/ıkˈsɛsəbəl/ adj [more ~; most ~]
1 : able to be reached or approached
The inn is accessible by train and bus.
The mall is accessible from the highway.
2 : able to be used or obtained
— often + to
The information should be accessible [=available] to all.
3 : easy to appreciate or understand
His writing is more accessible now than it once was. [=is more easily understood now]
It is a fascinating and accessible book.
accessible art
4 of a person : easy to speak to or deal with
You'll find that the teachers here are quite accessible.
ac·ces·si·bil·i·ty /ıkˌsɛsəˈbıləti/ noun [ noncount ]
the easy accessibility of the beach
the accessibility of her art
ac·ces·si·bly /ıkˈsɛsəbli/ adv [more ~; most ~]
He writes accessibly about complex topics.