Citrix Licensing data collection programs 编辑

The following data collection programs are designed to improve your product experience, drive adoption, and gather basic licensing information:

Citrix handles your data in accordance with the terms of your contract with Citrix, and protects it as specified in the Citrix Services Security Exhibit available on the Citrix Trust Center.

For information about configuring a proxy server, see Configure a proxy server manually in the Get started article.

For information about command-line installation, see Use the Windows command line to install licensing.

Citrix Licensing Call Home

Call Home is voluntary. Call Home does a periodic collection of system and product configuration and usage data including user or device data. Providing this data and registering your License Server with Citrix Cloud helps you and Citrix to understand your license usage over time. This information is transmitted to Citrix once a day, based on the service start time.


The Citrix Service Provider program requires Call Home. When the License Server detects Citrix Service Provider licenses, it enforces daily uploads.

If you want to register your License server with Citrix Cloud or remove your registration, see Register and remove registration with Citrix Cloud in Usage and statistics.

You can change your participation in the programs at any time by using the Citrix Licensing Manager. For more information, see “Share usage statistics” under Usage and statistics.

Data collectedDescriptionWhat we use it for
License usage dataInformation about the Citrix licenses installed on the License Server, including product ID, license type, quantity, user, and device data, in addition to license usage information.We use this data to drive adoption and helps you to understand your license usage over time.
License Server deployment and configuration dataInformation about the License Server and how it was deployed, including license server version, operating system version, and configuration states.We use this data to inform further development of Citrix products and to improve the customer experience.

For the list of Call Home data elements, see Citrix Licensing Call Home data elements.

Citrix Licensing Customer Experience Improvement Program

CEIP is voluntary. CEIP does a periodic collection of system and product configuration and non-identifiable usage data. Providing this data helps Citrix to improve customer experience. This information is transmitted to Citrix once a day, based on the service start time.

You can change your participation in the programs at any time by using the Citrix Licensing Manager. For more information, see “Share usage statistics” under Usage and statistics.

Data collectedDescriptionWhat we use it for
License usage dataInformation about the Citrix licenses installed on the License Server, including product ID, license type, and quantity, in addition to license usage information.We use this data to track how licenses are consumed and track customer population.
License Server deployment and configuration dataInformation about the License Server and how it was deployed, including license server version, operating system version, and configuration states.We use this data to inform further development of Citrix products and to improve the customer experience.

For the list of CEIP data elements, see Citrix Licensing CEIP data elements.

Citrix Licensing Compliance

Citrix Licensing Compliance is required to support license compliance. Installing the License Server enables you to send compliance information to Citrix.

Data CollectedDescriptionWhat we use it for
License usage dataInformation about the Citrix licenses installed on the License Server, including product ID, license type, and quantity, user, and device data, in addition to license usage information.We use this data to confirm customer compliance with license requirements.
License server system informationInformation about the license server (such as Hardware ID)We use this data to identify the License Server in the customer’s environment.

For the list of Compliance data elements, see Citrix Licensing Compliance data elements.

Reporting options

The License Management Service uses product telemetry, built into the License Server, to electronically send compliance data to Citrix periodically. The first upload occurs approximately five minutes after the License Server first starts, or restarts, and subsequent uploads occur once a day thereafter. The schedule resets if you reinstall the License Server. If an upload fails, another attempt is made in 24 hours until either the upload succeeds or the License Management Service is disabled.

You can opt for manually reporting this data by disabling the License Management Service. For more information, see Use the command line to enable or disable the License Management Service.

The upload_compliance*.zip files are retained in the License Server locally to enable manual upload of this data.

These files are present at c:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Licensing\LS\resource\usage. You can save all the upload_compliance*.zip files into a single .zip file. You can upload this .zip file using the Citrix Insight Service (CIS).

After the upload is success, you can delete all upload_compliance*.zip files from the license server. Failure to delete the .zip files might result in the License Server running out of disk space.

