Integrate Salesforce 编辑

Integrate with Salesforce for anywhere access to leads, accounts, opportunities, cases, and contracts. Use the following process to enable the Salesforce HTTP integration. Ensure you meet the prerequisites then set up the Salesforce integration.


We provide two Salesforce integration templates for your use. We recommend using the newer HTTP integration for most use-cases as it provides more power to configure the cached data structure. The Salesforce template is the basis for the Salesforce HTTP integration. For full details of the microapps available in each integration, see Use Salesforce microapps.

For a comprehensive list of out-of-the-box Salesforce HTTP microapps, see Use Salesforce microapps.

Review prerequisites

After you set up this integration in Salesforce, you will need these artifacts to add the integration in Citrix Workspace Microapps:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Security Token

For OAuth 2.0:

  • Consumer Key
  • Consumer Secret
  • OAuth Authorization Base Url


We recommend that you always use OAuth 2.0 as your service authentication method where available. OAuth 2.0 ensures that your integration meets the maximum security compliance with your configured microapp.

The integration requires regular API access to your Salesforce instance, so we recommend creating a dedicated user account in Salesforce. Then use that account to configure the Salesforce integration. This account must:

  • be given full data access privileges
  • be API-enabled
  • not allow two-factor authentication.

Using a dedicated account is useful for audit logs as it helps distinguish activities done through Workspace. This page contains tutorials for both Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning Experience. Both tutorials assume that you are a System Administrator in Salesforce.


Salesforce “Contact” and “Group” Editions do not support any API. The “Professional” Edition does not include it automatically. However, support can be activated upon request.

Also the number of API requests are limited in Salesforce. If you plan to frequently synchronize an extensive amount of data, see Salesforce API Request Limits and Allocations.

  • Configure Citrix Gateway to support single sign-on for Salesforce so that once users log in they are automatically logged in again without having to enter their credentials a second time. Follow the instructions in Salesforce single sign-on Configuration. For more information about configuring SSO, see Citrix Gateway Service.

Add a new profile

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to Setting icon and select Setup > Administration > Manage Users > Profiles > New Profile.
  3. Set Existing Profile to System Administrator to ensure that the user that you create for this profile has full data access privileges.
  4. Enter a Profile Name, and select Save. We recommend naming the profile something like Citrix Workspace Access for easy reference when adding the profile as a new user in a following procedure.

    A Profile panel opens with your new profile.

Enable API access for the created profile

  1. On the Profile panel, select Edit.
  2. Scroll down to Administrative Permissions and select the API Enabled check box.
  3. (Optional) To disable password expiration, select the Password Never Expires check box.


    Using this option is a potential security vulnerability.

  4. Select Save.

Add callback URLs

Add a custom URL to your instance configuration to grant access to private data and enable OAuth authenticated user actions. The first callback that is listed does not change. The second callback depends on the target application, and can be found in your URL address bar when creating the integration. The section {yourmicroappserverurl} is composed of a tenant part, a region part, and an environment part: https://{tenantID}.{region(us/eu/ap-s)}

  1. Log in to Salesforce as an admin.
  2. Navigate to Platform Tools > Apps > App Manager.
  3. Select New Connected App.
  4. Under Basic Information, complete the following fields:
    • Connected App Name
    • API Name
    • Contact Email
  5. Under API, select the Enable OAuth Settings check box.
  6. In the Callback URL field, add the following authorized redirect URLs with your Microapp server URL:

    • https://{yourmicroappserverurl}/admin/api/gwsc/auth/serverContext
    • https://{yourmicroappserverurl}/app/api/auth/serviceAction/callback
  7. Next to Selected OAuth Scopes, choose the following scopes under Available OAuth Scopes, and then select Add to move them to the Selected OAuth Scopes field:
    • Access and manage your data (api)
    • Access your basic information (id, profile, email, address, phone)
    • Perform requests on your behalf any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  8. Select Save.

(Optional) Restrict log-in IP ranges

If your organization sets IP ranges for User Profiles, you can control log-in access at the user level. Specify a range of allowed IP addresses on a user’s profile. For more information, see Restrict Log-in IP Ranges in the Enhanced Profile User Interface.

If you restrict log-in IP ranges, you do not need to generate a security token in a following procedure.

Add a new user

Create a dedicated user account that is used to connect to Salesforce. Use the new profile that you added in the previous procedure, Add a new profile.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Administer > Manage Users > Users > New User.
  2. Complete the required fields in red.
  3. Set User License to Salesforce.
  4. Set Profile to the profile that you added in the previous procedure. In the example above, we recommended Citrix Workspace Access for easy reference when adding the profile.
  5. Click Save.

