HTMLElement - Web APIs 编辑
The HTMLElement
interface represents any HTML element. Some elements directly implement this interface, while others implement it via an interface that inherits it.
<div id="interfaceDiagram" style="display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 11.666666666666666%; vertical-align: middle; overflow: hidden;"><svg style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;" viewbox="-50 0 600 70" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"><a xlink:href="/wiki/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget" target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="110" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#D4DDE4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="56" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="Consolas,Monaco,Andale Mono,monospace" fill="#4D4E53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">EventTarget</text></a><polyline points="111,25 121,20 121,30 111,25" stroke="#D4DDE4" fill="none"/><line x1="121" y1="25" x2="151" y2="25" stroke="#D4DDE4"/><a xlink:href="/wiki/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node" target="_top"><rect x="151" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#D4DDE4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="188.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="Consolas,Monaco,Andale Mono,monospace" fill="#4D4E53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">Node</text></a><polyline points="226,25 236,20 236,30 226,25" stroke="#D4DDE4" fill="none"/><line x1="236" y1="25" x2="266" y2="25" stroke="#D4DDE4"/><a xlink:href="" target="_top"><rect x="266" y="1" width="75" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#D4DDE4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="303.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="Consolas,Monaco,Andale Mono,monospace" fill="#4D4E53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">Element</text></a><polyline points="341,25 351,20 351,30 341,25" stroke="#D4DDE4" fill="none"/><line x1="351" y1="25" x2="381" y2="25" stroke="#D4DDE4"/><a xlink:href="/wiki/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement" target="_top"><rect x="381" y="1" width="110" height="50" fill="#F4F7F8" stroke="#D4DDE4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="436" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="Consolas,Monaco,Andale Mono,monospace" fill="#4D4E53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">HTMLElement</text></a></svg></div>
a:hover text { fill: #0095DD; pointer-events: all;}
Inherits properties from its parent, Element
, and implements those from DocumentAndElementEventHandlers
, ElementCSSInlineStyle
, GlobalEventHandlers
, HTMLOrForeignElement
and TouchEventHandlers
- Is a
representing the access key assigned to the element. HTMLElement.accessKeyLabel
Read only- Returns a
containing the element's assigned access key. HTMLElement.contentEditable
- Is a
, where a value oftrue
means the element is editable and a value offalse
means it isn't. HTMLElement.isContentEditable
Read only- Returns a
that indicates whether or not the content of the element can be edited. HTMLElement.contextMenu
- Is a
representing the contextual menu associated with the element. It may benull
. HTMLOrForeignElement.dataset
Read only- Returns a
with which script can read and write the element's custom data attributes (data-*
) . HTMLElement.dir
- Is a
, reflecting thedir
global attribute, representing the directionality of the element. Possible values are"ltr"
, and"auto"
. HTMLElement.draggable
- Is a
indicating if the element can be dragged. HTMLElement.hidden
- Is a
indicating if the element is hidden or not. HTMLElement.inert
- Is a
indicating whether the user agent must act as though the given node is absent for the purposes of user interaction events, in-page text searches ("find in page"), and text selection. HTMLElement.innerText
- Represents the "rendered" text content of a node and its descendants. As a getter, it approximates the text the user would get if they highlighted the contents of the element with the cursor and then copied it to the clipboard.
- Is a
representing the item scope. HTMLElement.itemType
Read only- Returns a
… HTMLElement.itemId
- Is a
representing the item ID. HTMLElement.itemRef
Read only- Returns a
… HTMLElement.itemProp
Read only- Returns a
… HTMLElement.itemValue
- Returns a
representing the item value. HTMLElement.lang
- Is a
representing the language of an element's attributes, text, and element contents. HTMLElement.noModule
- Is a
indicating whether an import script can be executed in user agents that support module scripts. HTMLOrForeignElement.nonce
- Returns the cryptographic number used once that is used by Content Security Policy to determine whether a given fetch will be allowed to proceed.
Read only- Returns a
containing the height of an element, relative to the layout. HTMLElement.offsetLeft
Read only- Returns a
, the distance from this element's left border to itsoffsetParent
's left border. HTMLElement.offsetParent
Read only- Returns a
that is the element from which all offset calculations are currently computed. HTMLElement.offsetTop
Read only- Returns a
, the distance from this element's top border to itsoffsetParent
's top border. HTMLElement.offsetWidth
Read only- Returns a
containing the width of an element, relative to the layout.
Read only- Returns a
… HTMLElement.spellcheck
- Is a
that controls spell-checking. It is present on all HTML elements, though it doesn't have an effect on all of them.
- Is a
, an object representing the declarations of an element's style attributes. HTMLOrForeignElement.tabIndex
- Is a
representing the position of the element in the tabbing order. HTMLElement.title
- Is a
containing the text that appears in a popup box when mouse is over the element. HTMLElement.translate
- Is a
representing the translation.