Citrix Licensing Call Home data elements

Metadata fields

ClientToolThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
UploadUserThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
UTCDateReport generation time in UTC format.2022-10-10T06:11:14Z
DateReport generation time in local time format.10/10/2022 02:11:14
ProductName of the upload.LicenseServerCompliance
ProductVersionThe version of the upload.2.0
ProductUTCDeployDateDenotes the time when the License Server is installed.2022-08-16T00:00:00Z
SiteIDThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
SiteNameThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
ComponentThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable

License Server feature usage data

prodProduct reportingV6.Licensing
DateSampleStartUTCStart time of the sample being collected.1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
DateSampleStopUTCLatest sample time of license usage which ideally is the same as when the report was generated. The sample start isn’t specified because that varies between license types and therefore isn’t a global property.1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
CLM-WSLUsageCount for individual API calls within Citrix Licensing Manager interface for Citrix Web Services for Licensing service.10
POSH-WSLUsageCount for individual API calls within PowerShell interface for Citrix Web Services for Licensing service.2
typeType of data.V6.WSLUsage
verVersion of the data.1.0
LSVersionThe version of the License Server. build 40000

License Server and License Usage information

License Server Information  
GUIDA unique identifier created during install and preserved during upgrades. This field is used to identify which uploads are from the same server.a5ae17c9-8a4a-4318-938f-a8c6da2aa2ef
DateSampleStopUTCThis field is the latest sample time of license usage which ideally is the same as when the report was generated. The sample start is not specified because that varies between license types and therefore isn’t a global property.2019-11-09T00:57:14Z
DateSampleStopThe latest sample time of license usage which ideally is the same as when the report was generated. License Server local time.11/8/2019 19:57
PortLACHTTPHTTP port that the License Administration Console is configured for.0
PortLACHTTPSHTTPS port that the License Administration Console is configured for (0 for builds with Citrix Licensing Manager only).8082
PortLACRedirectAdministration Console HTTP to HTTPS port. The value can be either true or false. You can set the value to false only for builds with the Citrix Licensing Manager. 
PortLSCitrix Licensing Service (lmgrd.exe) port configuration.27000
PortVDCITRIX vendor daemon (CITRIX.exe) port configuration.7279
CustomerIDThe Customer ID received during the registration.citrix780933
OrgIDThe organization ID received during the registration.int1d91480f
PortWSLCitrix Web Services for Licensing port configuration.8083
UDUseDomainIf the value is 1, don’t strip the domain from the users name. ( If the value is 0, strip the domain from the users name.1
OptFileNoLogStatusIf the value is 0, log both checkins and checkouts. If the value is 0x1 bit set, checkins are not logged (no log in). If the value is 0x2 bit set, checkouts aren’t logged (no log out).3
OptFileComplianceConfigThis value can be “enabled” or “disabled”.enabled
UDUserNameCaseThe License Server configuration that denotes how the UserID case-folding is set for User/Device licensing. The values are: 0=nochange; 1=tolower; 2=toupper.1
UDDeviceNameCaseThe License Server configuration that denotes how the DeviceID case-folding is set for User/Device licensing. The values are: 0=nochange; 1=tolower; 2=toupper1
SARenewalCheckOptionThe values can be “Install”, “Notify”, or “Manual”.Notify
EncoreSamplingPeriodLicense usage sampling period in minutes.15
EncoreRetentionTimeHistorical use data retention in days.180
EncoreEnabledThe option is either true or false.TRUE
SLSProxyThe proxy chosen from various sources in the order of priority. (1) WinAutoURL using “”. (2) WinIE = Internet Explorer settings which require the licensing service to run under a user account rather than local service. (3) WinDefault = The old method that relies on a setting in the windows registry. (4) SimpleLicenseServiceConfig.xml. If the upload is anonymous, this parameter value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this parameter is the proxy server string and port, or empty.0
SLSProxyWinAutoURLIf the upload is anonymous, this value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this value is the proxy server string and port, or empty.0
SLSProxyWinIEIf the upload is anonymous, this field value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this value is the proxy server string and port, or empty.0
SLSProxyWinDefaultIf the upload is anonymous, this field value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this value is the proxy server string and port, or empty. 