Set up the new user

After you add a dedicated user account, you receive an email at the address you provided.

Follow these steps:

  1. Find the email and click the link as instructed.
  2. Log in to Salesforce.
  3. Set a password and a password question.

Generate a security token

If you restricted log-in IP ranges for the dedicated user profile, you can skip this step. The security token is not required for accounts connecting to the Salesforce API from a white listed IP block.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in and select the account name.
  2. Go to My Settings > Personal > Reset My Security Token.
  3. Select Reset Security Token.

    The new security token is sent to the email address that you provided in the personal settings for this account. You also get a new security token whenever the password for this account is reset.

You can now complete adding the integration. Enter the Username and Password of the dedicated user account in the input fields of Salesforce service definition.

If you white listed the IP, you don’t need to enter a Security Token. Otherwise, paste the Security Token that was sent to the email box of the dedicated account.

Filter queries

Most Salesforce entities support filtering. Choose between predefined queries or write your own custom queries using Salesforce SOQL language. For more information, see Salesforce Object Query Language documentation.

Add the Salesforce integration to Citrix Workspace Microapps

Add the Salesforce HTTP integration to Citrix Workspace Microapps to connect to your application. This delivers out-of-the-box microapps with pre-configured notifications and actions which are ready to use within your Workspace.

Follow these steps to set up the Salesforce HTTP integration. The authentication options are preselected. Ensure that these options are selected as you complete the process. We recommend using this newer HTTP integration for most use-cases. The HTTP integration provides more power to configure the cached data structure.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Microapp Integrations page, select Add New Integration, and Add a new integration from Citrix-provided templates.
  2. Choose the Salesforce tile.
  3. Enter an Integration name for the integration.
  4. Enter Connector parameters.
    • Enter the instance Base URL. This is the domain for your Salesforce environment. https://{yoursalesforceurl}
    • Select an Icon for the integration from the Icon Library, or leave this as the default Salesforce icon.
    • Enable the On-premises instance toggle if you are creating an on-premises connection. For more information, see On-premises instance.

    Salesforce set up screen

  5. Under Service authentication, select OAuth 2.0 from the Authentication method menu and complete the authentication details. The authentication options are preselected. Ensure that these options are selected as you complete the process. Use the OAuth 2.0 security protocol to generate request/authorization tokens for delegated access. It is recommended that you always use OAuth 2.0 as your service authentication method where available. OAuth 2.0 ensures that your integration meets the maximum security compliance with your configured microapp.

    1. Select Authorization code from the Grant type menu. This grants a temporary code that the client exchanges for an access token. The code is obtained from the authorization server where you can see the information the client is requesting. Only this grant type enables secure user impersonation. This displays the Callback URL, which you use when registering your application.
    2. Select Request body from the Token authorization menu.
    3. The Authorization URL and Token URL are prefilled. Endpoints require secure HTTP (HTTPS). Instead of using, you can also use the My Domain, community, or (sandbox) domains in these endpoints.
    4. Enter your Client ID. The client ID is the string representing client registration information unique to the authorization server. You collect this and the secret when you configured the OAuth server. You need to add the Callback URL you see on the integration configuration page.
    5. Enter your Client secret. The client secret is a unique string issued when setting up the target application integration.
    6. (Optional) Enter your Header prefix if your bearer prefix is different from the default header.

    Salesforce set up authentication

  6. Select Add Parameter to include Access token parameters. Enter Token for Name and {yoursecuritytoken} for Value. This parameter is required by the target application authorization server.

    Salesforce set up parameters

  7. Under Service Action Authentication, enable the Use Separate User Authentication in Actions toggle. Service action authentication authenticates at the service action level. The authentication options are preselected. Ensure that these options are selected as you complete the process.

    1. Select OAuth 2.0 from the Authentication method menu and complete the authentication details.
    2. Select Authorization code from the Grant type menu. This grants a temporary code that the client exchanges for an access token. The code is obtained from the authorization server where you can see the information the client is requesting. Only this grant type enables secure user impersonation. This will display the Callback URL, which you use when registering your application.
    3. Select Request body from the Token authorization menu.
    4. The Authorization URL and Token URL are prefilled. Endpoints require secure HTTP (HTTPS). Instead of using, you can also use the My Domain, community, or (sandbox) domains in these endpoints.
    5. Leave Refresh token URL empty.
    6. Enter your Client ID. The client ID is the string representing client registration information unique to the authorization server. You collect this and the secret when you configured the OAuth server. You need to add the Callback URL you see on the integration configuration page.
    7. Enter your Client secret. The client secret is a unique string issued when setting up the target application integration.
    8. (Optional) Enter your Header prefix if your bearer prefix is different from the default header.

