/əˈnætəmi/ noun , pl -mies
1 biology
1 a [ noncount ] : the study of the structure of living things
We had to take a class on/in anatomy.
a professor of anatomy
1 b : the parts that form a living thing (such as an animal or plant)
[ noncount ] the anatomy of birds
human anatomy and physiology
[ count ] learning about the anatomies of different types of birds
2 [ count ] informal : a person's body
— usually singular
She wore an outfit that showed off various parts of her anatomy.
3 [ noncount ] : the parts or causes that form or create something
learning about the anatomy of an earthquake
4 [ singular ] : a close study of the causes or parts of something
The book is an anatomy of life in the inner city.
an·a·tom·i·cal) /ˌænəˈtɑːmıkəɬ/ (
anatomical similarities between dinosaurs and birds
the anatomical structure of the eye
an·a·tom·i·cal·ly /ˌænəˈtɑːmıkli/ adv
anatomically correct dolls [=dolls that have body parts like those of actual people]
anat·o·mist /əˈnætəmıst/ noun , pl -mists [ count ]
a noted anatomist [=a scientist who studies anatomy]