/ˈæʤəˌteıt/ verb , -tates, -tat·ed, -tat·ing
1 [ + obj ] : to disturb, excite, or anger (someone)
If I talk about the problem with him it just agitates him even more.
2 [ no obj ] : to try to get people to support or oppose something
Some members of the union have been agitating for a strike.
agitate for equal rights
A few local residents have been agitating against a military presence.
3 [ + obj ] technical : to move or stir up (a liquid)
water agitated by wind
The mixture is heated and then agitated.
agitated adj [more ~; most ~]
I've never seen her so agitated before.
The dog became very agitated during the storm.
ag·i·tat·ed·ly adv
pacing back and forth agitatedly
ag·i·ta·tion /ˌæʤəˈteıʃən/ noun [ noncount ]
He spoke with increasing agitation about the situation.
agitation for civil rights
continuous agitation of the mixture