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最冷一天 2025-02-20 21:48:38


class Juice(models.Model):
    drink_ptr_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)


在新模式中的makemigration之后,应仅为 Alterfield ,而不是Addfield或DeleteField。


之后,您可以不用其他饮料使用果汁。 )

Change you model.

class Juice(models.Model):
    drink_ptr_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)

made new shema through makemigrations.

After Makemigrations in new schema should be only AlterField, not the AddField or DeleteField.


After that you can use your Juice without other Drink. ;)


最冷一天 2025-02-20 17:38:59





// header1.h
typedef int Number;
void foo(Number);

// header2.h
typedef float Number;
void foo(Number); // this only looks the same lexically


您可能会问一个这样的情况如何结束? 当然包括路径!如果在编译共享库时,Inclubel路径会导致 Header1.h ,并且您最终在您自己的程序中使用 header2.h ,您将被抓挠想知道发生了什么(双关语意图)。



,我有两个项目: graphics.lib main.exe 。这两个项目都取决于 common_math.h 。假设库导出以下功能:

// graphics.lib    
#include "common_math.h" 
void draw(vec3 p) { ... } // vec3 comes from common_math.h


// main.exe
#include "other/common_math.h"
#include "graphics.h"

int main() {

繁荣!您会收到链接器错误,并且不知道为什么会失败。原因是通用库使用相同的不同版本包括 common_math.h (我在示例中通过包括不同的路径而在此使其显而易见,但并不总是那么明显。也许也许。编译器设置中的包含路径不同。

请注意,在此示例中,链接器会告诉您它找不到 draw(),而实际上您知道它显然是由库导出的。您可能会花几个小时挠头想知道出了什么问题。问题是,链接器看到了不同的签名,因为参数类型略有不同。在示例中,就编译器而言, vec3 在两个项目中都是不同的类型。这可能发生,因为它们来自两个稍有不同的文件(也许包含文件来自库的两个不同版本)。


如果您正在使用Visual Studio, Dumpbin是您的朋友。我敢肯定,其他编译器还有其他类似的工具。


  1. 请注意链接器错误中给出的怪异的杂乱无章的名称。 (例如draw@graphics@xyz)。
  2. 将导出的符号从库将导出的符号转移到文本文件中。
  3. 搜索出口的感兴趣符号,并注意弄糊名的名称不同。
  4. 请注意为什么操纵名称最终会有所不同。您将能够看到参数类型是不同的,即使它们在源代码中看起来相同。
  5. 原因不同的原因。在上面给出的示例中,由于包括不同的文件,它们是不同的。



When your include paths are different

Linker errors can happen when a header file and its associated shared library (.lib file) go out of sync. Let me explain.

How do linkers work? The linker matches a function declaration (declared in the header) with its definition (in the shared library) by comparing their signatures. You can get a linker error if the linker doesn't find a function definition that matches perfectly.

Is it possible to still get a linker error even though the declaration and the definition seem to match? Yes! They might look the same in source code, but it really depends on what the compiler sees. Essentially you could end up with a situation like this:

// header1.h
typedef int Number;
void foo(Number);

// header2.h
typedef float Number;
void foo(Number); // this only looks the same lexically

Note how even though both the function declarations look identical in source code, but they are really different according to the compiler.

You might ask how one ends up in a situation like that? Include paths of course! If when compiling the shared library, the include path leads to header1.h and you end up using header2.h in your own program, you'll be left scratching your header wondering what happened (pun intended).

An example of how this can happen in the real world is explained below.

Further elaboration with an example

I have two projects: graphics.lib and main.exe. Both projects depend on common_math.h. Suppose the library exports the following function:

// graphics.lib    
#include "common_math.h" 
void draw(vec3 p) { ... } // vec3 comes from common_math.h

And then you go ahead and include the library in your own project.

// main.exe
#include "other/common_math.h"
#include "graphics.h"

int main() {

Boom! You get a linker error and you have no idea why it's failing. The reason is that the common library uses different versions of the same include common_math.h (I have made it obvious here in the example by including a different path, but it might not always be so obvious. Maybe the include path is different in the compiler settings).

