Install, upgrade, and uninstall 编辑

Install, upgrade, and uninstall

This article contains the following sections:

Installation checklist

Install Session Recording by using the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops installer

Automate installation

Upgrade Session Recording

Uninstall Session Recording

Installation checklist

You can install the Session Recording components by using the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops installer.

Before you start the installation, complete this list:

 Select the machines on which you want to install each Session Recording component. Ensure that each computer meets the hardware and software requirements for the component or components to be installed on it.
 Use your Citrix account credentials to access the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops download page and download the product ISO file. Unzip the ISO file or burn a DVD of it.
 To use the TLS protocol for communication between the Session Recording components, install the correct certificates in your environment.
 Install any hotfixes required for the Session Recording components. The hotfixes are available from the Citrix Support.
 Configure Director to create and activate the Session Recording policies. For more information, see Configure Director to use the Session Recording Server.


  • We recommend that you divide the published applications into separate Delivery Groups based on your recording policies. Session sharing for published applications can conflict with the active policy if the applications are in the same Delivery Group. Session Recording matches the active policy with the first published application that a user opens. Starting with the 7.18 release, you can use the dynamic session recording feature to start or stop recording sessions at any time during the sessions. This feature can help to mitigate the conflict issue with the active policy. For more information, see Dynamic session recording.
  • If you are planning to use Machine Creation Services (MCS) or Provisioning Services, prepare a unique QMId. Failure to comply can cause recording data losses.
  • SQL Server requires that TCP/IP is enabled, the SQL Server Browser service is running, and Windows Authentication is used.
  • To use HTTPS, configure server certificates for TLS/HTTPS.
  • Ensure that users under Local Users and Groups > Groups > Users have write permission to the C:\windows\Temp folder.

Install Session Recording by using the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops installer

We recommend that you install the Session Recording Administration, Session Recording Agent, and Session Recording Player components on separate servers. The following procedures detail how to install these components:

Install the Session Recording Administration components

Install the Session Recording Agent

Install the Session Recording Player

Install the Session Recording Administration components

The Session Recording Administration components include the Session Recording Database, Session Recording Server, and Session Recording Policy Console. You can choose the component to install on a server.

Step 1: Download the product software and launch the wizard

  1. If you have not downloaded the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops ISO yet, use your Citrix account credentials to access the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops download page and download the product ISO file. Unzip the ISO file or burn a DVD of it.
  2. Use a local administrator account to log on to the machine where you are installing the Session Recording Administration components. Insert the DVD in the drive or mount the ISO file. If the installer does not launch automatically, double-click the AutoSelect application or the mounted drive.
    The installation wizard launches.

Step 2: Choose which product to install

Image of choosing which product to install

Click Start next to the product to install Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops.

Step 3: Select Session Recording

Image of selecting session recording

Select the Session Recording entry.

Step 4: Read and accept the license agreement

Image of installation agreement

On the Software License Agreement page, read the license agreement, accept it, and then click Next.

Step 5: Select the components to install and the installation location

Image of selecting components and the installation path

On the Core Components page:

  • Location: By default, components are installed in C:\Program Files\Citrix. The default location works for most deployments. You can specify a custom installation location.
  • Component: By default, all the check boxes next to the components that can be installed are selected. The installer knows whether it is running on a single-session OS or a multi-session OS. It allows the Session Recording Administration components to be installed on a multi-session OS only. It does not allow the Session Recording Agent to be installed on a machine that has no VDA installed in advance. If you install the Session Recording Agent on a machine that has no VDA installed in advance, the Session Recording Agent option is unavailable.

Select Session Recording Administration and click Next.