SLSProxySlsConfigIf the upload is anonymous, this field value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this value is the proxy server string and port, or empty. 
OSInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.6.3.9600.17031
WindowsBuildLabExInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.9600.17041.x86fre.winblue_gdr.140305-1710
WindowsEditionIDInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.Enterprise
WindowsInstallationTypeInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.Client
WindowsProductNameInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.Windows 8.1 Enterprise
WindowsDomainMemberInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.N
OSBitsInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.32
OSLocaleInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.en-US
VMInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.Y
VMIDStringInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.Microsoft Hv
VMHVIDStringInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.Hv#1
HardwareIdInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.E824249098A96BF0
FQDNLicense server machine and domain name. This value is sent to help identify license servers in the reporting experience. Used to pair a license server calling home to a license allocation record in the back office.CITRIX-12T5MRV4
PrivacySettingDenotes if the customer has chosen to scramble PII (user names and device names). On: Scrambled and Off: UnscrambledOff
InstallUTCThis value denotes the time when the License Server is installed.2016-10-12T00:00:00Z
ProductVersionThe current version of the License Server. build 18000
UpgradeFromThe previous version of the License Server if the current install was an upgrade. 
SetupClusterIndicates whether a License Server cluster is set up or not.0
SGPClockErrorCodeError code indicating why the License Server entered the supplemental grace period.0
SGPMaxDaysMaximum days remaining in the Supplemental Grace Period.15
SupplementalGracePeriodGrace Periods that Citrix provides when you run out of licenses or the product is unable to contact the License Server. This grace period helps the product continues to operate. 
FeatureIDThe tag of the feature. 
UDBinFileCreatedUTCUser/Device Only – not applicable for Concurrent usage2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
UDReportGenerationUTCUser/Device Only – not applicable for Concurrent usage2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
EventLogUser/Device Only – not applicable for Concurrent usage<FirstCreation t=”timestamp”/>
UDAdminUsersReleasedCount of users released by udadmin.3
UDAdminDevicesReleasedCount of devices released by udadmin.3
DateSampleStartUTCStart time of the sample being collected.2016-11-08T01:08:13Z
DateSampleStopUTCEnd time of the sample being collected.2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
CountUsedMaxThe maximum number of licenses used.3
ActiveIf the value is ‘1’, it’s in the current inventory. If the value is ‘0’, it appears only in historical records and is no longer part of the current inventory either because it is removed or expired.1
CountInstalledThe number of licenses installed.1203
CountTotalThe total number of licenses in use at the time the sample was taken. Total number is the sum of users and devices.3
UsersSpecific users where a user license is assigned, contributing to the total count.Scrambled: 1EC4ED037766AA18, Unscrambled: or user
DevicesSpecific devices where a device license is assigned contributing to the total count.Scrambled: C358FE671A44B3F7 Unscrambled: DEVICE03
Usage Samples  
SerialSerial number for the license entitlements in the pool.OR10:13
DateExpirationMost recent expiration date that impacts the license count in the pool.1-Dec-20
DateIssuedThe date that the license file was issued. The date issued of the license file that expires first.1-Dec-03
VendorStrRepresentation of licensing information that informs products of what edition and mode that they must operate in.<![CDATA[;LT=Retail;GP=2;PSL=10;CL=ENT,ADV,STD,AST;SA=1;ODP=0]]>
CountInstalledNumber of licenses installed among the pools for a given feature.100
CountOverdraftNumber of licenses used above the installed quantity.0
TimestampTimestamp of the sample collection.2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
CountInUseNumber of licenses in use at the specific time stamp.3
OverDraftNumber of licenses used above the installed quantity.0
InstalledNumber of licenses installed at the specific time stamp.100
LPE IDInformation provided to the License Policy Engine - Interface to the license server.<ID><![CDATA[XDT_PLT_2020.1201]]></ID>
SerialThe unique identifier in Citrix back office and license files for a given license allocation and files downloaded for that allocation. 
IDThe feature code ID that represents a specific product entitlements (edition and license mode). Such as: Citrix Virtual Apps – Premium – User DeviceXDT_PLT_UD
SADateSubscription Advantage Date. This date represents the termination date of the CSS entitlement.2020.1201
SNSerial number for the license entitlements in the pool.OR10:13