Note in this example, the linker would tell you it couldn't find draw(), when in reality you know it obviously is being exported by the library. You could spend hours scratching your head wondering what went wrong. The thing is, the linker sees a different signature because the parameter types are slightly different. In the example, vec3 is a different type in both projects as far as the compiler is concerned. This could happen because they come from two slightly different include files (maybe the include files come from two different versions of the library).

Debugging the linker

DUMPBIN is your friend, if you are using Visual Studio. I'm sure other compilers have other similar tools.

The process goes like this:

  1. Note the weird mangled name given in the linker error. (eg. draw@graphics@XYZ).
  2. Dump the exported symbols from the library into a text file.
  3. Search for the exported symbol of interest, and notice that the mangled name is different.
  4. Pay attention to why the mangled names ended up different. You would be able to see that the parameter types are different, even though they look the same in the source code.
  5. Reason why they are different. In the example given above, they are different because of different include files.

[1] By project I mean a set of source files that are linked together to produce either a library or an executable.

EDIT 1: Rewrote first section to be easier to understand. Please comment below to let me know if something else needs to be fixed. Thanks!


最冷一天 2025-02-20 07:47:34

从JOOQ 3.17开始,有2个主要选项:

  1. 您设置了一个文物存储库并将JAR文件部署在其中,并使
  2. 您可以在某些源存储库中选中的github操作(相同的一个或另一个) 中选中的github操作。一个如果您希望在主要存储库中没有太多大文件),

则有一个未决的功能请求,可以为商业JOOQ文物提供公共存储库: https://github.com/jooq/jooq/jooq/sissues/9906 。另外,尽管有供应商不是开源的,但这些供应商已经开始使用(例如JDBC驱动程序等),可能会发布给Maven Central(例如,JDBC驱动程序等)。

As of jOOQ 3.17, there are 2 main options:

  1. You set up an artifact repository and deploy the jar files in there, and make it available to your github actions
  2. You check in the jar files in some source repository (the same one or a different one if you prefer not having too many large files in your main repository)

There's a pending feature request to offer a public repository for commercial jOOQ artifacts: https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/9906. Alternatively, these might be published to Maven Central, as various vendors have started doing (e.g. for JDBC drivers, etc.), despite the artifacts not being open source.

我应该如何通过Maven添加Jooq Express?

最冷一天 2025-02-20 06:59:57

您可以用@primary注释来注释豆(请参阅: https://wwwww.baeldung-com/spring-.com/spring-.com/spring-.com/spring-.com/主要

public class Configuration {

public BeanA beanA(@Autowired BeanC beanC) {
  return new BeanA(beanC);

You can annotate your bean with @Primary annotation (see: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-primary)

public class Configuration {

public BeanA beanA(@Autowired BeanC beanC) {
  return new BeanA(beanC);


最冷一天 2025-02-20 05:25:23

JavaScript Eventloop

以下链接可以解释您 出色地。如果仍然有问题,请随时提出。

Javascript eventloop


The following link would explain you well. if still you are having problem feel free to ask.


最冷一天 2025-02-20 02:23:21


在我的情况下,我更新了 package.json file。
运行 NPM安装
运行 CD Android&& ./gradlew Clean 清洁Android工件。


Just install the patch according to your current react-native version:

In my case I updated react-native to patch version 0.64.4 in package.json file.
Run npm install.
Run cd android && ./gradlew clean to clean Android artifacts.
Re-run your app.

I hope this help.

Android Studio-执行任务失败:App:CheckDebugaArmetadata'

最冷一天 2025-02-20 00:48:39

在基本r中,您可以使用 diff rowsums ,如下所示:

c(NA, NA, sqrt(rowSums(diff(as.matrix(input_labs), 2)^2)))

[1]        NA        NA 12.955157  1.295516 16.832873  1.683287 25.381342  2.538134 31.493688  3.149369

您可以 cbind 结果到原始dataframe。

in Base R you can use diff and rowSums as shown below:

c(NA, NA, sqrt(rowSums(diff(as.matrix(input_labs), 2)^2)))

[1]        NA        NA 12.955157  1.295516 16.832873  1.683287 25.381342  2.538134 31.493688  3.149369

You can cbind the results to the original dataframe.


