/əˈkʌmpəni/ verb , -nies, -nied, -ny·ing [ + obj ]
1 : to go somewhere with (someone) : to be a companion for (someone)
She will accompany me to the store.
Ten adults accompanied the class on their field trip.
Children under 17 must be accompanied by an adult to see this movie.
2 a : to go together with (something) : to be included with (something)
A delicious sauce accompanied the grilled fish.
— often used as (be) accompanied
The text is accompanied by over 100 photographs and charts.
2 b : to happen or occur at the same time as or along with (something)
— usually used as (be) accompanied
Low rates of unemployment are often accompanied by high inflation.
The thunderstorm was accompanied by high winds.
3 : to play music with (someone who is singing or playing the main tune) : to perform an accompaniment for (someone)
He will be accompanying her on the piano.
accompanying adj
Call the phone number in the accompanying booklet for further information.