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最冷一天 2025-02-09 04:24:55


df['tableName'] = df['query'].str.extract('(?i)from ([^ ]*)')



   id                                query tableName
0   1  select * from table1 where col1 = 1    table1
1   2       select a.columns FROM table2 a    table2

You can try

df['tableName'] = df['query'].str.extract('(?i)from ([^ ]*)')

(?i) means ignore case.


   id                                query tableName
0   1  select * from table1 where col1 = 1    table1
1   2       select a.columns FROM table2 a    table2


最冷一天 2025-02-09 02:36:34
echo rawurldecode($desired_output);
echo rawurldecode($desired_output);


最冷一天 2025-02-08 18:10:33

在反应性中,您需要使用各种反应式操作员(汇编时间)将所有异步操作组合到流中,然后将发布者( mono / flux )组合在一起(订阅时间)(订阅时间) )。您是对的,调用 subscribe 明确是一种不良习惯,应避免。 Spring Webflux订阅了现场提供的流量。

在您的代码中,您通过不链接 rmap.expire(2,TimeUnit.hours); 来打破流量。您可以这样重写代码

private Mono<MyObject> getMyObjectFromCache(String url) {
    RMapReactive<String, String> rMap = redissonReactiveClient.getMap(url);
    return rMap.readAllMap()
            .flatMap(m ->
                            .flatMap(ttl -> {
                                final long renewalThreshold = 60 * 60 * 1000;
                                if (ttl <= renewalThreshold) {
                                    System.out.println("start expiring");
                                    // it doesn't work without subscribe()
                                    return rMap.expire(2, TimeUnit.HOURS);
                                return Mono.just(false);
                            .then(JSONObject.parseObject(JSON.toJSONString(m), MyObject.class))

In reactive you need to combine all async operations into a flow, chaining publishers (Mono/Flux) using various reactive operators (assembly time) and then subscribe to it (subscription time). You are right that calling subscribe explicitly is a bad practice and should be avoided. Spring WebFlux subscribes to the provided flow behind the scene.

In your code you are breaking the flow by not chaining rMap.expire(2, TimeUnit.HOURS);. You could rewrite the code like this

private Mono<MyObject> getMyObjectFromCache(String url) {
    RMapReactive<String, String> rMap = redissonReactiveClient.getMap(url);
    return rMap.readAllMap()
            .flatMap(m ->
                            .flatMap(ttl -> {
                                final long renewalThreshold = 60 * 60 * 1000;
                                if (ttl <= renewalThreshold) {
                                    System.out.println("start expiring");
                                    // it doesn't work without subscribe()
                                    return rMap.expire(2, TimeUnit.HOURS);
                                return Mono.just(false);
                            .then(JSONObject.parseObject(JSON.toJSONString(m), MyObject.class))


最冷一天 2025-02-08 08:25:58

首先,您应该尝试阅读 docs 属性guildmember实际上具有什么,只需快速查看它,您应该能够找到 .permissions ,然后从中,您将获得此 .has 函数。因此,您的最终代码应该是


Firstly, you should try reading the docs and see what properties GuildMember actually has, just a quick look through it, you should be able to find a .permissions, following from that, you'll get to this doc on the Permissions class. From there, you can see you can use the .has function. So your final code should be


TypeError:无法读取未定义的属性(读取&#x27; haspermission&#x27;)

最冷一天 2025-02-07 13:02:43

您可以尝试 groupby filter

cols = ['id', 'color']
out = (df.groupby(cols)
       .filter(lambda df: df['val'].le(3).sum() >= 3)

   id color
0   1     y

You can try groupby and filter

cols = ['id', 'color']
out = (df.groupby(cols)
       .filter(lambda df: df['val'].le(3).sum() >= 3)

   id color
0   1     y


最冷一天 2025-02-07 12:54:04


   @(a or b or ci)          // line 1
   #12                      // line 2
   {co, sum} = a + b + ci;  // line 3

第一行暂停了始终过程,直到看到一个列出的信号之一发生在时间15时。 。

第二行暂停该过程12个时间单元 在此期间,A,B和CI忽略了。

第三行在时间27(15+12)醒来,并使用A,B和CI的当前值,并将阻止分配给 {CO,SUM}


It helps to reformat the code with a different layout to more accurately capture the functionality that is happening

   @(a or b or ci)          // line 1
   #12                      // line 2
   {co, sum} = a + b + ci;  // line 3

The first line suspends the always process until it sees a change in one of the listed signals, which happens at time 15.

The second line suspends the process for 12 time units. During this time period, there are changes to a, b, and ci that are ignored.

