XML的语言,和专门的处理软件一起使用,用于XML文档转换。虽然这个处理过程被称作“转换”,但并没有改变原始文档,而是在原文档内容的基础上创建了一个新的XML文档。然后, 这个新文档会被处理器序列化(输出)为标准的XML语法或其他格式,如
[one]- XSLT Element Reference
- Transforming XML with XSLT
- XSLT allows a stylesheet author to transform a primary XML document in two significant ways: manipulating and sorting the content, including a wholesale reordering of it if so desired, and transforming the content into a different format.
- Using the Mozilla JavaScript interface to XSL Transformations
- This document describes the JavaScript interface to the XSLT processing engine in Mozilla 1.2 and up.
- Specifying parameters using processing instructions
- Firefox allows stylesheet parameters to be specified when using the
<?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction. This is done using the <?xslt-param?> PI described in this document.
- XSLT & XPath Tutorial
- The TopXML XSLT tutorial introduces you to the basics of XSLT concepts, syntax, and programming.
- XSLT Tutorial
- This W3Schools tutorial teaches the reader how to use XSLT to transform XML documents into other formats, like XHTML.
- What is XSLT?
- This extensive introduction to XSLT and XPath assumes no prior knowledge of the technologies, and guides the reader through background, context, structure, concepts and introductory terminology.
- XSLT 2.0 (new)
| - XML, XPath, XQuery
Note: one This description of XSLT is obtained from the Wikipedia XSLT article.Categories
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