Image of session recording administration being selected

Step 6: Select the features to install

Image of selecting features to install

On the Features page:

  • By default, all the check boxes next to the features that can be installed are selected. Installing all these features on a single server is fine for a proof of concept. However, for a large production environment, we recommend that you install the Session Recording Policy Console on a separate server and the Session Recording Server, Session Recording Administrator Logging, and Session Recording Database on another separate server. The Session Recording Administrator Logging is an optional subfeature of the Session Recording Server. Select the Session Recording Server before you can select the Session Recording Administrator Logging.
  • To add another feature on the same server after you select and install a feature or features on it, you can only run the msi package but cannot run the installer again.

Select the feature or features you want to install and click Next.

Step 6.1: Install the Session Recording Database


The Session Recording Database is not an actual database. It is a component responsible for creating and configuring the required databases in the Microsoft SQL Server instance during installation. Session Recording supports three solutions for database high availability based on Microsoft SQL Server. For more information, see Database high availability.

There are typically three types of deployments for the Session Recording Database and Microsoft SQL Server:

  • Deployment 1: Install the Session Recording Server and Session Recording Database on the same machine and the Microsoft SQL Server on a remote machine. (Recommended)
  • Deployment 2: Install the Session Recording Server, Session Recording Database, and Microsoft SQL Server on the same machine.
  • Deployment 3: Install the Session Recording Server on a machine and install both the Session Recording Database and Microsoft SQL Server on another machine. (Not recommended)

1. On the Features page, select Session Recording Database and click Next.

Image of selecting session recording database

2. On the Database and Server Configuration page, specify the instance name and database name of the Session Recording Database and the computer account of the Session Recording Server. Click Next.

Image of selecting session recording database2

On the Database and Server Configuration page:

  • Instance name: If the database instance is not a named instance as you configured when you set up the instance, you can use only the computer name of the SQL Server. If you have named the instance, use computer-name\instance-name as the database instance name. To determine the server instance name you are using, run select @@servername on the SQL Server. The return value is the exact database instance name. If your SQL server is configured to be listening on a custom port (other than the default port 1433), set the custom listener port by appending a comma to the instance name. For example, type DXSBC-SRD-1,2433 in the Instance name text box, where 2433, following the comma, denotes the custom listener port.
  • Database name: Type a custom database name in the Database name text box or use the default database name preset in the text box. Click Test connection to test the connectivity to the SQL Server instance and the validity of the database name.


    A custom database name must contain only A-Z, a-z, and 0–9, and cannot exceed 123 characters.

  • You must have the securityadmin and dbcreator server role permissions of the database. If you do not have the permissions, you can:
    • Ask the database administrator to assign the permissions for the installation. After the installation completes, the securityadmin and dbcreator server role permissions are no longer necessary and can be safely removed.
    • Or, use the SessionRecordingAdministrationx64.msi package (unzip the ISO file, and you can find this msi package under …\x64\Session Recording). During the msi installation, a dialog box prompts for the credentials of a database administrator with the securityadmin and dbcreator server role permissions. Type the correct credentials and then click OK to continue the installation.

      The installation creates the Session Recording Database and adds the machine account of the Session Recording Server as db_owner.

  • Session Recording Server computer account
    • Deployments 1 and 2: Type localhost in the Session Recording Server computer account text box.
    • Deployment 3: Type the name of the machine hosting the Session Recording Server in the format of domain\computer-name. The Session Recording Server computer account is the user account for accessing the Session Recording Database.


    Attempts to install the Session Recording Administration components can fail with error code 1603 when a domain name is set in the Session Recording Server computer account text box. As a workaround, type localhost or NetBIOS domain name\machine name in the Session Recording Server computer account text box. To get the NetBIOS domain name, run $env:userdomain in PowerShell or echo %UserDomain% in Command Prompt on the machine where the Session Recording Server is installed.

3. Review the prerequisites and confirm the installation.

Image of installation summary

The Summary page shows your installation choices. You can click Back to return to the earlier wizard pages and make changes, or click Install to start the installation.

4. Complete the installation.

Image of finishing installation

The Finish Installation page shows green check marks for all the prerequisites and components that have been installed and initialized successfully.