最冷一天 2025-02-19 13:02:08

搜索 javadoc org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.nodeimpl

- >

noreferrer“ > > nodeimpl类中的方法

,但是有 getParent()方法

search for javadoc org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.NodeImpl

-> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/apidocs/org/apache/jackrabbit/oak/jcr/session/NodeImpl.html

there is no parent() method in NodeImpl class

however there is getParent() method


最冷一天 2025-02-19 08:25:26


在HTML中,您使用 name =“” 属性。这应该在< input> < select tag(s)和 not < label>

快速旁注:对于您的表单中的数字值,您可以使用< Input type =“ number” min =“ 1” max =“ 5”>

    <form action="action-file-name.php" method="post">
      <label for="no_seats">
      <!-- <select name="no_seats" id="no_seats">
        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>
        <option value="3">3</option>
      </select> -->

        <input type="number" min="1" max="10" name="no_seats">
    <label for="otherField">
      <input type="text" id="otherField" name="reference_in_php" placeholder="Enter details here..." value="">

对于PHP,您需要引用您在HTML中指定的 name =“” 属性。

     * If $_POST["submit"] is not set...
    if (!isset($_POST["submit"])) {

       * Use a 'gated' approach (this is a good security approach).
       * Essentially, it means that the details can be assumed to be incorrect 
       * so as to stop unauthorised access from the very beginning.
       * If the submit value is NOT set:
       * 1. Force the session to end 
       * -
       * OR
       * -
       * 2. Send the user somewhere else, perhaps a custom 403 page
       * ----------------------
       * It's also worth setting a HTTP response so that your server
       * and any future front-end scripts e.g. JS will know this is
       * not available or accessible. 
       * E.g. http_response_code(403);


      /* 1 */
      die("Message to show to user");

      /* 2 */
      header("location: 403.php")

    } else {

       * We now know that the details were 'submitted', so let's
       * do what we need to do.
       * 1. Let's get the $_POST values.
       * Never trust a value sent by $_POST. Sanitise it first to 
       * make sure the value doesn't contain unwanted values. 

      $number_of_seats = htmlentities($_POST['no_seats']);

      echo $number_of_seats;

      /* The rest of the code here... */


Any piece of information which you want to handle needs to be referenced in both the HTML and PHP files.

In HTML, you use the name="" property. This should be in the <input> or <select> tag(s) and not on the <label>.

A quick sidenote: For number values in your form, you could use the <input type="number" min="1" max="5">.

    <form action="action-file-name.php" method="post">
      <label for="no_seats">
      <!-- <select name="no_seats" id="no_seats">
        <option value="1">1</option>
        <option value="2">2</option>
        <option value="3">3</option>
      </select> -->

        <input type="number" min="1" max="10" name="no_seats">
    <label for="otherField">
      <input type="text" id="otherField" name="reference_in_php" placeholder="Enter details here..." value="">

For PHP, you need to reference the name="" property you specified in HTML.

     * If $_POST["submit"] is not set...
    if (!isset($_POST["submit"])) {

       * Use a 'gated' approach (this is a good security approach).
       * Essentially, it means that the details can be assumed to be incorrect 
       * so as to stop unauthorised access from the very beginning.
       * If the submit value is NOT set:
       * 1. Force the session to end 
       * -
       * OR
       * -
       * 2. Send the user somewhere else, perhaps a custom 403 page
       * ----------------------
       * It's also worth setting a HTTP response so that your server
       * and any future front-end scripts e.g. JS will know this is
       * not available or accessible. 
       * E.g. http_response_code(403);


      /* 1 */
      die("Message to show to user");

      /* 2 */
      header("location: 403.php")

    } else {

       * We now know that the details were 'submitted', so let's
       * do what we need to do.
       * 1. Let's get the $_POST values.
       * Never trust a value sent by $_POST. Sanitise it first to 
       * make sure the value doesn't contain unwanted values. 

