool MatchesPattern(string input)
    const string fixedString = "ABCDExyz";
    return fixedString.Length == input.Length && fixedString.Substring(0, 5).Equals(input.Substring(0, 5));


private static bool MatchesPattern(string input)
    const string fixedString = "ABCDExyz";
    return fixedString.Length == input.Length && fixedString[..5].Equals(input[..5]);

请参阅此 fiddle


Does this solve your requirements?

private static bool MatchesPattern(string input)
    const string fixedString = "ABCDExyz";
    return fixedString.Length == input.Length && fixedString.Substring(0, 5).Equals(input.Substring(0, 5));

In last versions of C# you can also use ranges:

private static bool MatchesPattern(string input)
    const string fixedString = "ABCDExyz";
    return fixedString.Length == input.Length && fixedString[..5].Equals(input[..5]);

See this fiddle.

BTW: You could probably achieve the same using regex.


可遇━不可求 2025-02-19 08:53:35

KB5014959似乎打破了SSM 18.12.1和SSMS19。我卸载了它,但是它不断恢复,SSM仍然不起作用。 Windows 11和SSMS发生了什么?


KB5014959 seems to break ssms 18.12.1 and ssms 19. I uninstall it, but it keeps coming back and ssms still does not work. What is going on with Windows 11 and SSMS?

It seemed like it was working before, but the stupid update doesn't let me run SSMS, even if I uninstall it and pause updates, it still comes back, or maybe it doesn't actually uninstall like it says it does.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Shell(隔离) - 找不到一个或多个组件。请重新安装申请

可遇━不可求 2025-02-18 20:50:19

tl; dr “ foldater”读取XML布局文件,该文件定义了要创建的视图对象和放置在何处,并实际上进行了视图创建。


  • view - 从view类继承的任何东西,例如textviewbutton
  • - 屏幕上不同视图对象的安排(这是您看到的应用程序)
  • xml布局文件 - 描述布局的XML文本文件 - 特别是视图中的内容该布局以及如何定位它们(​​例如activity_main.xml)。 XML文件不是布局,而是如何构建布局的描述。
  • foldater - 采用XML布局文件,读取并实际创建布局(视图对象的布置)的例程/对象。呼叫Aptrate在Exprater上返回View对象,其中包含您在XML文件中定义的所有内容。



当您建立这些视图的布局时,通常会使用XML文件来定义要创建的视图以及将这些视图定位的位置。 XML文件不是视图本身,而是对应如何构造和定位视图的描述。


在您显示的示例代码中(从recyclerview适配器)中,它引用的XML文件是描述如何在RecyClerview中给定行中排列视图的XML文件。一旦适配器“夸大”该行的视图,则创建了实际的视图对象(例如textView s)并将其定位在该行中。

RecyClerview适配器将多次调用此方法,以“夸大”每个显示的行的新唯一视图实例。 RecyClerview的“回收器”一部分意味着它将尽量不要将其调用超过必要的要求,并将在您滚动时可以重新使用新行的视图。


TL;DR The "inflater" reads the XML layout file, which defined what View objects to create and where to put them, and actually does the View creation.

Some helpful terms:

  • View - Anything that inherits from the View class, e.g. TextView or Button
  • Layout - an arrangement of different View objects on the screen (this is what you see looking at the app)
  • XML Layout File - An XML text file that describes a layout - specifically what Views go in that layout and how to position them (e.g. activity_main.xml). The XML file is not the layout, it is a description of how to build the layout.
  • Inflater - A routine/object that takes an XML layout file, reads it, and actually creates the Layout (arrangement of View objects). Calling inflate on the inflater returns a View object that contains everything you defined in the XML file.

More Details

A screen you see in an Android app is a collection of "Views". These may be things like TextView, ConstraintLayout, EditText, Button, etc... - all different types of views (they all inherit from the View class).

When you build up a layout of those views you typically use an XML file to define what views to create and where to position those views. The XML file is not the view itself, it is just a description of how the views should be constructed and positioned.

