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挽手叙旧 2025-02-16 21:14:17

保存刚性并为速度限制定义变量后,只需使用 vector3.ClampMagnitude 限制它。

public float maxVelocity;

void FixedUpdate()
    ///... Add force

    rb.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(rb.velocity, maxVelocity);

After saving rigidbody and defining a variable for speed limit, just limit it with Vector3.ClampMagnitude.

public float maxVelocity;

void FixedUpdate()
    ///... Add force

    rb.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(rb.velocity, maxVelocity);


挽手叙旧 2025-02-15 17:20:27

否则您只想编辑第一行,您可以删除循环并使用i = 0

for i in df.index:
  if df['B'][i].find('a')>=0:
    df['B'][i] += ', b'

You can use this code
It edits all of the rows if you want
else you want to edit just first row you can remove for loop and use i=0

for i in df.index:
  if df['B'][i].find('a')>=0:
    df['B'][i] += ', b'


挽手叙旧 2025-02-15 09:41:18

之所以会发生这种情况,是因为您的中间件正在抛出 async错误,而您的节点应用程序无法处理它。


    // Your code...


/** Catch and return custom errors */
app.use((error, req, res, next) => {
    const status = error.statusCode || 500;
    const message = error.message;
    const data = error.data;
    res.status(status).json({ message: message, data: data });

当express看到 next(error) ie下一个函数与参数调用下一个函数,它将其传递给您在 app.js 解决方案:

您可以使用NPM软件包 express-async-errors


​文件只需添加 require('express-async-errors')在顶部。这将把所有异步错误引导到您的应用程序中的错误处理程序中间件。

This is happening because your middleware is throwing an async error and your node app has no way of handling it.

Even if you have an error handler in place you need to explicitly call the next function with the error object.

    // Your code...

When express sees next(error) i.e. next function being called with an argument it passes it to the error handler that you have written at the end of app.js

/** Catch and return custom errors */
app.use((error, req, res, next) => {
    const status = error.statusCode || 500;
    const message = error.message;
    const data = error.data;
    res.status(status).json({ message: message, data: data });


You can make use of an npm package express-async-errors

Link for the npm package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-async-errors

And in your app.js file just add require('express-async-errors') on the very top. This will direct all the async errors to the error handler middleware in your application.


挽手叙旧 2025-02-14 19:08:54
SELECT * FROM numberedlanding_* WHERE _TABLE_SUFFIX = CURRENT_DATE() || '_storefront'
SELECT * FROM numberedlanding_* WHERE _TABLE_SUFFIX = CURRENT_DATE() || '_storefront'

查询表的名称每天都在变化 - bigquery

挽手叙旧 2025-02-14 15:24:22

当您执行session_start()如果是第一个调用时,服务器将会话信息保存在 /tmp文件夹中的文件中,并使用此文件标识符将cookie发送到浏览器,否则服务器获取cookie标识符并加载文件信息。默认情况下,PHP配置中此cookie的持续时间为30分钟。



When you do session_start() if it is is the first call, the server saves session information in a file in /tmp folder, and send to your browser a cookie with this file identifier, else the server get cookie identifier and loads the file information. The duration of this cookie by default in php configuration is 30 minutes.

You can increase the time of this cookie in php.ini or manually setting directive with ini_set function or in .htacces file. You only setting the directive session.cookie_lifetime. The values are number of seconds or if set to the cookie are valid until you are close the browser

Another posible solution is make a token system for users, for example you manually sends a cookie to the browser that expires after 2 months width a token (large randomly key, saved in a database table with a user id field). When the session isn't available you check if the cookie exists and you can recreate session login finding a user manually with the cookie token.

PHP会话到期 - 什么时候刷新?

挽手叙旧 2025-02-14 01:24:30

您需要将创建的托管身份设置为SQL Server中的管理员。

遵循以下内容: Azure SQL Server - >设置 - > Azure Active Directory

现在单击设置Admin 选项,然后搜索要访问的托管身份。


You need to set the created Managed Identity as admin in SQL Server.

Follow this: Azure SQL Server -> Settings -> Azure Active Directory

Now click on Set Admin option and search for the Managed Identity to which you want to give access.

Click on Save.

enter image description here

使用托管身份连接到Azure SQL数据库

挽手叙旧 2025-02-14 00:55:04



document.getElementById('start').addEventListener('click', startGame);

You are missing the event listener for the start button.

Pure js:

document.getElementById('start').addEventListener('click', startGame);


挽手叙旧 2025-02-13 18:22:51

我认为您不想出于某种原因使用 std ::复杂。现在,您必须决定复杂的类型< float>+double ;它会失去一些数据吗?

