/əˈloʊn/ adj , not used before a noun
1 a : without anyone or anything else : not involving or including anyone or anything else : separate from other people or things
I was all alone [=by myself] in the office yesterday.
This wine goes well with food, but is also very good alone.
I got him alone and asked him what had really happened.
She lived alone for many years.
She doesn't mind being alone because she never feels lonely/lonesome.
He was alone with his thoughts.
1 b : without people that you know or that usually are with you
This is the first time the couple has been out alone together since the birth of their child. [=the first time they have gone somewhere without their child]
He traveled alone [=by himself] to visit his grandparents when he was only seven.
She was nervous about being (all) alone in the city when she started her new job.
◇ If you are not alone when you do something, you are not the only person who is doing it.
She's worried about losing her job, and she's not alone. [=other people are also worried about losing their jobs]
He was not alone in calling for reform. Many people were demanding changes.
2 [more ~; most ~] : feeling unhappy because of being separated from other people
He felt very alone when he went away to school.
1 : without help from anyone or anything else
She raised six children alone. [=on her own, by herself]
The police believe the criminal acted alone.
Medication alone [=by itself] won't relieve the symptoms entirely.
2 : without another
— used for emphasis
The proof rests on one witness's statement alone.
You alone [=only you] can decide what needs to be done. [=you are the only one who can decide]
You alone are responsible. = The responsibility is yours alone.
The blame is mine and mine alone. [=I am the only one who should be blamed]
3 : without including or needing anything more
You can't rely on your looks alone [=you can't rely just on your looks]; you'll need to work very hard.
The price alone is enough to discourage people.
The special effects alone make the movie worth seeing.
go it alone
: to do something by yourself
If no one's willing to help me, I guess I'll just have to go it alone.
leave (someone or something) alone — see leave, 1
leave well enough alone — see leave, 1
let alone — see let, 1
stand alone — see stand, 1