The layout inflater takes that XML file and actually goes about building the views as you see them on the screen in the app. When you call inflate it reads all the data about the views from the XML file, creates instances of those views, and positions them in the parent view container based on what you told it to do in the XML file.

In the example code you showed (from a RecyclerView adapter) the XML file it is referring to is the one that describes how to arrange the views in a given row in the RecyclerView. Once the adapter "inflates" the view for that row, then the actual view objects (e.g. TextViews) have been created and positioned within that row.

The RecyclerView adapter will call this method multiple times, to "inflate" a new unique view instance for each displayed row. The "recycler" part of the RecyclerView means that it will try not to call this more than necessary, and will re-use the views on new rows where it can as you scroll.

Additional Reading

很难理解Layoutinflater Android Studio(Kotlin)

可遇━不可求 2025-02-18 16:08:26

React-Google-Login未更新为最新的React V18。
要么等待更新,要么降级对v17反应,要么使用 - force标志。

npm i react-google-login --force

请注意,通过使用 - 力量,不能保证此软件包将与React的V18一起使用

react-google-login is not updated to the latest react v18.
Either wait for an update, downgrade react to v17, or use --force flag.

npm i react-google-login --force

Note that by using --force, there is no guarantee that this package will work with v18 of react


可遇━不可求 2025-02-18 15:28:31


文档位于 https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_svg

Use flutter_svg package.

Documentation is at https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_svg.


可遇━不可求 2025-02-18 05:49:47

您可以每天从08:00 am到11:00 pm每天运行它。

0 08-23 * * *


You can use this to run it everyday at every hour from 08:00 am to 11:00 pm.

0 08-23 * * *

You can check the validation in here.


可遇━不可求 2025-02-17 16:41:04



您可以做的事情是将数组用作备份商店 - 而不是声明单独的变量ab您可以声明10、100或1000个元素的数组,然后做类似的事情:

a[i].next = &a[j];

但是您仍然有限 - 您的列表永远不会比数组更大。使用动态内存的优点是,列表大小不限(至少不是固定的编译时限制);但是,这意味着要弄乱指针。

指针是C中编程的基本组成部分 - 如果没有以某种方式使用指针的情况下,您就无法编写有用的C代码。

edit :链接列表的更现实的实现将使用insert函数

 * Inserts items into the list in ascending order.
 * If the list is empty (head is NULL) or if the value
 * of the new node is less than the value of the current
 * head, then the new node becomes the new head of the
 * list.
 * Returns the pointer to the new node.  If the allocation
 * was unsuccessful, it returns NULL.
struct linknode *insert( struct linknode **head, int val )
  struct linknode *newnode = calloc( 1, sizeof *newnode );

  if ( !newnode )
    return NULL;

  newnode->data = val;
  if ( !*head )    
     * list is empty, newnode becomes the head of the list.
    *head = newnode;
  else if ( newnode->data < (*head)->data )
     * Value stored in newnode is less than the
     * value stored at the list head, newnode
     * becomes the new list head.
    newnode->next = *head;
    *head = newnode;
     * Iterate through the list and insert the 
     * newnode in the correct location. 
    struct linknode *cur = *head;
    while ( cur->next && cur->next->data < newnode->data )
      cur = cur->next;
    newnode->next = cur->next;
    cur->next = newnode;
  return newnode;


int main( void )
  struct linknode *list = NULL;
  int val;

  while ( scanf( "%d", &val ) == 1 )
    if ( !insert( &list, val ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Could not add %d to list, not taking any more input...\n", val );


Isn't it possible to make linked list with case 2? also insert, delete being possible?

It is possible, it just isn’t very useful. The maximum size of your list is limited to the number of variables you declare, and I doubt you’re going to want to declare more than a dozen separate variables.

Something you can do is use an array as your backing store - instead of declaring separate variables a and b you can declare an array of 10, 100, or 1000 elements, then do something like:

a[i].next = &a[j];

But you’re still limited - your list can never be bigger than the array. The advantage of using dynamic memory is that the list size isn’t limited (at least, not some fixed compile-time limit); however, it means messing with pointers.

Pointers are a fundamental part of programming in C - you cannot write useful C code without using pointers in some fashion.