Event handlers
Most event handler properties, of the form onXYZ
, are defined on the DocumentAndElementEventHandlers
, GlobalEventHandlers
or TouchEventHandlers
interfaces and implemented by HTMLElement
. In addition, the following handlers are specific to HTMLElement
- Returns the event handling code for the
event (bug 280959). HTMLElement.oncut
- Returns the event handling code for the
event (bug 280959). HTMLElement.onpaste
- Returns the event handling code for the
event (bug 280959). TouchEventHandlers.ontouchstart
- Returns the event handling code for the
event. TouchEventHandlers.ontouchend
- Returns the event handling code for the
event. TouchEventHandlers.ontouchmove
- Returns the event handling code for the
event. TouchEventHandlers.ontouchenter
- Returns the event handling code for the
event. TouchEventHandlers.ontouchleave
- Returns the event handling code for the
event. TouchEventHandlers.ontouchcancel
- Returns the event handling code for the
Inherits methods from its parent, Element
, and implements those from DocumentAndElementEventHandlers
, ElementCSSInlineStyle
, GlobalEventHandlers
, HTMLOrForeignElement
and TouchEventHandlers
- Attaches an
instance to the custom element. HTMLOrForeignElement.blur()
- Removes keyboard focus from the currently focused element.
- Sends a mouse click event to the element.
- Makes the element the current keyboard focus.
- Runs the spell checker on the element's contents.
Listen to these events using addEventListener()
or by assigning an event listener to the oneventname
property of this interface.
- Fired when an element does not satisfy its constraints during constraint validation.
Also available via theoninvalid
Animation events
- Fired when an animation unexpectedly aborts.
Also available via theonanimationcancel
property. animationend
- Fired when an animation has completed normally.
Also available via theonanimationend
property. animationiteration
- Fired when an animation iteration has completed.
Also available via theonanimationiteration
property. animationstart
- Fired when an animation starts.
Also available via theonanimationstart
Input events
- Fired when the value of an
, or<textarea>
element is about to be modified. input
- Fired when the
of an<input>
, or<textarea>
element has been changed.
Also available via theoninput
property. change
- Fired when the
of an<input>
, or<textarea>
element has been changed and committed by the user. Unlike theinput
event, thechange
event is not necessarily fired for each alteration to an element'svalue
Pointer events
- Fired when an element captures a pointer using
Also available via theongotpointercapture
property. lostpointercapture
- Fired when a captured pointer is released.
Also available via theonlostpointercapture
property. pointercancel
- Fired when a pointer event is canceled.
Also available via theonpointercancel
property. pointerdown
- Fired when a pointer becomes active.
Also available via theonpointerdown
property. pointerenter
- Fired when a pointer is moved into the hit test boundaries of an element or one of its descendants.
Also available via theonpointerenter
property. pointerleave
- Fired when a pointer is moved out of the hit test boundaries of an element.
Also available via theonpointerleave
property. pointermove
- Fired when a pointer changes coordinates.
Also available via theonpointermove
property. pointerout
- Fired when a pointer is moved out of the hit test boundaries of an element (among other reasons).
Also available via theonpointerout
property. pointerover
- Fired when a pointer is moved into an element's hit test boundaries.
Also available via theonpointerover
property. pointerup
- Fired when a pointer is no longer active.
Also available via theonpointerup
Transition events
- Fired when a CSS transition is canceled.
Also available via theontransitioncancel
property. transitionend
- Fired when a CSS transition has completed.
Also available via theontransitionend
property. transitionrun
- Fired when a CSS transition is first created.
Also available via theontransitionrun
property. transitionstart
- Fired when a CSS transition has actually started.
Also available via theontransitionstart
Specification | Status | Comment |
CSS Object Model (CSSOM) View Module The definition of 'HTMLElement' in that specification. | Working Draft | Added the following properties: offsetParent , offsetTop , offsetLeft , offsetWidth , and offsetHeight . |
HTML Living Standard The definition of 'HTMLElement' in that specification. | Living Standard | Added the following properties: translate , itemScope , itemType , itemId , itemRef , itemProp , properties , and itemValue .Added the following method: forceSpellcheck() .Moved the onXYZ attributes to the GlobalEventHandlers interface and added an inheritance from it. |
HTML5 The definition of 'HTMLElement' in that specification. | Recommendation | Added the following properties: dataset , hidden , tabIndex , accessKey , accessKeyLabel , draggable , dropzone , contentEditable , isContentEditable , contextMenu , spellcheck , commandType , commandLabel , commandIcon , commandHidden , commandDisabled , commandChecked , style , and all the onXYZ properties.Moved the id and className properties to the Element interface. |
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 HTML Specification The definition of 'HTMLElement' in that specification. | Obsolete | No change from Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 HTML Specification |
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification The definition of 'HTMLElement' in that specification. | Obsolete | Initial definition. |
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
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