Click Finish to complete the installation of the Session Recording Database.

Step 6.2: Install the Session Recording Server

1. On the Features page, select Session Recording Server and Session Recording Administrator Logging. Click Next.

Image of selecting session Recording Server and admin logging


  • The Session Recording Administrator Logging is an optional subfeature of the Session Recording Server. Select the Session Recording Server before you can select the Session Recording Administrator Logging.
  • We recommend that you install the Session Recording Administrator Logging together with the Session Recording Server at the same time. If you don’t want the Administrator Logging feature to be enabled, you can disable it on a later page. However, if you choose not to install this feature at the beginning but want to add it later, you can only manually add it by using the SessionRecordingAdministrationx64.msi package.

2. On the Database and Server Configuration page, specify the configurations.

Image of database and server configuration

On the Database and Server Configuration page:

  • Instance name: Type the name of your SQL Server in the Instance name text box. If you are using a named instance, type computer-name\instance-name; otherwise, type computer-name only. If your SQL server is configured to be listening on a custom port (other than the default port 1433), set the custom listener port by appending a comma to the instance name. For example, type DXSBC-SRD-1,2433 in the Instance name text box, where 2433, following the comma, denotes the custom listener port.
  • Database name: Type a custom database name in the Database name text box or use the default database name CitrixSessionRecording that is preset in the text box.
  • You must have the securityadmin and dbcreator server role permissions of the database. If you do not have the permissions, you can:
    • Ask the database administrator to assign the permissions for the installation. After the installation completes, the securityadmin and dbcreator server role permissions are no longer necessary and can be safely removed.
    • Or, use the SessionRecordingAdministrationx64.msi package to install the Session Recording Server. During the msi installation, a dialog box prompts for the credentials of a database administrator with the securityadmin and dbcreator server role permissions. Type the correct credentials and then click OK to continue the installation.
  • After typing the correct instance name and database name, click Test connection to test the connectivity to the Session Recording Database.
  • Type the Session Recording Server computer account, and then click Next.

3. On the Administration Logging Configuration page, specify configurations for the Administration Logging feature.

Image of admin logging configuration

On the Administration Logging Configuration page:

  • The Administration Logging database is installed on the SQL Server instance: This text box is not editable. The SQL Server instance name of the Administration Logging database is automatically grabbed from the instance name that you typed on the Database and Server Configuration page.
  • Administrator Logging database name: If you choose to install the Session Recording Administrator Logging feature, type a custom database name for the Administrator Logging database in this text box or use the default database name CitrixSessionRecordingLogging that is preset in the text box.


    The Administrator Logging database name must be different from the Session Recording Database name that is set in the Database name text box on the previous Database and Server Configuration page.

  • After typing the Administrator Logging database name, click Test connection to test the connectivity to the Administrator Logging database.
  • Enable Administration Logging: By default, the Administration Logging feature is enabled. You can disable it by clearing the check box.
  • Enable mandatory blocking: By default, mandatory blocking is enabled. The normal features might be blocked if logging fails. You can disable mandatory blocking by clearing the check box.

Click Next to continue the installation.

4. Review the prerequisites and confirm the installation.

Image of session recording admin installation summary

The Summary page shows your installation choices. You can click Back to return to the earlier wizard pages and make changes, or click Install to start the installation.

5. Complete the installation.

Image of completing session recording server installation

The Finish Installation page shows green check marks for all the prerequisites and components that have been installed and initialized successfully.

Click Finish to complete the installation of the Session Recording Server.


The Session Recording Server default installation uses HTTPS/TLS to secure communications. If TLS is not configured in the default IIS site of the Session Recording Server, use HTTP. To do so, cancel the selection of SSL in the IIS Management Console by navigating to the Session Recording Broker site, opening the SSL settings, and clearing the Require SSL check box.

