/əˈlaıt/ verb , alights, alight·ed, alight·ing [ no obj ]
somewhat formal
1 of insects, birds, etc. : to stop on a surface after flying
A butterfly alighted [=landed] on her hat.
2 : to step down from a boat, vehicle, etc.
A group of tourists alighted from the boat/bus/train.
alight on/upon [ phrasal verb ]
alight on/upon (something) : to see, notice, or think of (something)
Her eye/eyes alighted on a strange man in the crowd.
a speaker who easily alights upon topics that interest a wide audience
adj , not used before a noun
1 : full of light : lighted up
The sky was alight with stars.
— often used figuratively
a face alight with excitement
The children laughed, their eyes alight.
2 chiefly Brit : on fire : ablaze, afire
Enemy soldiers set the building alight.