/ˈæktıv/ adj
1 [more ~; most ~] : doing things that require physical movement and energy
We stay/keep active during the cold winter months by skiing and ice skating.
Despite her age, she has been able to maintain her active [=busy] lifestyle.
Cats are most active [=energetic, lively] at night.
2 [more ~; most ~]
2 a : involved in the activities of a group or organization
We are active members of our church.
While many give money to the organization, only a few are active participants.
: participating in an action or activity
She was politically active as a volunteer for her state representative.
— often + in
They were active in the antiwar movement of the 1960s.
active in women's causes
2 b : involving action or participation
They take an active interest in their children's education.
He has taken/played a more active role in the production of this album.
3 : marked by regular action or use
the bank's active and inactive accounts
He became sexually active [=he began having sex] at the age of 21.
4 of a volcano : likely to explode violently or produce fire and hot liquid rock : capable of erupting
Most volcanoes on this island are still active but a few are inactive.
5 of a disease : becoming worse or continuing to have bad effects
active tuberculosis
The disease remains active throughout the patient's life.
6 : having a chemical effect especially on the body
The medicine has two active ingredients.
the active ingredient in/of marijuana
7 a US : involving service in the military as a main job
After two years of active duty [=two years of being a full-time member of the military] she entered the reserves.
She was on active duty for two years.
7 b : involving fighting in a war as a member of the military
He saw no active service [=he did not fight in any battles] during his time in the army.
He was on active service in three separate wars.
soldiers returning home from active service
8 grammar
8 a of a verb or voice : showing that the subject of a sentence is the one doing the action expressed by the verb
“Picked” in “I picked the apples” is an active verb because it shows that the subject “I” is the one who picked the apples.
“Hits” in “She hits the ball” is active, while “hit” in “The ball was hit” is passive.
◇ The active voice is a way of writing or speaking that uses active verbs.
The sentence “The birds are singing” is written in the active voice.
— compare passive
8 b of a verb : expressing action rather than describing the state of something
Words like “walk,” “sing,” and “eat” are active verbs.
In the sentence “Look at this picture,” the verb “look” is active.
ac·tive·ly adv
They participate actively in their church.
actively involved in a conversation