/əˈgriːjəbəl/ adj [more ~; most ~]
1 somewhat formal + old-fashioned : pleasing to the mind or senses : pleasant
an agreeable taste
He's a very agreeable young man.
Traffic is one of the less agreeable aspects of city life.
They spent an agreeable evening together.
— opposite disagreeable
2 : ready or willing to agree : willing to do or allow something
I suggested that we leave early, and she seemed agreeable.
— usually + to
She seemed agreeable to (the idea of) leaving early.
3 : able to be accepted : acceptable
— + to
Is the schedule agreeable to you? [=do you agree to the schedule?]
agree·able·ness noun [ noncount ]
agree·ably /əˈgriːjəbli/ adv
an agreeably sweet taste
They spent the evening together very agreeably.