    Salesforce set up service auth

  8. Again, select Add Parameter to include Access token parameters. Enter Token for Name and {yoursecuritytoken} for Value. This parameter is required by the target application authorization server.

    Salesforce set up parameters

  9. Enter 120 in the Request timeout field.
  10. (Optional) If you want to activate rate limiting for this integration, enable the Request rate limiting toggle and set the Number of requests per Time interval.
  11. (Optional) Enable Logging toggle to keep 24 hours of logging for support purposes.

    Request timeout and logging

  12. Select Save to proceed.
  13. Now you are able to Authorize to Salesforce with your service account. Under OAuth Authorization, select Authorize to log in with your service account. A pop-up appears with a Salesforce login screen.
    1. Enter your Service Account user name and password and select Log in.
    2. Select Accept.

      Service Authentication

The Microapp Integrations page opens with your added integration and its microapps. You are now ready to set and run your first data synchronization. As a large quantity of data can be pulled from your integrated application to the Microapps platform, we recommend you use the Table page to filter entities for your first data synchronization to speed up synchronization. For more information, see Verify needed entities. For complete information about synchronization rules, synchronization that does not meet its schedule and veto rules, see Synchronize data.

For more details of API endpoints and table entities, see Salesforce http connector specifications.

Use Salesforce microapps

Existing application integrations come with out-of-the-box microapps. Start with these microapps and customize them for your needs.


To use the Convert Lead service action (see Leads microapp below), you need to develop a custom Apex code in your Salesforce environment before you add this service action in the builder. For more information, see Apex Developer Guide.

Salesforce Microapps

Our Salesforce integration comes with the following preconfigured out-of-the-box microapps:

Accounts: Search for, view, and edit accounts.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Account Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of an account is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Account Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new account is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Detail Account pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Detail Contact pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Edit Account pageProvides a form for submitting edits to an account.
Search Account pageProvides a personalized list of accounts.

Cases: Search for, view, and edit cases that are assigned to you.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Case Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of a case is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Case Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new case is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Detail Account pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Detail Case pageProvides a view of a case and a button for opening the edit page.
Detail Contact pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Edit Case pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a case.
Search Case pageProvides a personalized list of cases that are assigned to a user.

Contacts: Search for, view, and edit contacts.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Contact Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of a contact is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Contact Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new contact is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Detail Contact pageProvides a view of a contact and a button for opening the edit page.
Edit Contact pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a contact.
Search Contact pageProvides a personalized list of contacts.

Contracts: Search for, view, and edit contracts.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Contract Updated notificationWhen a detail of a contract is changed, the owner of the contract receives a notification.
Expiring Contract notificationWhen a contract passes a defined threshold before or after its end date (for example, 3 days by default), the owner receives a notification reminder.
New Contract For Activation notificationWhen a new pending contract activation approval request is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Detail Account pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Detail Contact pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Detail Contract pageProvides a view of a contract and a button for opening the edit page and activating the contract.
Edit Contract pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a contract.
Search Contract pageProvides a personalized list of contracts pending activation.

Create Account: Create a new account.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Account pageProvides a form for submitting a new account.

Create Case: Create a new case.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Case pageProvides a form for submitting a new case.

Create Contact: Create a new contact.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Contact pageProvides a form for submitting a new contact.

Create Contract: Create a new contract.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Contract pageProvides a form for submitting a new contract.

Create Event: Create a new event.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Event pageProvides a form for submitting a new event.

Create Lead: Create a new lead.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Lead pageProvides a form for submitting a new lead.

Create Opportunity: Create a new opportunity.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Opportunity pageProvides a form for submitting a new opportunity.

Create Task: Create a new task.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Task pageProvides a form for submitting a new task.

Events: Search for, view, and edit events.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Event Reminder notificationWhen an event passes a defined threshold before or after its activity date and time (for example, 1 hour by default), the owner receives a notification reminder.
Detail Account pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Detail Contact pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Detail Event pageProvides a view of an event and a button for opening the edit page.
Edit Event pageProvides a form for submitting edits to an event.
Search Event pageProvides a personalized list of events.