Citrix Licensing CEIP data elements

Metadata fields

ClientToolThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
UploadUserThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
UTCDateReport generation time in UTC format.2022-10-10T06:11:14Z
DateReport generation time in local time format.10/10/2022 02:11:14
ProductName of the upload.LicenseServerCompliance
ProductVersionThe version of the upload.2.0
ProductUTCDeployDateDenotes the time when the License Server is installed.2022-08-16T00:00:00Z
SiteIDThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
SiteNameThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
ComponentThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable

License Server feature usage data

prodProduct reportingV6.Licensing
DateSampleStartUTCStart time of the sample being collected.1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
DateSampleStopUTCLatest sample time of license usage which ideally is the same as when the report was generated. The sample start isn’t specified because that varies between license types and therefore isn’t a global property.1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
CLM-WSLUsageCount for individual API calls within Citrix Licensing Manager interface for Citrix Web Services for Licensing service.10
POSH-WSLUsageCount for individual API calls within PowerShell interface for Citrix Web Services for Licensing service.2
typeType of data.V6.WSLUsage
verVersion of the data.1.0
LSVersionThe version of the License Server. build 40000

License Server and License Usage information

License Server Information  
GUIDA unique identifier created during install and preserved during upgrades. This field is used to identify which uploads are from the same server.a5ae17c9-8a4a-4318-938f-a8c6da2aa2ef
DateSampleStopUTCThis field is the latest sample time of license usage which ideally is the same as when the report was generated. The sample start is not specified because that varies between license types and therefore isn’t a global property.2019-11-09T00:57:14Z
DateSampleStopThe latest sample time of license usage which ideally is the same as when the report was generated. License Server local time.11/8/2019 19:57
PortLACHTTPHTTP port that the License Administration Console is configured for.0
PortLACHTTPSHTTPS port that the License Administration Console is configured for (0 for builds with Citrix Licensing Manager only).8082
PortLACRedirectRedirect License Administration Console HTTP to HTTPS port. The value can be either true or false. You can set the value to false only for builds with the Citrix Licensing Manager. 
PortLSCitrix Licensing Service (lmgrd.exe) port configuration.27000
PortVDCITRIX vendor daemon (CITRIX.exe) port configuration.7279
PortWSLCitrix Web Services for Licensing port configuration.8083
UDUseDomainIf the value is 1, don’t strip the domain from the users name. ( If the value is 0, strip the domain from the users name.1
OptFileNoLogStatusIf the value is 0, log both checkins and checkouts. If the value is 0x1 bit set, checkins are not logged (no log in). If the value is 0x2 bit set, checkouts aren’t logged (no log out).3
OptFileComplianceConfigThis value can be “enabled” or “disabled”.enabled
UDUserNameCaseThe License Server configuration that denotes how the UserID case-folding is set for User/Device licensing. The values are: 0=nochange; 1=tolower; 2=toupper.1
UDDeviceNameCaseThe License Server configuration that denotes how the DeviceID case-folding is set for User/Device licensing. The values are: 0=nochange; 1=tolower; 2=toupper1
SARenewalCheckOptionThe values can be “Install”, “Notify”, or “Manual”.Notify
EncoreSamplingPeriodLicense usage sampling period in minutes.15
EncoreRetentionTimeHistorical use data retention in days.180
EncoreEnabledThe option is either true or false.TRUE
SLSProxyThe proxy chosen from various sources in order of priority. (1) WinAutoURL using “”. (2) WinIE = Internet Explorer settings which require the licensing service to run under a user account rather than local service. (3) WinDefault = The old method that relies on a setting in the windows registry. (4) SimpleLicenseServiceConfig.xml. If the upload is anonymous, this value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this value is the proxy server string and port, or empty.0
SLSProxyWinAutoURLIf the upload is anonymous, this value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this value is the proxy server string and port, or empty.0
SLSProxyWinIEIf the upload is anonymous, this value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this value is the proxy server string and port, or empty.0
SLSProxyWinDefaultIf the upload is anonymous, this value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this value is the proxy server string and port, or empty.0
SLSProxySlsConfigIf the upload is anonymous, this value is either “1” or “0”. If diagnostic (not anonymous), this value is the proxy server string and port, or empty.0
OSInformation about the server machine and operating system that the license server is installed on.6.3.9600.17031
WindowsBuildLabExInformation about the server machine and operating system that the license server is installed on.9600.17041.x86fre.winblue_gdr.140305-1710
