/ˈædvɚˌtaız/ verb , -tis·es, -tised, -tis·ing
1 : to make the public aware of something (such as a product) that is being sold
[ + obj ] They are advertising the new edition of the book.
The vacation was advertised as a week in paradise.
It turned out to be exactly as advertised.
[ no obj ] Business increased after we began to advertise on the radio.
If you want to attract customers, it pays to advertise.
2 : to make a public announcement (in a newspaper, on the Internet, etc.) about something that is wanted or available
[ no obj ] The company is advertising for a secretary.
[ + obj ] We advertised the job in the paper.
3 [ + obj ] : to cause people to notice (something)
You don't have to advertise [=draw attention to] the fact that we arrived late.
She advertised her presence by wearing a skimpy dress.
ad·ver·tis·er noun , pl -ers [ count ]
television advertisers [=companies that advertise on television]