/ˈænjəwəl/ adj
1 : happening once a year
The annual meeting is in July.
It's time for your annual [=yearly] checkup.
The company's earnings for last year are published in the annual report.
2 : covering the period of a year
We had more snow this year than the average annual amount.
The company charges an annual fee of $45.
3 always used before a noun of a plant : living for only one year or season : having a life cycle that is one year or season long
annual plants/herbs/flowers
— compare biennial, 1, perennial, 1
an·nu·al·ly adv
We meet annually [=once a year] in July.
Their earnings increase annually. [=every year]
A report of the company's earnings is published annually.
noun , pl -als [ count ]
1 : a plant that lives for only one year or season
We planted some annuals in front of the house.
— compare biennial, 2, perennial, 2
2 : a book or magazine that is published once a year