  1. 如果结果为复杂< float> ,则 double 的精度位会丢失,并且将大值夹紧到 Inf
  2. 如果结果为 double ,则假想零件就消失了。

因此,两全其美的最好是复杂< double> 。近距离的外观表明您的问题归结为转换/促销到数字类型。您将需要转换构造函数:

#include <concept>
template<std::floating_point numeric>
class complex{
    constexpr complex(numeric const r=0,numeric const i=0);

    template<std::floating_point othern>
        requires std::constructible_from<numeric,othern>
        explicit(!std::convertible_to<othern, numeric>)
    constexpr complex(complex<othern> const&);


    //continue class declaration:
    friend auto const& operator(complex rgt, complex const& lft)
        {return rgt+=lft;};
    complex const& operator+=(complex const&);


    //still inside class complex:
    explicit constexper operator numeric() const
        {return this->real();};

显式指定器 - 在声明转换构造函数和操作员时 - 执行正确的扣除额,并需要隐含。转换

I assume that you don't want to use std::complex for some reason. Now you have to decide the type of complex<float>+double; is it going to loose some data?

  1. If the result is complex<float>, then precision bits of double are lost and large values are clamped to INF.
  2. If the result is double, then the imaginary part is gone.

Thus, the best of both worlds would be complex<double>. A closer looks reveals that your problem boils down to conversion/promotion to/from numeric types. You are going to need conversion constructors:

#include <concept>
template<std::floating_point numeric>
class complex{
    constexpr complex(numeric const r=0,numeric const i=0);

    template<std::floating_point othern>
        requires std::constructible_from<numeric,othern>
        explicit(!std::convertible_to<othern, numeric>)
    constexpr complex(complex<othern> const&);

Now you can simply define:

    //continue class declaration:
    friend auto const& operator(complex rgt, complex const& lft)
        {return rgt+=lft;};
    complex const& operator+=(complex const&);

This approach hits two birds with one stone. For completness I would define one conversion operator too:

    //still inside class complex:
    explicit constexper operator numeric() const
        {return this->real();};

The explicit specifiers - in declaration of conversion constructors and operator - conducts correct deduction and required implicit. conversions


挽手叙旧 2025-02-13 14:38:27

使用上一个Q&amp; a的类似示例来重现相同的行为:

function Invoke-SqlExample {
    $dtt = [System.Data.DataTable]::new()
    [void] $dtt.Columns.Add('Name')
    $row = $dtt.NewRow()
    $row.Name  = "Hello"
    , $dtt

function Main {
    $result1 = DoWork1

    $result2 = DoWork2

function DoWork1 {
    $result1 = Invoke-SqlExample
        Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Type     = $result1.GetType().Name
    } | Out-Host
    return $result1

    # Immediate fixes:
    #     return , $result1
    #     Write-Output $result1 -NoEnumerate
    #     $PSCmdlet.WriteObject($result1, $false) !! Only if Advanced Function

function DoWork2 {
     return Invoke-SqlExample



Function Type
-------- ----
DoWork1  DataTable

IsPublic IsSerial Name            BaseType
-------- -------- ----            --------
True     False    DataRow         System.Object
True     True     DataTable       System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent

我们可以看到,只有在先前分配给一个变量,即使 dowork1 中的变量( $ result1 )仍然是类型 datatable )。

这可以解释为, dowork2 发生在单个管道中,而不是 dowork1 发生在两个管道中,首先是 Invoke> Invoke-sqlexample 的输出。收集到变量中,然后以输出发射(这是触发展开的地方)。这是基于假设,可能不是完全正确的。

从先前的答案中,即将 dowork1 返回 dataTable 实例Untouched(展开)的立即修复程序,我们可以使用逗号运算符 将在数组中包装 datatable 实例,然后在枚举期间丢失(从功能输出),因为它是一个数组一个元素。另一种选择是使用 写入输出-neenumerate 。 As last alternative we can also use


function test {
    , [Collections.Generic.List[string]]@(

(& { test }).GetType()          # => List`1
(& { $a = test; $a }).GetType() # => Object[]

Using a similar example from the previous Q&A, to reproduce the same behavior:

function Invoke-SqlExample {
    $dtt = [System.Data.DataTable]::new()
    [void] $dtt.Columns.Add('Name')
    $row = $dtt.NewRow()
    $row.Name  = "Hello"
    , $dtt

function Main {
    $result1 = DoWork1

    $result2 = DoWork2

function DoWork1 {
    $result1 = Invoke-SqlExample
        Function = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Type     = $result1.GetType().Name
    } | Out-Host
    return $result1

    # Immediate fixes:
    #     return , $result1
    #     Write-Output $result1 -NoEnumerate
    #     $PSCmdlet.WriteObject($result1, $false) !! Only if Advanced Function

function DoWork2 {
     return Invoke-SqlExample


The output you would get from this is:

Function Type
-------- ----
DoWork1  DataTable

IsPublic IsSerial Name            BaseType
-------- -------- ----            --------
True     False    DataRow         System.Object
True     True     DataTable       System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent

We can see that the unrolling of the DataTable is only done when previously assigned to a variable, even though the variable ($result1 in DoWork1 is still of the type DataTable).

This could be explained as, DoWork2 happens in a single pipeline as opposed to DoWork1 which happens in two pipelines, first the output from Invoke-SqlExample is collected in a variable, and then emitted as output (this is where the unrolling is triggered). This is based on assumptions, and may not be entirely correct.