Leads: Search for, view, edit, and convert leads.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Lead Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of a lead is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Lead Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new lead is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Lead Detail pageProvides a view of a lead and a button for opening detail page.
Edit Lead pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a lead.
Search Leads pageProvides a personalized list of leads.

Opportunities: Search for, view, and edit opportunities.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Opportunity Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of an opportunity is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Opportunity Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new opportunity is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Detail Account pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Detail Contact pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Detail Opportunity pageProvides a view of an opportunity and a button for opening the edit page.
Edit Opportunity pageProvides a form for submitting edits to an opportunity.
Search Opportunity pageProvides a personalized list of opportunities.

Tasks: Search for, view, and edit tasks.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Task Reminder notificationWhen a task passes a defined threshold before or after its activity date and time (for example, 1 hour by default), the owner receives a notification reminder.
Detail Account pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Detail Contact pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Detail Task pageProvides a view of a task and a button for opening the edit page.
Edit Task pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a task.
Search Task pageProvides a personalized list of tasks.

Add the legacy integration

Follow these instructions to set up the legacy integration. These procedures are specific to the legacy integration.

Add the legacy integration to Citrix Workspace Microapps

Add the Salesforce integration to Citrix Workspace Microapps to connect to your application. This delivers out-of-the-box microapps with pre-configured notifications and actions which are ready to use within your Workspace.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the overview page, select Get Started.

    The Manage Integrations page opens.

  2. Select Add New Integration, and Add a new integration from Citrix-provided templates.
  3. Choose the Salesforce tile.
  4. Enter a name for the integration.

    Salesforce connector parameters, user name, Password, User Authentication, Security Token

  5. Enter the Service Authentication that you collected in the previous procedures.
    • Enter your Username and Password credentials for your target systems service authentication.
  6. Select OAuth 2.0 for Authentication Method.
    • Enter the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret that you collected in the prerequisites procedure.
    • Enter your OAuth Authorization Base Url. Allows you to configure a custom SSO login page for your Salesforce instance. Enter your domain. This is the same as the SFDC URL, where you normally log in, and requires secure HTTPS:, or for sandbox environments:
  7. Enter your Connector parameters.
    • Enter your Security Token.
    • Toggle Sandbox if you require your data to load into a sandbox environment.
    • Leave toggle Query deleted records during incremental synchronization to remove them from cache as well enabled. If the system throws the following error after your first incremental sync: Unable to load deleted entities of type, you can disable this toggle to work around the issue.
  8. Select Add.

The Microapp Integrations page opens with your added integration and its microapps. From here you can add another integration, continue setting up your out-of-the-box microapps, or create a new microapp for this integration.

You are now ready to set and run your first data synchronization. As a large quantity of data can be pulled from your integrated application to the Microapps platform, we recommend you use the Table page to filter entities for your first data synchronization to speed up synchronization. For more information, see Verify needed entities. For complete information about synchronization rules, synchronization that does not meet its schedule and veto rules, see Synchronize data.

For more details of API endpoints and table entities, see Salesforce connector specifications.

Use Salesforce legacy microapps

Existing application integrations come with out-of-the-box microapps. Start with these microapps and customize them for your needs.

Salesforce Microapps

Our Salesforce integration comes with the following preconfigured out-of-the-box microapps:

Accounts: Search for, view, and edit accounts.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Account Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of an account is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Account Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new account is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Account Detail pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Contact Detail pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Edit Account pageProvides a form for submitting edits to an account.
My Accounts pageProvides a personalized list of accounts.

Cases: Search for, view, and edit cases that are assigned to you.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Case Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of a case is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Case Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new case is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
New Case Related To Your Account notificationWhen a new case is created that relates to a users account, they receive a notification.
Account Detail pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Case Detail pageProvides a view of a case and a button for opening the edit page.
Contact Detail pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Edit Case pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a case.
My Open Cases pageProvides a personalized list of cases that are assigned to a user.

Contacts: Search for, view, and edit contacts.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Contact Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of a contact is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Contact Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new contact is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Contact Detail pageProvides a view of a contact and a button for opening the edit page.
Edit Contact pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a contact.
My Contacts pageProvides a personalized list of contacts.