The third line wakes up at time 27 (15+12) and uses the current values of a, b, and ci and makes a blocking assignment to {co, sum}.

Since this is a always block, after the assignment, it loops back to the first line and waits for another change.


最冷一天 2025-02-07 09:12:59

返回 -1 ,如果在容器中找不到元素。您应该在每个字符串 word 上使用 indexof ,而不是在数组 words

var words = ['hello', 'sunshine', 'apple', 'orange', 'pineapple'];

var wordsWithA = words.filter(function (word) {
  return word.indexOf('a') !== -1;


indexOf returns -1, if it doesn't find the element in the container. You should use indexOf on each string word and not on the array words:

var words = ['hello', 'sunshine', 'apple', 'orange', 'pineapple'];

var wordsWithA = words.filter(function (word) {
  return word.indexOf('a') !== -1;



最冷一天 2025-02-06 23:40:27

不确定您正在使用哪个框架,但是fs.copyfile()是Node.js https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fscopyfilesrc-dest-mode-callback

not sure which framework you're on but fs.copyFile() is the standard way for node.js https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fscopyfilesrc-dest-mode-callback


最冷一天 2025-02-06 18:04:05

J块 k块都是2列宽,但右列为0px宽。对于 l块:下排高0px。



j block and k block are both 2 columns wide, but the right column is 0px wide. Same for l block: the lower row is 0px tall.

Add 3 more cells with stuff in them to the first row and you'll see that j/k blocks stretch across 2 columns.

Also, Edge and Chrome use the same rendering engine so the output will look the same in them, no matter if it's right or wrong. Use Firefox or Safari if you want to see a different engine's output.


最冷一天 2025-02-06 10:13:33

您存在的问题是,使用 .suffix 数组不是从0开始。 7] 。

[ 。


如果您将描述读为 subsequence



let array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
let suffixArray = array.suffix(5) // [6,7,8,9,10]
let prefixArray = array.prefix(5) // [1,2,3,4,5]
var newSuffixArray: [Int] = []
for i in suffixArray {

print(suffixArray[7]) // 8
print(newSuffixArray[2]) // 8
print(prefixArray[2]) // 3

The problem you are having is that with .suffix the array does not start with 0. So if you wanted to print the 3rd number in the suffix array, you would have to call print(suffixArray[7].

If you read the description for the return value here. It reads:

A subsequence terminating at the end of the collection with at most maxLength elements.

And if you read the description to subsequence:

A collection representing a contiguous subrange of this collection’s elements. The subsequence shares indices with the original collection.

Full example for playground:

let array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
let suffixArray = array.suffix(5) // [6,7,8,9,10]
let prefixArray = array.prefix(5) // [1,2,3,4,5]
var newSuffixArray: [Int] = []
for i in suffixArray {

print(suffixArray[7]) // 8
print(newSuffixArray[2]) // 8
print(prefixArray[2]) // 3


最冷一天 2025-02-06 05:41:11

尝试 fuzzyjoin

我们可以基于模糊字符串匹配其列的 DF1 df2




fuzzyjoin::stringdist_left_join(x=df1, y=df2, max_dist =.35, by='test', method ='jaccard', distance_col = "dist")
   test.x test.y      dist
1   SNTM1   <NA>        NA
2  STTTT2   <NA>        NA
3   STOLA   <NA>        NA
4   STOMQ  STOMQ 0.0000000
5    STR2  STR25 0.2000000
6  SUPTY1   <NA>        NA
7  TBNHSG   <NA>        NA
8   TEYAH   <NA>        NA
9  TMEIL1 TMEIL1 0.0000000
10 TMEIL2 TMEIL1 0.2857143
11 TMEIL3 TMEIL1 0.2857143
12   TNIL   <NA>        NA
13  TREUK   <NA>        NA
14   TTRK   <NA>        NA
15  TRRFK   <NA>        NA
16  UBA52   <NA>        NA
17  YIPF1  YIPF1 0.0000000

Try fuzzyjoin:

We could join df1 df2 based on fuzzy string matching of their columns.