Step 6.3: Install the Session Recording Policy Console

1. On the Features page, select Session Recording Policy Console and click Next.

Image of selecting policy console to install

2. Review the prerequisites and confirm the installation.

Image of policy console installation summary

The Summary page shows your installation choices. You can click Back to return to the earlier wizard pages and make changes, or click Install to start the installation.

3. Complete the installation.

Image of completing policy console installation

The Finish Installation page shows green check marks for all the prerequisites and the component that have been installed and initialized successfully.

Click Finish to complete your installation of the Session Recording Policy Console.

Step 7: Install Broker_PowerShellSnapIn_x64.msi


To use the Session Recording Policy Console, you must have the Broker PowerShell Snap-in (Broker_PowerShellSnapIn_x64.msi) installed. The snap-in cannot be automatically installed by the installer. Locate the snap-in on the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops ISO (\layout\image-full\x64\Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller) and follow the instructions for installing it manually. Failure to comply can cause an error.

Install the Session Recording Agent

Install the Session Recording Agent on the VDA or VDI machine on which you want to record sessions.

Step 1: Download the product software and launch the wizard

Use a local administrator account to log on to the machine where you are installing the Session Recording Agent component. Insert the DVD in the drive or mount the ISO file. If the installer does not launch automatically, double-click the AutoSelect application or the mounted drive.

The installation wizard launches.

Step 2: Choose which product to install

Image of choosing which product to install

Click Start next to the product to install Citrix Virtual Apps or Citrix Virtual Desktops.

Step 3: Select Session Recording

Image of selecting session recording agent to install

Select the Session Recording entry.

Step 4: Read and accept the license agreement

Image of installation agreement

On the Software License Agreement page, read the license agreement, accept it, and then click Next

Step 5: Select the component to install and the installation location

Image of selecting agent to install

Select Session Recording Agent and click Next.

Step 6: Specify the Agent configuration

Image of agent configuration

On the Agent Configuration page: If you have installed the Session Recording Server in advance, type the computer name of the machine where you installed the Session Recording Server and the protocol and port information for the connection to the Session Recording Server. If you have not installed Session Recording yet, you can change such information later in Session Recording Agent Properties.


There is a limitation with the test connection function of the installer. It does not support the “HTTPS requires TLS 1.2” scenario. If you use the installer in this scenario, test connection fails but you can ignore the failure and click Next to continue the installation. It does not affect normal functioning.

Step 7: Review the prerequisites and confirm the installation

Image of agent installation summary

The Summary page shows your installation choices. You can click Back to return to the earlier wizard pages and make changes, or click Install to start the installation.

Step 8: Complete the installation

Image of agent installation complete

The Finish Installation page shows green check marks for all the prerequisites and components that have been installed and initialized successfully.

Click Finish to complete the installation of the Session Recording Agent.


When Machine Creation Services (MCS) or Provisioning Services (PVS) creates multiple VDAs with the configured master image and Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) installed, those VDAs can have the same QMId under certain conditions. This case might cause various issues, for example:

  • Sessions might not be recorded even if the recording agreement is accepted.
  • The Session Recording Server might not be able to receive session logoff signals and therefore, sessions might always be in Live status.

As a workaround, create a unique QMId for each VDA and it differs depending on the deployment methods.

No extra actions are required if single-session OS VDAs with the Session Recording Agent installed are created with PVS 7.7 or later and MCS 7.9 or later in the static desktop mode that is, for example, configured to make all changes persistent with a separate Personal vDisk or the local disk of your VDA.

For multi-session OS VDAs created with MCS or PVS and single-session OS VDAs that are configured to discard all changes when a user logs off, use the GenRandomQMID.ps1 script to change the QMId on system startup. Change the power management strategy to ensure that enough VDAs are running before user logon attempts.

To use the GenRandomQMID.ps1 script, do the following:

1. Ensure that the execution policy is set to RemoteSigned or Unrestricted in PowerShell.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

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