      $number_of_seats = htmlentities($_POST['no_seats']);

      echo $number_of_seats;

      /* The rest of the code here... */


$ _ post只有一个值,而HTML文档具有许多元素

最冷一天 2025-02-19 07:18:58



  • 通过用户ID进行分配
  • 使用流名称将登录计数设置为零以零,以唯一用户数量初始化共享状态
  • 以及通过设置来初始化共享状态,并通过设置登录总数来将输出状态 。两者都将
  • 每个新的登录事件都增加一个,将登录计数增加一个
  • ,请在创建新分区时增加每个登录事件的共享状态的总登录计数
  • (您有一个新用户),您可以增加用户数量一个
  • 输出两种状态(请注意 Bistate 选项)以分开流。共享状态具有静态流名称,分区状态(每个用户)具有格式字符串,其中唯一的参数是分区ID(您的情况下的用户ID),


    $includeLinks: true,
    biState: true

    .partitionBy(function (e) { 
        return e.streamId.split("-")[1];
        $init: function() {
            return {
                logins: 0,
        $initShared: function() {
            return {
                numberOfUsers: 0,
                totalLogins: 0
        $created: function (s, e) {
        "login": function(s, e) {
            return s;

    .outputTo("totalUsers", "logins-{0}");

使用 Bistate时,您在事件处理程序中获得一个数组,在 $创建中。第一个元素(索引零)是分区状态,第二个元素(索引一个)是共享状态。

我用两个流进行了测试: user-123 user-124 ,然后我将几个登录事件发射到两个流。




然后您可以找到 Totallogins login-xxx (用户)带有最新状态。 Totallogins 流实际包含指向单个 login-xxx 流的链接:


这是 login-xxx 中的事件看起来像:







,我看到了: ”输入图像描述在这里“

它说 forStreamMatching 函数的参数应返回 true of false> false 给定流动名称,例如 stream =&gt; stream.startswith(“ person。”)。我不确定文档在哪里可以与字符串前缀一起使用。

警告:ES6语法仅在ESDB&gt; = 21.10中支持

What you are looking for is a stateful partitioned continuous projection.

It needs to do the following:

  • Partition the output state by the user id using the stream name
  • Initialize the partition state by setting the login count to zero
  • Optionally, initialize the shared state with the number of unique users and the total number of logins by setting both to zero
  • Increase the login count by one for each new login event
  • Optionally, increase the total login count in the shared state for each login event
  • When the new partition is created (you got a new user), you can increase the number of users by one
  • Output both states (notice the biState option) to separate streams. The shared state has a static stream name, and the partition state (per user) has a format string where the only argument is the partition id (user id in your case)

Here's the projection code that works:

    $includeLinks: true,
    biState: true

    .partitionBy(function (e) { 
        return e.streamId.split("-")[1];
        $init: function() {
            return {
                logins: 0,
        $initShared: function() {
            return {
                numberOfUsers: 0,
                totalLogins: 0
        $created: function (s, e) {
        "login": function(s, e) {
            return s;

    .outputTo("totalUsers", "logins-{0}");

When using the biState, you get an array in event handlers and in $created. The first element (index zero) is the partition state, and the second element (index one) is the shared state.

I tested it with two streams: user-123 and user-124, and I emitted a couple of login events to both streams.

When I look at the projection, I see the shared state, and the field to enter the partition id:

Shared state

When I enter the partition id, I can see the partition state:

Partition state

You then can find totalLogins and login-XXX (by user) streams with the latest state. The totalLogins stream would actually contain links to individual login-XXX streams:

enter image description here

Here's how the event in login-XXX looks like:

enter image description here

When the projection emits a new state to the state streams, it also truncates the state stream. So, when you read the stream, I can suggest that you read backwards with the count one. In production, you'd need to scavenge the database regularly, otherwise, those truncated events will occupy a lot of space.

Previous answer

as the question was modified, the answer seems out of context

When I read the docs following the link in your question, I see this:

enter image description here

It says that the argument for the forStreamMatching function is a function that should return true of false given the stream name, like stream => stream.startsWith("person."). I am not sure where the docs say that it would work with a string prefix.

A warning: the ES6 syntax is only supported in ESDB >= 21.10


最冷一天 2025-02-19 00:54:25


for itm in example_list:
    if itm[0] in my_dict.keys(): # have to look if keys match
        my_dict[itm[0]].append(itm[1]) # # directly access the key-value pair


What you want to do is:

for itm in example_list:
    if itm[0] in my_dict.keys(): # have to look if keys match
        my_dict[itm[0]].append(itm[1]) # # directly access the key-value pair

Your problem was that you created a new list and appended your item to it each time the loop was run, therefore the old data was deleted everytime.