Contracts: Search for, view, and edit contracts.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Contract Updated notificationWhen a detail of a contract is changed, the owner of the contract receives a notification.
Expiring Contract notificationWhen a contract passes a defined threshold before or after its end date (for example, 3 days by default), the owner receives a notification reminder.
New Contract For Activation notificationWhen a new pending contract activation approval request is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Account Detail pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Contact Detail pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Contract Detail pageProvides a view of a contract and a button for opening the edit page and activating the contract.
Edit Contract pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a contract.
My Contracts Pending Activation pageProvides a personalized list of contracts pending activation.

Create Account: Create a new account.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Account pageProvides a form for submitting a new account.

Create Case: Create a new case.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Case pageProvides a form for submitting a new case.

Create Contact: Create a new contact.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Contact pageProvides a form for submitting a new contact.

Create Contract: Create a new contract.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Contract pageProvides a form for submitting a new contract.

Create Event: Create a new event.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Event pageProvides a form for submitting a new event.

Create Lead: Create a new lead.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Lead pageProvides a form for submitting a new lead.

Create Opportunity: Create a new opportunity.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Opportunity pageProvides a form for submitting a new opportunity.

Create Task: Create a new task.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Create Task pageProvides a form for submitting a new task.

Events: Search for, view, and edit events.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Event Reminder notificationWhen an event passes a defined threshold before or after its activity date and time (for example, 1 hour by default), the owner receives a notification reminder.
Account Detail pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Contact Detail pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Edit Event pageProvides a form for submitting edits to an event.
Event Detail pageProvides a view of an event and a button for opening the edit page.
My Events pageProvides a personalized list of events.

Leads: Search for, view, edit, and convert leads.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Lead Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of a lead is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Lead Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new lead is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Convert Lead pageProvides a form for converting a lead.
Edit Lead pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a lead.
My Active Leads pageProvides a personalized list of leads.

Opportunities: Search for, view, and edit opportunities.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Opportunity Assigned To You (Existing) notificationWhen the owner of an opportunity is changed, the new owner receives a notification.
Opportunity Assigned To You (New) notificationWhen a new opportunity is assigned to a user, they receive a notification.
Account Detail pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Contact Detail pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Edit Opportunity pageProvides a form for submitting edits to an opportunity.
My Open Opportunities pageProvides a personalized list of opportunities.
Opportunity Detail pageProvides a view of an opportunity and a button for opening the edit page.

Pending Account Approvals: Search for and approve or reject accounts.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
New Account For Approval notificationWhen a new account is submitted for an actor’s approval, they receive a notification.
Approve Account pageProvides a form for approving or rejecting an account.
My Pending Account Approvals pageProvides a personalized list of pending account approvals and links to the approval page.

Pending Contact Approvals: Search for and approve or reject contacts.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
New Contact For Approval notificationWhen a new contact is submitted for an actor’s approval, they receive a notification.
Approve Contact pageProvides a form for approving or rejecting a contact.
My Pending Contact ApprovalsProvides a personalized list of pending contact approvals and links to the approval page.

Pending Contract Approvals: Search for and approve contracts.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
New Contract For Approval notificationWhen a new contract is submitted for an actor’s approval, they receive a notification.
Approve Contract pageProvides a form for approving or rejecting a contract.
My Pending Contract ApprovalsProvides a personalized list of pending contract approvals and links to the approval page.

Tasks: Search for, view, and edit tasks.

Notification or PageUse-case workflows
Task Reminder notificationWhen a task passes a defined threshold before or after its activity date and time (for example, 1 hour by default), the owner receives a notification reminder.
Account Detail pageProvides a view of an account with details including contacts and a link to contact details.
Contact Detail pageProvides a read only view of a contact with details.
Edit Task pageProvides a form for submitting edits to a task.
My Open Tasks pageProvides a personalized list of tasks.
Task Detail pageProvides a view of a task and a button for opening the edit page.

Add picklists’ values table

Due to the nature of the Salesforce schema, not all data is available as table entities. Use the picklistvalue table to see every Salesforce object’s picklist and all of its options.

  1. Open a Salesforce microapp and navigate to the page builder.
  2. Select and drag a Select component to the field.
  3. Under Select Properties, clear the Map to Data Column toggle. This allows you to view all Salesforce objects.
  4. Select picklistvalue from the Data Table menu.
  5. Select EDIT FILTER to open the data filter.
  6. Select the object and the field that you need data from. Select All Conditions Must Match and SAVE to close the filter. The following screenshot shows an example of setting up the filter: Setting picklistvalue filters This screenshot shows the database objects and fields that we are trying to access: Example Salesforce database
  7. Finish setting up this component. For more information, see Page builder components.

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