Edit: A more realistic implementation of a linked list would use an insert function like

 * Inserts items into the list in ascending order.
 * If the list is empty (head is NULL) or if the value
 * of the new node is less than the value of the current
 * head, then the new node becomes the new head of the
 * list.
 * Returns the pointer to the new node.  If the allocation
 * was unsuccessful, it returns NULL.
struct linknode *insert( struct linknode **head, int val )
  struct linknode *newnode = calloc( 1, sizeof *newnode );

  if ( !newnode )
    return NULL;

  newnode->data = val;
  if ( !*head )    
     * list is empty, newnode becomes the head of the list.
    *head = newnode;
  else if ( newnode->data < (*head)->data )
     * Value stored in newnode is less than the
     * value stored at the list head, newnode
     * becomes the new list head.
    newnode->next = *head;
    *head = newnode;
     * Iterate through the list and insert the 
     * newnode in the correct location. 
    struct linknode *cur = *head;
    while ( cur->next && cur->next->data < newnode->data )
      cur = cur->next;
    newnode->next = cur->next;
    cur->next = newnode;
  return newnode;

and it would be used something like this:

int main( void )
  struct linknode *list = NULL;
  int val;

  while ( scanf( "%d", &val ) == 1 )
    if ( !insert( &list, val ) )
      fprintf( stderr, "Could not add %d to list, not taking any more input...\n", val );

So the elements of the list are allocated and added dynamically, and you're only limited by the amount of memory you have available.


可遇━不可求 2025-02-17 13:06:43

您的代码片段都是正确的,但是保存用户密码的方法在从Via Save方法中,保存密码的方式不正确,如果您想检查密码,它将密码的原始文本形式保存到数据库中。 ,只需打开您的数据库并检查密码字段,它们以原始文本格式存储(Exapmle:testing123),其中Django保存,检索,使用密码的SHA256的密码,直到和除非您没有指定它,否则PBKDF2_SHA256 ...这种格式。


user = User(username = username , password = password , email = email)


user = User(username = username , email = email)


from django import forms
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model, authenticate, login
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm, AuthenticationForm

class UserRegisterForm(UserCreationForm):
    email = forms.EmailField()

    class Meta:
        model = get_user_model()
        fields = ['username', 'email', 'first_name']

    def save(self):
        user = self.Meta.model(
            username = self.cleaned_data['username'], 
            email = self.cleaned_data['email'], 
        return user


Your code snippets are all correct , but the way of saving the user's password is incorrect in the from via save method , the way you are saving the password , it saves the raw text form of the password to the database , if you want to check , just open your database and check the password fields , they are stored in raw text format ( exapmle : testing123) where as the django saves , retrieves , password using password hashing alogrithm of sha256 until and unless you have not specified it and its hashes to pbkdf2_sha256... this format .

dont save user like this :

user = User(username = username , password = password , email = email)

save like this

user = User(username = username , email = email)

Update your code snippet :

from django import forms
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model, authenticate, login
from django.contrib.auth.forms import UserCreationForm, AuthenticationForm

class UserRegisterForm(UserCreationForm):
    email = forms.EmailField()

    class Meta:
        model = get_user_model()
        fields = ['username', 'email', 'first_name']

    def save(self):
        user = self.Meta.model(
            username = self.cleaned_data['username'], 
            email = self.cleaned_data['email'], 
        return user

This will do the required work.

在我的django authenticationform中,用户名和密码总是不正确

可遇━不可求 2025-02-17 07:45:43


public function dataValidator($data)
    foreach($data as $key => $value) {
        $valid = current(array_filter($formDefinition, function($form) use($key) { return $form->key === $key; }));
        if(!$valid) {
            return 'invalid';


Doesn't look that bad. However, only one loop is required:

public function dataValidator($data)
    foreach($data as $key => $value) {
        $valid = current(array_filter($formDefinition, function($form) use($key) { return $form->key === $key; }));
        if(!$valid) {
            return 'invalid';

Short tip for next time: Just try it out. That might avoid unnecessary questions since you might already get the answers from the result. And if not, you at least have sufficient debugging information to share with us ;-)





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