/əˈmjuːz/ verb , amus·es, amused, amus·ing
1 : to make someone laugh or smile : to entertain (someone) in a light and pleasant way
[ + obj ] His silly jokes amused the audience. = The audience was amused by his silly jokes. [=the audience found his silly jokes funny/entertaining/amusing]
It amuses me to think of how he looked when I last saw him.
That joke doesn't amuse me. [=I don't think that joke is funny]
The loss did not amuse the coach. [=the coach was not happy about the loss]
[ no obj ] a funny story that never fails to amuse — see also amusing
2 [ + obj ] : to get the attention of (someone) in a pleasant way as time passes
We need to find something to amuse [=entertain, occupy] the children. = We need to find something to keep the children amused. [=we need to find something for the children to do so that they aren't bored]
He amused himself with a game of solitaire.
amused adj [more ~; most ~]
A faintly amused grin appeared on her face.
She looked slightly/very amused by/at his appearance.
I was amused to learn the whole story.
The coach was not amused [=was not pleased/happy] after the loss.