最冷一天 2025-02-18 18:41:06

您可以使用 re.split 在保持分离器时打破输入(因为您的某些示例以> 开始),并检查是否有任何单词是在您的字典中,否则,只要保留这个词。下面的代码不是很优雅,因为您的输入是 np.array 。如果您可以使其成为简单的字符串列表,则可以简化代码。

import re
import numpy as np

output_array = []
for input_line in X_trying:
    output_array.append([''.join(abbreviations_master[word] if word in abbreviations_master else word
                                  for word in re.split('( )', str(input_line[0]).lower()))])
output_array = np.array(output_array, dtype='<U97064')


array([[' and my account number his okay it is arrow my name with a k last name is and another phone numbers that is okay it is just number yes <unk> at gmail dot com that is a lower '],
       ['hi amber i am relocating so i need a insurance card for my car first name <unk> last name is d key no for brand new is not']],

请注意,() split 中很重要。如果您有更多的分离器,则可以将它们添加为: re.split('(| \。|,)。但是您的示例没有其他标点符号,所以我没有添加它。

You can use re.split to break the input in words, while keeping the separators (since some of your examples started with a ), and check if any of the words is in your dictionary, otherwise, just keep the word. The code below is not very elegant because your input is an np.array. If you can make it a simple list of strings, the code can be simplified.

import re
import numpy as np

output_array = []
for input_line in X_trying:
    output_array.append([''.join(abbreviations_master[word] if word in abbreviations_master else word
                                  for word in re.split('( )', str(input_line[0]).lower()))])
output_array = np.array(output_array, dtype='<U97064')

The output format is similar to the input:

array([[' and my account number his okay it is arrow my name with a k last name is and another phone numbers that is okay it is just number yes <unk> at gmail dot com that is a lower '],
       ['hi amber i am relocating so i need a insurance card for my car first name <unk> last name is d key no for brand new is not']],

Note that the () in split are important. If you have more separators, you can add them as: re.split('( |\.|,). But your examples didn't have any other punctuation, so I didn't add it.


最冷一天 2025-02-18 18:34:29


I don't know the logic in your application, but if you are afraid of someone messing with you JS, then you should do validation on the server as well (Its always better to have validation on both - client and server side)! Validate it on the server and return a flag or something, then you will know that you have to execute deleteImages()

表格验证后调用JavaScript函数ASP.NET MVC

最冷一天 2025-02-18 18:23:14


    this.adminService.getAllRoles().pipe(take(1)).subscribe((users: any) => {
      this.userList = [...users];

Can you try this:

    this.adminService.getAllRoles().pipe(take(1)).subscribe((users: any) => {
      this.userList = [...users];


最冷一天 2025-02-18 13:18:46


  coalesce(t.dni, y.dni) as dni,
  t.rate as today_rate,
  y.rate as yesterday_rate
from (
  WHERE RATE='13' 
    AND DATE = to_char(sysdate-1, 'yyyymmdd')
) y
full join (
  WHERE RATE <> '13' 
    AND DATE to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd')
) t on t.dni = y.dni
-- WHERE today_rate is not null -- extra filtering here


select *
from (
    dni, date, rate,
    lag(date) over(partition by dni order by date) as prev_date,
    lag(rate) over(partition by dni order by date) as prev_rate
  from workers
) x
where prev_rate <> '13' and rate = '13'

You can join both queries to compare. In this case I would think that an full outer join is more appropriate. For example:

  coalesce(t.dni, y.dni) as dni,
  t.rate as today_rate,
  y.rate as yesterday_rate
from (
  WHERE RATE='13' 
    AND DATE = to_char(sysdate-1, 'yyyymmdd')
) y
full join (
  WHERE RATE <> '13' 
    AND DATE to_char(sysdate, 'yyyymmdd')
) t on t.dni = y.dni
-- WHERE today_rate is not null -- extra filtering here

Also, the following query can compare all dates, not just today and yesterday:

select *
from (
    dni, date, rate,
    lag(date) over(partition by dni order by date) as prev_date,
    lag(rate) over(partition by dni order by date) as prev_rate
  from workers
) x
where prev_rate <> '13' and rate = '13'





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