As iRon suggested in his helpful comment from the prior answer, an immediate fix to have DoWork1 return the DataTable instance untouched (unrolled), we can use the comma operator , which will wrap the DataTable instance in an array which is then lost during enumeration (output from the function) since it is an array of one element. The other alternative would be using Write-Output -NeEnumerate. As last alternative we can also use $PSCmdlet.WriteObject(..., $false) only if the function is an advanced one.

Adding a similar example that demonstrates the same behavior, this one was provided by mclayton in his helpful comment:

function test {
    , [Collections.Generic.List[string]]@(

(& { test }).GetType()          # => List`1
(& { $a = test; $a }).GetType() # => Object[]

Powershell 5.1为什么这两个功能返回不同类型

挽手叙旧 2025-02-13 12:01:35

您不应返回 timepiece*,因为两个子类共享 timepiece 其实现而不是其接口。

一种简单的方法是给出 timeManager 两个单独的方法:

Timer* AddTimer();
StopWatch* AddStopWatch();

如果需要 remove> remove 方法:您可以利用多态性行为:

void RemoveTimePiece(TimePiece*);

You should not return TimePiece* because the two subclasses are sharing TimePiece for its implementation, not for its interface.

A simple approach is to give TimeManager two separate methods:

Timer* AddTimer();
StopWatch* AddStopWatch();

You can exploit polymorphic behavior if you need the Remove method:

void RemoveTimePiece(TimePiece*);


挽手叙旧 2025-02-13 08:06:19

仅出于句法目的,这里有可能具有 exec exec 。请记住,它接受额外的参数以限制变量的范围(默认为全局)。

x = ['feature1','feature2']

for s in x:
    exec(f'{s} = "{s}"') # execute the string containing a python command

y = [feature1, feature2]
#['feature1', 'feature2']

Just for syntactical purposes here a possibility with exec. Remember that it accepts extra parameters to restrict the scope of the variables (default is global).

x = ['feature1','feature2']

for s in x:
    exec(f'{s} = "{s}"') # execute the string containing a python command

y = [feature1, feature2]
#['feature1', 'feature2']


挽手叙旧 2025-02-12 21:02:02

当您使用GlSurfaceView时,您与OpenGle的所有交互都应在OpenGlrenderer的 OnDrawFrame 中下游,因为这在线程上带有OpenGles上下文绑定。

onkeydown 是从没有opengles上下文的其他一些Android线程中调用的。如果我正确遵循您的代码,则最终将调用Ingamestate的 OnEnter 函数,该功能调用 glcreateShader 失败,因为没有OpenGles上下文。

您的解决方法似乎是正确的想法。我建议您拥有 onkeydown onkeyup 附加到输入事件的队列,可以在您的 ondrawframe 中处理。我认为这比您的布尔键> 的数组更强大,因为您可以按顺序处理输入,并且可以轻松扩展系统以在需要时进行触摸事件。

When you're using GLSurfaceView, all of your interactions with OpenGLES should be downstream from OpenGLRenderer's onDrawFrame, as that's called on the thread with the OpenGLES context bound.

onKeyDown is called from some other Android thread with no OpenGLES context. If I'm following your code correctly, then it eventually invokes InGameState's onEnter function which calls glCreateShader which fails because there's no OpenGLES context.

Your workaround seems like the right sort of idea. I would recommend that you have onKeyDown and onKeyUp append to a queue of input events, which can be processed in your onDrawFrame. I think that's a more robust approach than your array of boolean keyStates as you can process input in order, and easily extend the system to have touch events when you need to.

关键事件之后,在游戏状态之间切换时,如何避免丢失OpenGL ES上下文?

挽手叙旧 2025-02-12 17:59:50

在容器(DockerIndocker)中测试-X $ JAVA_HOME/bin/java 返回1。
在Agent 中,测试-X $ JAVA_HOME/bin/java 返回0。0777


same issue with TeamCity agent. It runs docker-in-docker.
In container (DockerInDocker) test -x $JAVA_HOME/bin/java returns 1.
In agent test -x $JAVA_HOME/bin/java returns 0.

0777 mode, root owner as well.

使用Jenkins管道构建Docker Image时的权限问题

挽手叙旧 2025-02-12 14:55:38


=INDEX(IF((A4:A="contact")*(B4:B=""), "XXX", 
 IF((A4:A="contact")*(B4:B<>""), "Video/Audio", )))


=INDEX(IF((A4:A="contact")*(B4:B=""), "XXX", 
 IF((A4:A="contact")*(B4:B<>""), "Video/Audio", )))

enter image description here

如果a =&quot;和b =&quot&quot;返回“ xxx”但是,如果a ='联系人”和b iss non t blank返回“视频/音频”

挽手叙旧 2025-02-12 14:42:50

根据 spec spec spec a>,在转换为数字值时接受的数字文字的语法与字符串值接受的语法之间存在一些差异。


a stringnumericliteral&nbsp;不能包括a&nbsp; numericLiteralSeparator。


According to the spec, there are a few differences between the syntax accepted for numeric literals and the syntax accepted for a string value when being converted to a numeric value.

One of the differences is

A StringNumericLiteral cannot include a NumericLiteralSeparator.

If I have to guess, the reason is that accepting such characters would change the behavior of existing valid JavaScript code, which may break working applications.





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