With max_dist we could define the Maximum distance to use for joining

See: ?stringdist_left_join


fuzzyjoin::stringdist_left_join(x=df1, y=df2, max_dist =.35, by='test', method ='jaccard', distance_col = "dist")
   test.x test.y      dist
1   SNTM1   <NA>        NA
2  STTTT2   <NA>        NA
3   STOLA   <NA>        NA
4   STOMQ  STOMQ 0.0000000
5    STR2  STR25 0.2000000
6  SUPTY1   <NA>        NA
7  TBNHSG   <NA>        NA
8   TEYAH   <NA>        NA
9  TMEIL1 TMEIL1 0.0000000
10 TMEIL2 TMEIL1 0.2857143
11 TMEIL3 TMEIL1 0.2857143
12   TNIL   <NA>        NA
13  TREUK   <NA>        NA
14   TTRK   <NA>        NA
15  TRRFK   <NA>        NA
16  UBA52   <NA>        NA
17  YIPF1  YIPF1 0.0000000


最冷一天 2025-02-05 15:14:29



var express = require("express");


$ npm install express

请参见 node.js文档有关学习node.js的更多信息。

Unfortunately, Node.js doesn't support ES6's import yet.

To accomplish what you're trying to do (import the Express module), this code should suffice

var express = require("express");

Also, be sure you have Express installed by running

$ npm install express

See the Node.js Docs for more information about learning Node.js.


最冷一天 2025-02-05 12:23:11

桑德罗的答案应该解决您的问题。对于使用实时桌子摄入JSON文件,您可以在某些用例中查看本文“ rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”> https://medium.com/@chaobioz/create-delta-live-tables-dlt-dlt-dlt-dynamisaly-with-pyspark-e06a718199c8


Sandro’s answer should solve your problem. For ingesting json files with live tables, you can check this article for some use cases https://medium.com/@chaobioz/create-delta-live-tables-dlt-dynamically-with-pyspark-e06a718199c8

Also if for production, better use auto loader as well.

模块&#x27; dlt&#x27;没有属性&#x27; table&#x27; -Databricks和Delta Live Tables

最冷一天 2025-02-05 08:08:41

在这种情况下,您不需要用 .nodes 切碎XML,因为您可以将其纯粹用Xquery

    DEFAULT 'http://www.oceanwide.com/ZObject/2014',
    'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' as xs,
    'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as xsi
    , Amount = customdata.value('sum(
        Attribute[@Name = "ClaimPayment.TypeCode"]
        /ZObject/Value[text() = "Indemnity"]
      ]/Attribute[@Name = "ClaimPayment.Amount"]
    )', 'decimal(18,9)')
FROM @tbl AS t;
ID 金额
总结1 100000.000000000


You don't need to shred the XML with .nodes in this case, as you can sum it purely in XQuery

    DEFAULT 'http://www.oceanwide.com/ZObject/2014',
    'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' as xs,
    'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as xsi
    , Amount = customdata.value('sum(
        Attribute[@Name = "ClaimPayment.TypeCode"]
        /ZObject/Value[text() = "Indemnity"]
      ]/Attribute[@Name = "ClaimPayment.Amount"]
    )', 'decimal(18,9)')
FROM @tbl AS t;
ID Amount
1 100000.000000000


根据SQL Server 2014中XML中的特定条件,总和多个节点的价值。

最冷一天 2025-02-05 04:09:00

recurringjob.addorupdate 您正在调用的过载接受 expression&lt; func&lt; task&gt;&gt; 。那是代表返回任务的调用的表达树

不幸的是, recurringjob.addorupdate 要求该表达式树表示方法调用 - 它调用 job.fromexpression ,最终以

如下所示,您可以将调用包裹在方法调用中 - 我不知道它是否会真正起作用...您可能会发现您最终会得到很多名称为“执行”的作业。

private void AddTrigger(string triggerId, Frequency frequency, 
                        Func<Frequency, Task> trigger)
    var wrapper = new TriggerWrapper(() => trigger(frequency));
    RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(triggerId, () => wrapper.Execute(), Cron.Daily());

private class TriggerWrapper
    private Func<Task> func;

    internal TriggerWrapper(Func<Task> func) => this.func = func;

    public Task Execute() => func();

The RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate overload you're calling accepts an Expression<Func<Task>>. That's an expression tree representing a call that returns a task.

Unfortunately, RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate requires that expression tree to represent a method call - it calls Job.FromExpression, which eventually ends up in this code. Every Job is eventually built from a MethodInfo. Your lambda expression is an invocation via a parameter, so it doesn't work.

You could wrap the invocation in a method call, as below - I don't know if it will actually work though... you may find that you end up with a lot of jobs with a name of "Execute".

private void AddTrigger(string triggerId, Frequency frequency, 
                        Func<Frequency, Task> trigger)
    var wrapper = new TriggerWrapper(() => trigger(frequency));
    RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(triggerId, () => wrapper.Execute(), Cron.Daily());

private class TriggerWrapper
    private Func<Task> func;

    internal TriggerWrapper(Func<Task> func) => this.func = func;

    public Task Execute() => func();

表达式应为类型&#x27; methodcallexpression&#x27;




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