WindowsEditionIDInformation about the server machine and operating system that the license server is installed on.Enterprise
WindowsInstallationTypeInformation about the server machine and operating system that the license server is installed on.Client
WindowsProductNameInformation about the server machine and operating system that the license server is installed on.Windows 8.1 Enterprise
WindowsDomainMemberInformation about the server machine and operating system that the license server is installed on.N
OSBitsInformation about the server machine and operating system that the license server is installed on.32
OSLocaleInformation about the server machine and operating system that the license server is installed on.en-US
VMInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.Y
VMIDStringInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.Microsoft Hv
VMHVIDStringInformation about the server machine and operating system that the License Server is installed on.Hv#1
HardwareIdInformation about the server machine and operating system that the license server is installed on.E824249098A96BF0
FQDNLicense Server machine and domain name. This value is sent to help identify license servers in the reporting experience. Used to pair a License Server calling home to a license allocation record in the back office.CITRIX-12T5MRV4
PrivacySettingDenotes if the customer has chosen to scramble PII (user names and device names). On: Scrambled and Off: UnscrambledOff
InstallUTCThis value denotes the time when the License Server is installed.2016-10-12T00:00:00Z
ProductVersionThis value is the current version of the License Server. build 18000
UpgradeFromThe previous version of the License Server if the current install was an upgrade. 
SetupClusterIndicates whether a License Server cluster is set up or not.0
SGPClockErrorCodeError code indicating why the License Server entered the supplemental grace period.0
SGPMaxDaysMaximum days remaining in the Supplemental Grace Period.15
SupplementalGracePeriodGrace Periods that Citrix provides when you run out of licenses or the product is unable to contact the License Server. This grace period helps the product continues to operate. 
FeatureIDThe tag of the feature. 
UDBinFileCreatedUTCUser/Device Only – not applicable for Concurrent usage2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
UDReportGenerationUTCUser/Device Only – not applicable for Concurrent usage2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
EventLogUser/Device Only – not applicable for Concurrent usage<FirstCreation t=”timestamp”/>
UDAdminUsersReleasedCount of users released by udadmin.3
UDAdminDevicesReleasedCount of devices released by udadmin.3
DateSampleStartUTCStart time of the sample being collected.2016-11-08T01:08:13Z
DateSampleStopUTCEnd time of the sample being collected.2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
CountUsedMaxThe maximum number of licenses used.3
ActiveIf the value is ‘1’, it’s in the current inventory. If the value is ‘0’, it appears only in historical records and is no longer part of the current inventory either because it is removed or expired.1
CountInstalledThe number of licenses installed.1203
CountTotalThe total number of licenses in use at the time the sample was taken. Total number is the sum of users and devices.3
DevicesSpecific devices where a device license is assigned contributing to the total count.Scrambled: C358FE671A44B3F7 Unscrambled: DEVICE03
Usage Samples  
SerialSerial number for the license entitlements in the pool.OR10:13
DateExpirationMost recent expiration date that impacts the license count in the pool.1-Dec-20
DateIssuedThe date that the license file was issued. The date issued of the license file that expires first.1-Dec-03
VendorStrRepresentation of licensing information that informs products of what edition and mode that they must operate in.<![CDATA[;LT=Retail;GP=2;PSL=10;CL=ENT,ADV,STD,AST;SA=1;ODP=0]]>
CountInstalledNumber of licenses installed among the pools for a given feature.100
CountOverdraftNumber of licenses used above the installed quantity.0
TimestampTimestamp of the sample collection.2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
CountInUseNumber of licenses in use at this specific time stamp.3
OverDraftNumber of licenses used above the installed quantity.0
InstalledNumber of licenses installed at this specific time stamp.100
UsersSpecific users where a user license is assigned, contributing to the total count.Scrambled: 1EC4ED037766AA18, Unscrambled: or user
LPE IDInformation provided to the License Policy Engine - Interface to the license server.<ID><![CDATA[XDT_PLT_2020.1201]]></ID>
SerialThe unique identifier in Citrix back office and license files for a given license allocation and files downloaded for that allocation. 
IDThe feature code ID that represents a specific product entitlements (edition and license mode). Such as, Citrix Virtual Apps – Premium – User DeviceXDT_PLT_UD
SADateSubscription Advantage Date. This date represents the termination date of the CSS entitlement.2020.1201
SNSerial number for the license entitlements in the pool.OR10:13

