/əˈfınəti/ noun , pl -ties
1 : a feeling of closeness and understanding that someone has for another person because of their similar qualities, ideas, or interests
[ singular ] They had much in common and felt a close affinity (for/to/with each other).
There's always been an affinity between us.
[ noncount ] He never felt any affinity with the other kids in his neighborhood.
2 [ singular ]
2 a : a liking for or an attraction to something
We share an affinity for foreign films. [=we both like foreign films]
2 b : a quality that makes people or things suited to each other
Fish and white wine have a natural affinity for/to each other. [=fish and white wine taste good together]
3 : the state of being similar or the same
[ noncount ] the affinity of all human beings with one another = the affinity between all human beings
[ count ] Are there any affinities [=similarities] between the two styles of painting?