/ˈæsəd/ noun , pl acids
1 chemistry : a chemical with a sour taste that forms a salt when mixed with a base
[ count ] the acids in your stomach
[ noncount ] the kinds of acid found in your stomach
◇ An acid has a pH of less than 7. Very strong acids are able to burn holes in things. — compare base 6, 1,
2 [ noncount ] slang : lsd
His friend dropped acid [=took LSD] at the concert.
adj [more ~; most ~]
1 always used before a noun : of, relating to, or having the qualities of an acid
He washes his windows with an acid solution of vinegar and water.
an acid [=sour] taste
This kind of plant grows well in acid [=acidic] soil.
Their pizza gives me acid indigestion. [=a burning feeling in the stomach]
2 : sharp, strong, and critical in tone
He made some very acid [=biting, caustic] comments.
acid remarks
acid·i·ty /əˈsıdəti/ noun [ noncount ]
They measured the acidity of the soil.
the acidity [=tartness, sourness] of lemon juice
ac·id·ly adv
She acidly refers to her former husband as “that little man.”