Citrix Licensing Compliance data elements

Metadata fields

ClientToolThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
UploadUserThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
UTCDateReport generation time in UTC format.2022-10-10T06:11:14Z
DateReport generation time in local time format.10/10/2022 02:11:14
ProductName of the upload.LicenseServerCompliance
ProductVersionThis is the version of the upload.2.0
ProductUTCDeployDateDenotes the time when the License Server is installed.2022-08-16T00:00:00Z
SiteIDThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
SiteNameThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
ComponentThis field isn’t in use.Not applicable
UIThis field ensures the integrity of the uploaded file.8826d6ac8e1c8e68e471ae90c2bacbe1854f8281a6f5ae40cc7b74114e026abc

License Server and License Usage information

Field nameDescriptionExample value
License Server information  
GUIDA unique identifier created during install and preserved during upgrades. This field is used to identify which uploads are from the same server.a5ae17c9-8a4a-4318-938f-a8c6da2aa2ef
HardwareIdThis field is a unique identifier for the License Server instance.E824249098A96BF0
FQDNLicense server machine and domain name. This value is sent to help identify license servers in the reporting experience. Used to pair a license server calling home to a license allocation record in the back office.CITRIX-12T5MRV4
InstallUTCThis value denotes the time when the License Server is installed.2016-10-12T00:00:00Z
ProductVersionIdentifies the License Server version. build 35000
SGPClockErrorCodeError code indicating why the License Server entered the supplemental grace period.0
SGPMaxDaysMaximum days remaining in the Supplemental Grace Period.15
IDThis value represents the product code license usage is associated withCAG_AAC_CCU
UDBinFileCreatedUTCTimestamp of when the file used to track user or device licenses was created.2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
UDReportGenerationUTCTimestamp of when the user or device report was generated.2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
UDAdminUsersReleasedCount of users released by udadmin.3
UDAdminDevicesReleasedCount of devices released by udadmin.3
SADateThis field is used to build a view of license usage over time.For examples, see SADate in the following section.
idCaptures the SA Date through the ID attribute of the SADate element.2022.1231
DateSampleStartUTCStart time of the sample being collected.2016-11-08T01:08:13Z
DateSampleStopUTCEnd time of the sample being collected.2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
CountUsedMaxThis value represents the maximum number of licenses used by this customer.6
ActiveIf the value is ‘1’, it’s in the current inventory. If the value is ‘0’, it appears only in historical records and is no longer part of the current inventory either because it is removed or expired.1
LicenseesThe Licensees field has three sub fields namely CountTotatal, Users, and Devices.For examples, see Licensees in the following section.
CountInstalledThe number of licenses installed.1203
Pool For examples, see Pool in the following section.
CountTotalTotal number of licenses in use at the time the sample was taken. Total number is the sum of users and devices.3
Users For examples, see Users in the following section.
Devices For examples, see Devices in the following section.
timeLastLoginLast login time event from a user.2022-07-12T10:00:00
IDSpecific users where a user license is assigned, contributing to the total or user
timeLastLoginLast login time event from this device.2022-07-12T10:00:00
DevIdSpecifies the unique device identifier where a device license is assigned, contributing to the total count.DEVICE03
NameFriendly name for the device.User1Desktop
SerialThis information allows Citrix to identify who the product is entitled to.OR10:13
DateExpirationMost recent expiration date that impacts the license count in the pool.12/1/2020.
DateIssuedDate issued for the license file that expires earliest.12/1/2003
VendorStrRepresentation of licensing information that informs products of what edition and mode that they must operate in.<![CDATA[;LT=Retail;GP=2;PSL=10;CL=ENT,ADV,STD,AST;SA=1;ODP=0]]>.
CountInstalledNumber of licenses installed among the pools for a given feature.100
CountOverdraftNumber of licenses used above the installed quantity.0
Usage Samples For examples, see the Samples in the following section.
DateStartDate from which licenses are valid on.31-Dec-2014
TimestampTimestamp of the sample collection.2016-11-09T00:55:56Z
CountInUseNumber of licenses in use at the specific time stamp.3
OverDraftNumber of licenses used above the installed quantity.0
InstalledNumber of licenses installed at the specific time stamp.100
StartupCounts data elements  
LPEProduct, Edition, and version information for each server communicating with the License Server. Example from left - Apps and Desktops Premium - 2012.<ID><![CDATA[XDT_PLT_2020.1201]]></ID>
CountTotal number of LPEs connected to the License Server.2
IDThis field represents the product code following the supplemental grace period detail is associated with.XDT_ENT_UD
SADateThis field represents the CSS date for which the supplemental grace period was triggered.2019.1201
SGPErrorCodeError code for which supplemental grace period was triggered.-4
LicCountLicense count for which supplemental grace period for triggered.100
DateTriggerUTCUTC date on which supplemental grace period was triggered for ID and SADate.2022-07-19T14:35:59Z
DateTriggerLocalLocal date on which supplemental grace period was triggered for ID and SADate.2022-07-19T10:35:59

License Server event data

The following table displays data that is collected from the License Server and used to display information in customer facing dashboards, provide alerts and notifications about license expiry, license renewals, and supplemental grace period. This functionality is available only when the License Server is registered with the Citrix Cloud.

dvc (unique GUID generated by LS)DateSampleStartUTCPEM
prod FriendlyName
id CountInstalled
st CountOverdraft
ver CountUsedMax
prodVer DateExpiration
$schema DateIssued

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