
  (US)   ( or Brit   an·a·lyse) /ˈænəˌlaız/  verb  , -lyz·es, -lyzed, -lyz·ing [  + obj  ]
  1 : to study (something) closely and carefully : to learn the nature and relationship of the parts of (something) by a close and careful examination
   analyze a problem
   The data was recorded and analyzed by computer.
   We took the sample to be chemically analyzed by a lab.
   Researchers are busy analyzing the results of the study.
   The bacteria were analyzed under a powerful microscope.
  2 : to study the emotions and thoughts of (someone) by using psychoanalysis : psychoanalyze
  an·a·lyz·able  (US)   ( or Brit   an·a·lys·able) /ˈænəˌlaızəbəl/  adj 

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